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Artigo IPEN-doc 25113 Optimization of the HgI2 Crystal preparation for application as a radiation semiconductor detector2018 - MARTINS, JOAO F.T.; SANTOS, ROBINSON A. dos; FERRAZ, CAUE de M.; OLIVEIRA, RENE R.; FIEDERLE, MICHAEL; AMADEU, RAFAEL de A.; SANTOS, RODRIGO S. dos; SILVA, THIAGO L.B. da; HAMADA, MARGARIDA M.The effect of HgI2 crystal encapsulation using different polymer resins, with the intent of avoiding the oxidation of the crystal surface, was evaluated in this work. The crystal was purified and grown by the physical vapor transport (PVT) technique modified. Systematic measurements were carried out for evaluating the stoichiometry, structure orientation, surface morphology and impurity of the crystal grown. The purer region of the crystal grown was selected to be prepared as a radiation detector, applying water-based conductive ink contacts and copper wire on the crystal surfaces. After that, the crystal was encapsulated with a polymeric resin which insulates atmospheric gases, aiming to improve the stability of the HgI2 detector. Four resins were used for crystal encapslation and the performance of the detector depended on the composition of the resins used. Among the four resins studied to evaluate the influence of encapsulation on the performance of crystals, as a radiation detector, the best result of resistivity and energy spectrum was obtained for the resin #3 (50% - 100% of Methylacetate and 5% - 10% of n-butylacetate). The encapsulation of crystals with polymer resins, performed with the intent of avoiding the oxidation of the crystal surface, did not compromise the measurements and were fully capable of detecting the presence of gamma radiation. The stability of the encapsulated HgI2 crystal detector was of up to 78 hs, while the stability found for HgI2 detector no encapsulated was in order 3 ~4 hs.Artigo IPEN-doc 23044 Purification and crystal growth of the bismuth (III) iodide-influence of trace impurities on the crystal quality2017 - FERRAZ, CAUE de M.; ARMELIN, MARIA J.A.; OLIVEIRA, RENE R.; OTUBO, LARISSA; MARTINS, JOAO F.T.; SANTOS, ROBINSON A. dos; COSTA, FABIO E.; CARVALHO, DIEGO V.S.; OMI, NELSON M.; MESQUITA, C.H.; HAMADA, MARGARIDA M.This work describes the experimental procedure of purification and preparation of BiI3 crystals by Repeated Vertical Bridgman technique, aiming a future application of this semiconductor crystal as a room temperature radiation detector. The BiI3 powder used as raw material was purified three times and, at each purification, the crystal was evaluated by systematic measurements of the reduction of the impurities, crystalline structure, stoichiometry and surface morphology. The reduction of the trace metal impurities in the BiI3, at each purification, was analyzed by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), in order to evaluate the efficiency of the purification technique established in this work. It was demonstrated that the Repeated Bridgman technique is effective to reduce the concentration of many impurities in BiI3, such as Ag, As, Br, Cr, K, Mo, Na and Sb. The crystalline structure of the BiI3 crystal purified twice and three times was similar to BiI3 pattern. However, for BiI3 powder and purified once, an intensity contribution of the BiOI was observed in the diffractograms. Improvement in the stoichiometric ratio was observed at each purification step, as well as the crystal surface morphology.