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Artigo IPEN-doc 23509 Decommissioning of uranium pilot plants at IPEN-CNEN/SP: facilities dismantling, decontamination and reuse as new laboratories for strategic programs2016 - LAINETTI, PAULO E. de O.; FREITAS, ANTONIO A. de; VASQUES, FRANCISCO M.F.; FERREIRA, ROBSON de J.; COTRIM, MARYCEL E.B.; PIRES, MARIA A.F.From beginning of 90’s, the Brazilian nuclear policy has been changed radically. This determined the interruption of most R&D fuel cycle activities and the facilities shutdown at Nuclear and Energetic Research Institute (IPEN). The existence of those facilities also implicated in the need of constant surveillance, representing additional obligations, costs and problems. The reasons to promote the dismantling of the IPEN’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Pilot Plants elapsed mainly from the need of physical space for new activities, since the R&D in the nuclear fuel cycle area were interrupted. In the last decade, IPEN has changed its “nuclear profile” to a “comprehensive and multidisciplinary profile”. With the end of most nuclear fuel cycle activities, the former facilities were distributed in four different centers. Each center has adopted a different strategy and priority to face the D&D problem. The available resources depend on the specific program in each area’s development (resources available from other sources, not only from Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN). One of those new activities is the IPEN’s Environmental Program. This paper describes the procedures, problems faced and results related to the reintegration of the former pilot plant areas as new laboratories of the Chemical and Environmental Technology CenterCQMA of the IPEN.Artigo IPEN-doc 23510 Molten salts as stripping media for radioactive superficial decontamination2016 - LAINETTI, PAULO E. de O.The main practical difficulty associated to the task of the dismantling and decommissioning of the IPEN’s old nuclear fuel cycle facilities has been the big amount of radioactive waste generated in the dismantling operations. The waste is mainly in the form of contaminated carbon steel structures. In the IPEN, the presence of contamination in the equipments, structures and buildings, although restricted to low and medium activity levels, constituted an important concern due, on one hand, to the great volume of radioactive wastes generated during the operations. On the other hand, it should be outstanding that the capacity of radioactive wastes stockpiling in IPEN found been exhausted. In function of the large waste volume generated in the dismantling operations, the main concerns and focuses of research and technological development in the IPEN’s Chemical and Environmental Center—CQMA have been the effluent and waste treatment subjects, besides the development of some special decontamination techniques, since most old nuclear fuel cycle facilities are installed in the CQMA’s area. The reduction of the radioactive waste volume has a significant impact in the decommissioning costs and in the amount of material to be stored. The mentioned steel structures, during the operations and after ten or twelve years after the facilities shut down, have presented severe corrosion. In the past, to protect them, several layers of paint were applied. Traditional decontamination methods were tried, such as acid pickling, alkaline washing and ultrasonic baths. Nevertheless, these methods have failed to reach effective decontamination. In this paper, we described some aspects and problems in decommissioning of IPEN’s nuclear fuel cycle facilities and it is presented an innovative method for radioactive superficial decontamination of steel structures using different molten salt compositions and temperatures as stripping media.Artigo IPEN-doc 23505 Cutting techniques for facilities dismantling in decommissioning projects2016 - LAINETTI, PAULO E.O.Fuel cycle related activities were accomplished in IPEN-CNEN/SP in laboratory and pilot plant scale and most facilities were built in the 70-80 years. Nevertheless, radical changes of the Brazilian nuclear policy in the beginning of 90’s determined the interruption of several fuel cycle activities and facilities shutdown. Some laboratory and pilot plant decommissioning activities have been performed in IPEN in the last years. During the operational activities in the decommissioning of old nuclear fuel cycle facilities, the personnel involved in the task had to face several problems. In old facilities, the need of large components dismantling and material removal use to present some difficulties, such as lack of available and near electricity supply. Besides this, the spread out of the superficial contamination in the form of dust or aerosols and the exposure of workers should be as much as possible avoided. Then, the selection and availability of suitable tools for the task, mainly those employed for cutting and segmentation of different materials is of significant importance. Slight hand tools, mainly those powered by rechargeable batteries, facilitate the work, especially in areas where the access is difficult. Based on the experience in the dismantling of some old nuclear facilities of IPEN-CNEN/SP, some tools that would have facilitated the operations were identified and their availability could have improved the quality and efficiency of different individual tasks. In this paper, different cutting problems and techniques, as well as some available commercial hand tools, are presented as suggestion for future activities.Capítulo IPEN-doc 13901 Decommissioning of nuclear fuel cycle facilities in the IPEN-CNEN/SP2008 - LAINETTI, P.E. de O.; FREITAS, A.A. de; MINDRISZ, A.C.; CAMILO, R.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 13964 Decommissioning of nuclear fuel cycle facilities in the IPEN-CNEN/SP2007 - LAINETTI, P.E.O.Artigo IPEN-doc 13603 Artigo IPEN-doc 13602 Artigo IPEN-doc 13601 Desmantelamento e descomissionamento de instalacoes nucleares no Brasil2008 - LAINETTI, P.E. de O.Artigo IPEN-doc 15590 Molten Salts as stripping media for radioactive superficial decontamination2010 - LAINETTI, PAULO E. de O.Artigo IPEN-doc 15591 Decommissiong aspects in the design phase of the brazilian multipurpose reactor - RMB2010 - LAINETTI, PAULO E. de O.