Local inspection of magnetic properties in GdMnIn by measuring hyperfine interactions

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GdMn2 is a member of a series of Laves phase containing a rare-earth element and a magnetic 3dtransition metal with very peculiar magnetic properties[1]. Doping with a non-magnetic element such as indium affects these properties[2,3]. GdMnIn is reported to crystalize in the hexagonal MgNi2-type structure presenting a spin-glass behavior with no magnetic order attributed to the triangular spin frustration of magnetic ions[3]. The observed absence of long-range interactions by magnetization measurements along with the almost impossible measurements with neutron diffraction due to the presence of Gd with very high neutron absorption cross section makes the investigation of local exchange interactions in this compound very difficult. In the present work, measurements of hyperfine interactions at In sites using 111In(111Cd) probe nuclei were carried out by perturbed angular correlations (PAC) technique to investigate the local magnetic exchange in GdMnIn compound. Results displayed in Fig. 1 for the behavior of the major component (Vzz) of the electric field gradient (efg) tensor and the distribution of electric quadrupole frequency () show a strong instability of the electronic environment of In sites when temperature decreases indicating a Mn-In disorder. The weak magnetic hyperfine field at In sites also shown in Fig.1 with an anomalous temperature dependence below around 140 K along with the increase in the angle between Bhf and Vzz directions suggest a weak long-range exchange interaction.

Como referenciar
CABRERA-PASCA, G.A.; MAGNO, J.F.; FERREIRA, W.L.; CAMPOS, A.C.; BOSCH-SANTOS, B.; SALES, T.S.N.; PEREIRA, L.F.D.; BURIMOVA, A.; SAXENA, R.N.; FREITAS, R.S.; CARBONARI, A.W. Local inspection of magnetic properties in GdMnIn by measuring hyperfine interactions. In: ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, 65th, November 2-6, 2020, Online. Abstract... Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/33052. Acesso em: 28 Feb 2025.
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