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Artigo IPEN-doc 27589 Antimicrobial activity and physicochemical performance of a modified endodontic sealer2020 - GONCALVES, FLAVIA; CAMPOS, LUIZA M. de P.; SANCHES, LUCIANA K.F.; SILVA, LARISSA T.S.; SANTOS, TAMIRIS M.R. dos; VARCA, GUSTAVO H.C.; LOPES, DIANA P.; COGO-MULLER, KARINA; PARRA, DUCLERC F.; BRAGA, ROBERTO R.; SANTOS, MARCELO dos; BOARO, LETICIA C.C.Introduction: this study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial and physicochemical properties of a commercial endodontic sealer modified by the addition of montmorillonite (MMT) nanoparticles loaded with two different drugs: chlorhexidine (CHX) or metronidazole (MET). Methods: 5 wt% MMT/CHX or MMT/MET nanoparticles were added to the sealer AH-Plus. The experimental materials were evaluated for drug release, antimicrobial activity, flow, flexural strength, and flexural modulus. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: The drug incorporation into MMT particles was 9% and 10% for CHX and MET, respectively. At 20 days after manipulation, 16.5% of the drug was released by the sealer with MMT/MET and 0.4% by MMT/CHX. The addition of both nanoparticles decreased the flow of materials, but they were still in compliance with ISO 6876-2012. The conversion, flexural strength, and flexural modulus of MMT/MET (87%, 37±7 MPa, 2.3 GPa) and MMT/CHX (78%, 29±2 MPa, 2.7 GPa) were similar in both groups but lower than in the control group (100%, 54±7 MPa, 4.0±0.7 GPa). Both experimental materials were able to form an inhibition halo for E. faecalis bacteria (CHX: 4.8±1.4 and MET: 4.0±1.6 mm), whereas the control group did not inhibit the microorganism. Conclusion: both formulations proposed as endodontic sealer presented effective antimicrobial activity and acceptable flow. The addition of MMT/CHX and MMT/MET particles decreased the conversion and mechanical properties, but further studies are required to clarify the clinical relevance of these properties.Artigo IPEN-doc 25707 Antibacterial resin-based composite containing chlorhexidine for dental applications2019 - BOARO, LETICIA C.C.; CAMPOS, LUIZA M.; VARCA, GUSTAVO H.C.; SANTOS, TAMIRIS M.R. dos; MARQUES, PAMELA A.; SUGII, MARI M.; SALDANHA, NATHALIA R.; COGO-MULLER, KARINA; BRANDT, WILLIAM C.; BRAGA, ROBERTO R.; PARRA, DUCLERC F.Objeticve. The aim of this study was to develop a composite material with antibacterial activ-ity using MMT loaded with clorhexidine (CHX). For that it was used a BisGMA/TEGDMAmatrix and added low concentration of MMT/CHX. The aim was to evaluate the drug releasecapacity of MMT, and not to provide reinforcement.Methods. Six experimental composites were made with organic matrix of BisGMA/TEGDMAin equal proportions by weight. The composites received organophlizated montmorillonitewith or without CHX. The concentrations were 2,5; 5 or 10% by weight. Degree of conversion(DC) was evaluated using FTIR (peak 6165 cm-1; n = 5). Specimens for flexural properties(10×2×1 mm) were immediate tested (24h). Elastic modulus(E) and flexural strength (FS)was measured using the three point bending test (n = 10). Inibition halo was used to test theantibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Porphyromonasgingivalis (n = 5 for each bacteria). The inhibition of biofilm formation (BF) was evaluated byinserting polymerized disc of composite in to a culture media colonized with Streptococcusmutans (n = 10). The release of CHX was measured using ultraviolet (255 nm) for 10 days(n = 5). The data of degree of conversion was analysed using Kruskal–Wallis/ Mann–Whitney,and the other variables using two-way ANOVA/Tukey, always considering a global level ofsignificance of 5%.Results. DC ranged from 71% to 74%. E ranged from 5.7 to 8.1 GPa. FS ranged from 61.4 to74.7 MPa. There were no statistical differences among the groups for all the variables. Forthe three bacteria tested the composites with CHX loaded presented inhibition of growthfor all concentration, except for 2,5% that did not inihibited the growth of P. gingivalis. BFwas lower for the groups with 10% MMT/CHX, all groups presented BF, even those withoutCHX loaded. All concentrations presented release off CHX during all the 28 days analyzed. Conclusions. Within the limitation of this study it can be concluded that: all concentrations tested presented release of CHX and reduced BF. All concentration presented antibacterial activity for the three bacteria tested, except for 2,5% that did not inhibit the growth of P. gingivalis. The presence of MMT with CHX loaded did not interfere in the properties evaluated.Artigo IPEN-doc 23993 Chlorhexidine loaded MMT as dental composite filler: release evaluation2013 - CAMPOS, LUIZA; BOARO, LETICIA; SANTOS, TAMIRIS; SANTOS, VINICIUS; VARCA, GUSTAVO; PARRA, DUCLERCPolymeric restorative materials are widely used, however polymerization shrinkage still stands as a major drawback as it allows microleakage, secondary caries, postoperative sensitivity and cusp deflection. A polymeric material with antimicrobial activity could be very useful in many dental procedures including adhesive cementation, sealants, dental adhesives and direct restorative material. The aim of this study was to develop nanocomposites for dental purposes composed by chlorhexidine loaded montmorillonite (Cloisite 30B) nanoparticles in a BisGMA / TEGDMA organic matrix. The specimens of experimental composites were synthesized with 10 % (w/w) of diacetate chlorhexidine incorporated in a MMT, as filler. The chlorhexidine release at 37 oC was evaluated in vitro in physiological solution at neutral pH for 366 hours. Drug content was estimated by UV spectroscopy at λ=255 nm. Significant drug release initiated after 96 hours and maintained throughout the experiment. In conclusion, the composite was capable of promoting chlorhexidine release over time, and such results in addition to the lack of significant weight loss (≤ 1.43 %) and the very low swelling (≤ 2.22 %) properties, revealed the strong potential of the developed composite for further dental and other biomaterial applications.Artigo IPEN-doc 22776 Avaliação da contração de polimerização de compósitos dentários experimentais a base de BISGMA/TEGDMA, adicionados com nanopartículas de montmorilonita2014 - CAMPOS, L.M.P.; SANTOS, L.K.G.; PARRA, D.F.; LUGAO, A.B.Esse trabalho investigou a contração de polimerização de compósitos experimentais (a base de BisGMA/TEGDMA) adicionados com nanopartículas de argila MMT Cloisite® 10A. Utilizou-se compósitos experimentais adicionados com sílica silanizada Aerosil® OX-50 como controle. Seis grupos de compósitos experimentais contendo 50, 60 e 70% de carga em massa foram investigados, sendo três grupos adicionados com MMT e três grupos adicionados com sílica silanizada. A caracterização dos compósitos experimentais foi realizada pelas seguintes análises: Análise Térmica-Mecânica (TMA); Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC); Micro Dureza Knoop (MDK); Difração de Raio-X (DRX). A contração de polimerização variou de acordo com a concentração e o tipo de carga. Os compósitos experimentais adicionados com MMT apresentaram valores de contração entre 2,77 e 0,17% e os grupos adicionados com sílica silanizada apresentaram valores de contração entre 2,73 e 0,59%. Os valores de microdureza variaram entre 18 e 20 nos grupos de compósitos experimentais adicionados com MMT e entre 11 e 15 nos grupos controle adicionados com sílica silanizada. Por meio da Difração de Raio-X observou-se o fenómeno de intercalação da nanopartícula MMT na matriz polimérica e isso poderia justificar o melhor desempenho apresentado (menor contração de polimerização e maior valor de microdureza) em comparação aos grupos controle.Artigo IPEN-doc 22624 Chlorhexidine loaded MMT as dental composite filler: release evaluation2016 - CAMPOS, LUIZA M.; BOARO, LETICIA C.; SANTOS, TAMIRIS R.; SANTOS, VINICIUS J.; VARCA, GUSTAVO C.; PARRA, DUCLERC F.Polymeric restorative materials are widely used, however polymerization shrinkage still stands as a major drawback as it allows microleakage, secondary caries, postoperative sensitivity and cusp deflection. A polymeric material with antimicrobial activity could be very useful in many dental procedures including adhesive cementation, sealants, dental adhesives and direct restorative material. The aim of this study was to develop nanocomposites for dental purposes composed by chlorhexidine loaded montmorillonite (Cloisite 30B) nanoparticles in a BisGMA / TEGDMA organic matrix. The specimens of experimental composites were synthesized with 10 % (w/w) of diacetate chlorhexidine incorporated in a MMT, as filler. The chlorhexidine release at 37 oC was evaluated in vitro in physiological solution at neutral pH for 366 hours. Drug content was estimated by UV spectroscopy at λ=255 nm. Significant drug release initiated after 96 hours and maintained throughout the experiment. In conclusion, the composite was capable of promoting chlorhexidine release over time, and such results in addition to the lack of significant weight loss (≤ 1.43 %) and the very low swelling (≤ 2.22 %) properties, revealed the strong potential of the developed composite for further dental and other biomaterial applications.Artigo IPEN-doc 22345 Effect of MMT nanoparticle clay on flexural properties of polymer based Bis GMA / TEG DMA resin2016 - PARRA, DUCLERC; CAMPOS, LUIZA; BOARO, LETICIA; FERREIRA, HENRIQUE; LUGAO, ADEMAR; RANGARI, VIJAYA