Three-dimensional CFD modeling of H2/O2 HT-PEMFC based on H3PO4-doped PBI membranes
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A complete non-isothermal model of a HT-PEMFC setup using a PBI/ H3PO4 membrane was developed, modeled, and solved using COMSOL Multiphysics. Polarization curves were simulated and compared to the corresponding experimental data. In this work, a serpentine flow field and an active area of 5 cm2 have been implemented in a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) application. The model predicts water vapor transport, mass concentration of H3PO4, temperature, and membrane current density distribution. In this model, the anode feed is pure hydrogen, and oxygen is introduced at the cathode side. The heat transfer model was coupled with the electrochemical and mass transport; a particular heating configuration is investigated for temperature distribution, emphasizing the membrane. The models showed consistency and were used to investigate the behavior of H3PO4 concentration and all transport characteristics. The concentration of phosphoric acid decreases with increasing temperature and relative humidity and the diffusive flux of water vapor increases with the decrease of the operating voltage. Two different configurations of inlet and outlet flow channels were analyzed and the results were compared.
Como referenciar
PANESI, A.R.Q.; SILVA, R.P.; CUNHA, E.F.; KORKISCHKO, I.; SANTIAGO, E.I. Three-dimensional CFD modeling of H2/O2 HT-PEMFC based on H3PO4-doped PBI membranes. Ionics, v. 27, n. 8, p. 3461-3475, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/s11581-021-04107-9. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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