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Resumo IPEN-doc 29549 Electron beam processing to improve biodegradable polymers and for industrial wastewater treatment and recycling2022 - CALVO, W.A.P.; MUNHOZ, P.M.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; DUARTE, C.L.; SPRENGER, F.E.; FEHER, A.; LAINETTI, F.F.; GASPAR, R.R.; NASCIMENTO, F.C.; SILVA, L.G.A.; HARADA, J.; BRAGA, A.; RODRIGUES, M.; SAMPA, M.H.O.Radiation technology has been used to control environmental pollution. The aim of these studies was to apply the electron beam radiation technology for controlling plastic pollution and environmental protection.Resumo IPEN-doc 29483 Development and construction of a mobile electron beam accelerator to treat and recycle industrial effluents in Brazil2022 - CALVO, WILSON A.P.; SOMESSARI, SAMIR L.; DUARTE, CELINA L.; SPRENGER, FRANCISCO E.; FEHER, ANSELMO; LAINETTI, FABIANA de F.; GASPER, RENATO R.; BRAGA, ALCIDES; RODRIGUES, MARCOS; SAMPA, MARIA H.O.In the world, there is a growing increase in the demand for water for human consumption, as well as the prioritization of the use of available water resources for public supply. The treatment of wastewater and industrial effluents by electron beam irradiation is a promising technique, however, not very widespread in Brazilian territory. The design and construction of a mobile unit by the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN/CNEN), containing an electron beam accelerator of 0.7 MeV, 20 kW and 640 mm window is innovative to demonstrate the effects and positive results of this technology. The mobile unit will have as one of its main advantages the possibility of treating effluents in the place where the source is located, eliminating costs and bureaucratic problems associated with the transportation of waste, besides publicizing the technology in several places in the country. To implement the project, IPEN/CNEN has been consolidating partnerships with national and international companies. The resources for the development of the unit have been supplied by the Brazilian Innovation Agency (FINEP) and International Atomic Energy Agency, financing the “IAEA TC Project BRA1035 - Mobile electron beam accelerator to treat and recycle industrial effluents”. The Institute has associated with a specialized company (Truckvan Industry) in an innovation project for the unit design and development. Several meetings have been realized with the company and the International Atomic Energy Agency experts, aiming the compatibility of the design and the exchange of information necessary for the project development. The idealized project divides the cart in the following modules: a) control room and laboratory for technical and scientific dissemination of the technology; b) industrial electron beam accelerator, hydraulic units, ventilation system, cooler and bunker with irradiation device; and c) transformer and power source supply. A 3D model study of the control room and laboratory space was done to facilitate understanding the internal distribution of the laboratory analysis equipment (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry, Total Organic Carbon and UV-Visible Spectroscopy). The irradiation system with electron accelerators allows treating different types of effluents. Depending on the effluent, the amount of ionizing radiation energy required for treatment may vary, as well as the amount of treated effluent per day. For the construction of the mobile unit, the estimated cost is about US$ 1.5 Million. The type of treated effluent, the treatment cost per m3/day and other information regarding the cost of maintenance and operation of the mobile unit are obtained from the Business Plan of the Mobile Unit.Artigo IPEN-doc 28327 Developing an electrical power system of a mobile electron beam accelerator to treat wastewater and industrial effluents2021 - GASPER, RENATO R.; SOMESSARI, SAMIR L.; SPRENGER, FRANCISCO E.; FEHER, ANSELMO; DUARTE, CELINA L.; SAMPA, MARIA H. de O.; LAINETTI, FABIANA de F.; BRAGA, ALCIDES; RODRIGUES, MARCOS de M.; CALVO, WILSON A.P.The treatment of wastewater and industrial effluents by electron beam irradiation is a promising technique, however, not very widespread in Brazilian territory. The design and construction of a mobile unit by the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, containing an electron beam accelerator of 700 keV and 20 kW is innovative to demonstrate the effects and positive results of this technology. The aim is to transfer the mobile unit to several companies with interest in liquid waste treatment, connect to the industry electrical system and start the ionization treatment process through electron beam. The mobile unit connection to the local electrical system may be a challenge due to the great diversity of voltages and distances involved, as well as the large injections of harmonic content generated by the electron beam accelerator that can affect sensitive loads in the industrial system. In this work, an analysis of the electrical power system of the mobile unit was made, regarding the interruption capacity, selectivity protection and adequate short circuit levels, in order to assure a greater reliability in the operation. At the end, the control panel of the mobile unit, simulations and measurements were carried out at the 1.5 MeV and 37.5 kW electron beam accelerator, installed in the Radiation Technology Center, demonstrating the necessity of applying a filter to reduce the measured harmonic distortion. The analysis of the mobile unit electrical power system was made, in order to assure a greater reliability in the operation.Artigo IPEN-doc 27970 Developing an electrical power system of a mobile electron beam accelerator to treat wastewater and industrial effluents2019 - GASPAR, R.R.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; SPRENGER, F.E.; FEHER, A.; DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; LAINETTI, F.F.; FUGA, D.F.; RODRIGUES, M.; CALVO, W.A.P.The treatment of wastewater and industrial effluents by electron beam irradiation is a promising technique, however, not very widespread in Brazilian territory. The design and construction of a mobile unit by the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, containing an electron beam accelerator of 700 keV and 20 kW is innovative to demonstrate the effects and positive results of this technology. The aim is to transfer the mobile unit to several companies with interest in liquid waste treatment, connect to the industry electrical system and start the ionization treatment process through electron beam. The mobile unit connection to the local electrical system may be a challenge due to the great diversity of voltages and distances involved, as well as the large injections of harmonic content generated by the electron beam accelerator that can affect sensitive loads in the industrial system. In this work, an analysis of the electrical power system of the mobile unit was made, regarding the interruption capacity, selectivity protection and adequate short circuit levels, in order to assure a greater reliability in the operation. At the end, the control panel of the mobile unit, simulations and measurements were carried out at the 1.5 MeV and 37.5 kW electron beam accelerator, installed in the Radiation Technology Center, demonstrating the necessity of applying a filter to reduce the measured harmonic distortion. The analysis of the mobile unit electrical power system was made, in order to assure a greater reliability in the operation.Artigo IPEN-doc 27969 Architectural design of a mobile irradiation unit for the treatment of industrial effluents in Brazil2019 - LAINETTI, F.F.; DUARTE, C.L.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; SPRENGER, F.E.; FEHER, A.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; GASPAR, R.R.; FUGA, D.; RODRIGUES, M.; CALVO, W.A.P.The Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP) decided to develop and build a mobile beam irradiation unit for the treatment of industrial effluents. The mobile unit will have as one of its main advantages the possibility of treating effluents in the place where the source is located, eliminating costs and bureaucratic problems associated with the transportation of waste, besides publicizing the technology in several places in Brazil. To implement the project, IPEN-CNEN/SP has been consolidating partnerships with national and international companies. The resources for the development of the unit have been supplied by the Brazilian Innovation Agency (FINEP) and International Atomic Energy Agency, financing the IAEA TC Project BRA1035 – Mobile electron beam accelerator to treat and recycle industrial effluents. The Institute hired a specialized company (Truckvan Industry) for the unit design and development. Several meetings have been realized with the company and the IAEA experts aiming the compatibility of the design and the exchange of information necessary for the project development. Regarding the mobile lab, several layout options have been developed to better meet the needs of each device and its users. The layout has been discussed with the objective of facilitating the maintenance of the equipment; the well-being and ergonomics of operators; optimization of spacing and also to make compatible the need for the presence of equipment and space for operators. Thus, several studies have been prepared to allow the discussion between the areas involved and to optimize the project, as well as the visualization of the spaces available. In this paper is presented the approach adopted for the architectural design of a mobile irradiation unit in Brazil.Artigo IPEN-doc 26296 Development of a mobile unit with an electron beam accelerator (20 kw and 700 keV)2019 - SOMESSARI, SAMIR L.; FEHER, ANSELMO; SPRENGER, FRANCISCO E.; DUARTE, CELINA L.; SAMPA, MARIA H. de O.; OMI, NELSON M.; GASPER, RENATO R.; LAINETTI, FABIANA; FUGA, DANILO F.; RODRIGUES, MARCOS; CALVO, WILSON A.P.The purpose of the present study is therefore to install an electron beam accelerator (20 kW and 700 keV) in a mobile unit to treat effluent from petroleum production, for petroleum desulfurization and, in addition, for degradation of toxic organic compounds in wastewater for reusein, in partnerships with private and public institutions. Several technical aspects were considered in this installation, such as following the national transport legislation and the safety requirements (BSS, IAEA and CNEN Safety Standards). Technical characteristics of the electron beam accelerator (EBA) are energy of 700 keV and 28.5 mA of beam current, with 60 cm scan length. The installation of the EBA includes the developing and manufacturing a radiological shield. In several points of the mobile unit, GM type radiation sensors will be installed for radiological monitoring during irradiation processing, interlocked with the accelerator’s safe operating system. For the design of a vacuum system with mechanical pumps, ion pump and sensors, the following procedures will be carried out: a) design of an optimized system of the mobile unit power supply; b) development of a cooling system with deionized water and pressurized air for the cooling of the EBA systems in the scan horn, high voltage generator, control panel, vacuum system, among other peripherals; c) installation of the fan to cool the thin titanium window; d) installation of an ozone filter in the exhaust system to remove gas generated during irradiation; e) project of a mechanical structural reinforcement of the trailer was studied, improved and executed. In the mobile unit, a space was created for an analysis laboratory to monitor the wastewater before and after irradiation, establishing parameters in the quality control of the irradiated material.Resumo IPEN-doc 26071 Desenvolvimento de procedimentos e metodos de monitoração individual e de área em uma unidade móvel de irradiação por feixe de elétrons2019 - SILVA, T.M.; KODAMA, Y.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; OMI, N.M.; NORMANTON, K.A.F.; VASQUES, F.M.F.; DUARTE, C.L.; SAMPA, M.H.O.; CALVO, W.A.P.Resumo IPEN-doc 23058 Multipurpose gamma-irradiator and mobile unit with an electron beam accelerator developed in Brazil2017 - CALVO, W.A.P.; DUARTE, C.L.; SOMESSARI, S.L.; SPRENGER, F.E.; COSTA, F.E.; FEHER, A.; SALVADOR, P.A.V.; OMI, N.M.; SILVA, L.G.A.; LAINETTI, F.F.; RELA, P.R.; SAMPA, M.H.O.Radiation processing technology for industrial and environmental applications has been developed and used worldwide in the fields of water treatment, advanced materials, nanotechnology, medicine, tissue engineering, disinfestations and disinfection of books and documents, processes and industrial production and natural resources, among others. The Radiation Technology Centre (RTC) of the Nuclear Energy Research Institute (IPEN), of CNEN, Brazil, developed a small size continuous run and multipurpose industrial - irradiator with a revolutionary design and national technology to be used as a demonstration facility for manufacturers and contract service companies that need economical and logistical in-house irradiation system alternatives. It will be useful for supporting the local scientific community for product and process development using -radiation, assisting the traditional and potential users on process validation, and for training and qualification of operators and radioprotection officers. The technology developed for this facility consists of a continuous tote box transport system comprising a single concrete vault, where the automated transport system of products in and out of the irradiator utilizes a revolving door integrated with the shielding, avoiding the traditional maze configuration. Covering 76 m2 of floor area, the irradiator design is product overlap sources with a maximum 60Co capacity of 37 PBq (tote boxes, Category IV, wet storage). The performed qualification programme of this multipurpose irradiator was based on AAMI/ISO 11137 standard. The irradiator currently holds 7:4 PBq (200 kCi) of 60Co. For irradiator dose optimization, the source distribution was done using the Cadgamma software. The poly-methylmetacrylate (PMMA) dosimeter system was used for irradiator dose mapping. The economic analysis and performance, concerning to the dose uniformity and 60Co utilization efficiency were calculated and compared with other commercial irradiators available in the market. The RTC is involved in establishing a mobile electron beam accelerator unit to treat industrial effluents for reuse purposes. The mobile unit will be equipped with an electron beam accelerator (0:7 MeV, 20 kW) with safety requirements (BSS, IAEA and CNEN Safety Standards), and can be used for effluent treatment from petroleum production, for petroleum desulfurization, and, in addition, for degradation of toxic organic compounds in wastewater for reuse. This project is supported by the IAEA (TC Project BRA1035, 2016–2018) and by the Brazilian Financial of Studies and Project (FINEP). To enlarge the national capacity to treat industrial effluents using electron beam accelerators, the mobile unit treating effluents on site from 1 m3/h up to 1000 m3/day, will provide an effective facility between a laboratory-scale plant to a large-scale plant, with the objective to demonstrate its efficacy and to transfer the technology. Studies have taken place in various productive sectors in the country and in other foreign laboratories to prove that radiation treatment offers technological and economic benefits over conventional techniques for treating recalcitrant pollutants.