Concentration attenuation model to assess arsenic, antimony, chromium, selenium and zinc mobility in sediments from Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro
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This study proposes a new geostatistical approach for the determination of the mobility of As,
Cr, Sb, Se and Zn in sediments based on spatial distribution. The sediment samples were
collected from the Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Sepetiba region plays an
important role to the economy of Brazil, due to its metallurgical industries and of the Itaguai
Harbor. This bay is an example of an aquatic system that has been suffering from severe
impact by human occupation and industrial activity in its basin. Total concentrations were
determined by using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis. The results obtained showed
that As, Cr and Se presented higher concentrations close to the Itacuruçá Island (northwest), a
region where tourism and small shipyard activities are important. Sb presented a
homogeneous distribution along the entire bay. Zn, on the other hand, presented higher
concentrations in the northeastern area, close to the mouth of Guandu and Canal de São
Francisco rivers, responsible for 95% of the input of fluvial water in the bay. These rivers
receive industrial wastes from the industrial park, at about 3 km from the coast. The
geostatistical approach (concentration attenuation model) showed that the highest attenuation
values for the elements studied are at the same sites where the highest total concentrations
were observed. This indicates low mobility of these elements in the Sepetiba bay.
Como referenciar
RIBEIRO, A.P.; FIGUEIREDO, A.M.G.; SANTOS, J.O.; WASSERMAN, J.C. Concentration attenuation model to assess arsenic, antimony, chromium, selenium and zinc mobility in sediments from Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR ANALYTICAL METHODS IN THE LIFE SCIENCES, 9th, September 7-12, 2008, Lisbon, Portugal. Abstract... p. A185. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 Mar 2025.
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