Molten salts as stripping media for radioactive superficial decontamination

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Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
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The main practical difficulty associated to the task of the dismantling and decommissioning of the IPEN’s old nuclear fuel cycle facilities has been the big amount of radioactive waste generated in the dismantling operations. The waste is mainly in the form of contaminated carbon steel structures. In the IPEN, the presence of contamination in the equipments, structures and buildings, although restricted to low and medium activity levels, constituted an important concern due, on one hand, to the great volume of radioactive wastes generated during the operations. On the other hand, it should be outstanding that the capacity of radioactive wastes stockpiling in IPEN found been exhausted. In function of the large waste volume generated in the dismantling operations, the main concerns and focuses of research and technological development in the IPEN’s Chemical and Environmental Center—CQMA have been the effluent and waste treatment subjects, besides the development of some special decontamination techniques, since most old nuclear fuel cycle facilities are installed in the CQMA’s area. The reduction of the radioactive waste volume has a significant impact in the decommissioning costs and in the amount of material to be stored. The mentioned steel structures, during the operations and after ten or twelve years after the facilities shut down, have presented severe corrosion. In the past, to protect them, several layers of paint were applied. Traditional decontamination methods were tried, such as acid pickling, alkaline washing and ultrasonic baths. Nevertheless, these methods have failed to reach effective decontamination. In this paper, we described some aspects and problems in decommissioning of IPEN’s nuclear fuel cycle facilities and it is presented an innovative method for radioactive superficial decontamination of steel structures using different molten salt compositions and temperatures as stripping media.

Como referenciar
LAINETTI, PAULO E. de O. Molten salts as stripping media for radioactive superficial decontamination. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, v. 10, n. 11, p. 674-680, 2016. DOI: 10.17265/1934-8975/2016.11.004. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 Mar 2025.
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