Developing an electrical power system of a mobile electron beam accelerator to treat wastewater and industrial effluents

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The treatment of wastewater and industrial effluents by electron beam irradiation is a promising technique, however, not very widespread in Brazilian territory. The design and construction of a mobile unit by the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, containing an electron beam accelerator of 700 keV and 20 kW is innovative to demonstrate the effects and positive results of this technology. The aim is to transfer the mobile unit to several companies with interest in liquid waste treatment, connect to the industry electrical system and start the ionization treatment process through electron beam. The mobile unit connection to the local electrical system may be a challenge due to the great diversity of voltages and distances involved, as well as the large injections of harmonic content generated by the electron beam accelerator that can affect sensitive loads in the industrial system. In this work, an analysis of the electrical power system of the mobile unit was made, regarding the interruption capacity, selectivity protection and adequate short circuit levels, in order to assure a greater reliability in the operation. At the end, the control panel of the mobile unit, simulations and measurements were carried out at the 1.5 MeV and 37.5 kW electron beam accelerator, installed in the Radiation Technology Center, demonstrating the necessity of applying a filter to reduce the measured harmonic distortion. The analysis of the mobile unit electrical power system was made, in order to assure a greater reliability in the operation.

Como referenciar
GASPAR, R.R.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; SPRENGER, F.E.; FEHER, A.; DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; LAINETTI, F.F.; FUGA, D.F.; RODRIGUES, M.; CALVO, W.A.P. Developing an electrical power system of a mobile electron beam accelerator to treat wastewater and industrial effluents. In: INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON RADIATION PROCESSING, 19th, April 1-5, 2019, Strasbourg, France. Proceedings... Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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