Evaluation of europium-doped HA/'beta'TCP ratio fluorescence in biphasic calcium phosphate nanocomposites controlled by the pH value during

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Journal of Luminescence
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Europium-doped hydroxyapatite (HA), beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and biphasic phosphate nanopowders were synthesized by co-precipitation method and their crystal structures and fluorescence properties were investigated depending on the pH of the starting solution. In the range of pH 6–10, HA and β-TCP phases coexist. The β-TCP proportion increased as the pH of the solution decreased, while HA yields decreased. At pH below 6, monophasic β-TCP powder was obtained after thermal treatment. In particular, HA and β-TCP can be used as luminescent materials when activated by Eu3þ ions in substitution of Ca2þ ions. Herein, the Eu3þ ions doped HA and β-TCP phase composition were analyzed in order to investigate the fluorescence emission of the HA, β-TCP and biphasic compounds. Eu-doped HA exhibited a red-orange emission at 575 nm with several minor peaks at 610–640 nm, while Eu-doped β- TCP had an unexpected strong red emission at 610–620 nm and a secondary band at 590–600 nm. In fact, the Eu:β-TCP integrated emission area is almost 20-fold higher than Eu:HA for the same europium ion concentration. These results demonstrate the potential of Eu:β-TCP as biomarker for medical applications, as drug release and targeting based on their luminescent properties

Como referenciar
SILVA, FLAVIA R.O.; LIMA, NELSON B.; GUILHEN, SABINE N.; COURROL, LILIA C.; BRESSIANI, ANA H.A. Evaluation of europium-doped HA/'beta'TCP ratio fluorescence in biphasic calcium phosphate nanocomposites controlled by the pH value during. Journal of Luminescence, v. 180, p. 177-182, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2016.08.030. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/26769. Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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