Projetos de Pesquisa
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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 10440
    Assessing antioxidant activity of some varieties of gamma-irradiated brazilian soybean by ESR
    2004 - OLIVEIRA, M.R.R.; DEL MASTRO, N.L.
    Soybean production and utilization as food has increased during the last decades. The protein and oil contents are high in quantity and quality. Soy is natural source of flavonoids - biologically active components that are thought to possess antioxidant effects in vivo and in vitro systems. Alongside traditional methods of processing and preserving food, the technology of food irradiation, is gaining more and more attention around the world. This study was undertaken to investigate by means of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) the stability of free radicals generated by radiation processing on three different soybean cultivars. The soybean cultivars investigated were gamma-irradiated with doses of 0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0kGy. Both irradiation and EPR measurements were performed at room temperature. The EPR signal intensity correlated well with the ionizing radiation dose. EPR spectra were recorded 16h, 11 days and 40 days after irradiation. The results showed that the EPR signal intensities remained almost constant up to 40 days after irradiation for all the varieties assayed. Further experiments are required in order to identify the species responsible for the EPR peaks and the proper antioxidant capability of these soybean cultivars against the radiation-induced oxidative shock.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 15141
    The effects gamma irradiation on soybean isoflavones
  • Tese IPEN-doc 14043
    Avaliacao por RPE de componentes com potencial antioxidante de variedades de soja irradiadas com sup(60)CO
    2009 - OLIVEIRA, MARCOS R.R. de
    Com uma área plantada de cerca de 21 milhões de hectares, e uma produção anual de 60 milhões de toneladas em 2008, o Brasil é hoje o segundo maior produtor de soja no mundo, com pouco mais de um quarto da produção mundial. A presença de flavonóides, em particular isoflavonas em produtos de soja, tem sido relatada como importante para a saúde humana. Foi sugerido também que esses compostos estariam envolvidos na proteção contra a radiação UV de componentes celulares vitais das plantas. A espectroscopia por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) pode medir radicais livres resultantes do processo de irradiação. A RPE tem sido empregada com sucesso na detecção de certos produtos comestíveis irradiados. Ao todo vinte e uma cultivares brasileiras de soja, provenientes de duas safras, tratadas por radiação gama de 60Co foram estudadas através de RPE. Foi calculada a correlação entre os teores parciais e totais de isoflavonas e a intensidade do pico central observado nos espectros de RPE (fator g = 2,0039). Não houve correlação entre o sinal e os teores totais de isoflavonas, mas observou-se correlações negativas com gliciteína e acetil-daidzina. Mesmo após 7 meses da irradiação, a intensidade do sinal central de RPE manteve-se a ponto de poder identificar amostras irradiadas. Espectros com partes da soja, particularmente o hilo e a casca, mostraram-se mais eficientes do que aqueles com o grão todo para serem utilizados na identificação de soja irradiada. A radiação não alterou de modo significativo os teores totais de isoflavonas, embora haja indícios de que alguma conversão da forma glicosilada para a aglicona tenha ocorrido.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 12737
    Electron paramagnetic resonance study of some varieties of gamma-irradiated soybean
    2007 - OLIVEIRA, MARCOS R.R. de; MASTRO, NELIDA L. del
    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to investigate free radicals formed in gamma irradiated Brazilian soybean (Glycine max) cultivars. The beans were irradiated by a 60Co source with doses ranging from 1 to 15 kGy. Before irradiation, the representative soybean EPR spectrum is composed of a sextet centered at 𝑔 = 2.0 and a sharp singlet at the same 𝑔 -value. The stability of the EPR signal of 10 kGy-irradiated samples was followed for over 7 months after irradiation. The results were compared with non-irradiated samples and showed a good possibility of detection of previous radiation treatment for higher doses. It was also analyzed the contribution to the EPR signal of different parts of the bean showing a prominent signal coming from the hilum.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 17863
    Radiation-induced electron paramagnetic resonance signal and soybean isoflavones content