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Resumo IPEN-doc 23692 Preparation of luminescent RE2-xEux(MoO4)3 (RE=Y and La) amino-functionalized silica nanoparticles for biological applications2016 - FELINTO, M.C.F.C.; DIAS, C.L.; GARCIA, V.; NAKAMURA, L.K.O.; BARBOSA, H.P.; RODRIGUES, L.C.; BRITO, H.F.; MALTA, O.M.L.; TEOTONIO, E.E.S.Nanomaterials are used in many areas of biological research Nanoparticles can be used as active components in various functional materials and devices of interest for bio-applications. Nanoparticles have long been signaled as a potential revolution in the way we probe and interact with biological materials and organisms. This is because they are small enough to interact with their environment at a molecular level, but strong enough to maintain useful properties such as luminescence over extended periods. However, the physical properties of the host materials with nanometer dimensions may differ markedly from those of their bulk counterparts due to the particle size-dependent influences such as structure disordering and surface defects. The development of materials incorporated in the silica has been studied since these materials exhibit intrinsic luminescent properties of the inorganic part and characteristics of the silica matrix. In the present work RE2-xEux(MoO4)3 compounds incorporated into silica particles were prepared using a microwave synthesis procedure. Then, the material was dispersed in ethyl alcohol and functionalized with APTES: 3-aminopropyltriethoxisilane. The emission spectra show broad bands when compared with the emission spectra of the own rare earth compound. The narrow lines are assigned to 5D07F0-4 transitions. Emission spectrum of the RE2-xEux(MoO4)3 @ Si dispersion showed an enlargement of the bands. It is also observed the broadened peak of the 5D07FJ transitions in the luminescent aminofunctionalized silica particles as compared with the core compound spectrum. These materials were conjugated to anti-PSA antibody and presented high efficient performance in detect PSA from the blood serum. They can concluded that particles are potential candidates for development of the bioassays acting as a biomarker.Resumo IPEN-doc 19772 TL response of nanocristallyne BaSOsub(4) doped with different concentrations of Eu and Dy2013 - NEVES, LUCIO P.; GAIOLO, EDSON; TEIXEIRA, MARIA I.; PERINI, ANA P.; GARCIA, VITOR F.; FELINTO, MARIA C.F.C.; CALDAS, LINDA V.E.Resumo IPEN-doc 19767 Study of different concentration and synthesis processes of nanocristallyne Eu and Dy doped BaSOsub(4) and their responses on optically stimulated luminescence2013 - PERINI, ANA P.; GAIOLO, EDSON; TEIXEIRA, MARIA I.; NEVES, LUCIO P.; GARCIA, VITOR F.; FELINTO, MARIA C.F.C.; CALDAS, LINDA V.E.Artigo IPEN-doc 19477 Monten salt oxidation as technique for decommissioning-selection of flow melting point salt mixtures2013 - LAINETTI, PAULO E.O.; GARCIA, VITOR F.; BENVEGNU, GUILHERME