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Artigo IPEN-doc 19331 Evaluation of texture and calorimetric properties of irradiated cream2013 - ROGOVSCHI, VLADIMIR D.; NUNES, THAISE C.F.; SAGRETTI, JULIANA M.A.; FABBRI, ADRIANA D.T.; SABATO, SUSY F.Artigo IPEN-doc 19336 Influence of gamma irradiation on phenolic compounds of minimally processed baby carrots2013 - HIRASHIMA, FABIANA K.; FABBRI, ADRIANA D.T.; SAGRETTI, JULIANA M.A.; NUNES, THAISE C.F.; GALVÃO, NATASCHA S.; LANFER MARQUEZ, URSULA M.; SABATO, SUSY F.Artigo IPEN-doc 15149 Microbiological analysis of peach palm in natura submitted to sup(60)CO radiation2009 - SILVA, PRISCILA V.; ARAUJO, MICHEL M.; NUNES, THAISE C.F.; COSTA, HELBERT S.F.; HOJEIJE, KHALIL Y.; VILLAVICENCIO, ANNA L.C.H.The palm tree (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) is a species with high potential benefits, because of the nutritional value of its fruits that could be used both in human and animals feeding and mainly for peach palm extraction. It represents a great source of dietary fiber and a moderate source of magnesium and iron. Food irradiation is a worldwide technology that aims to improve the product quality, in order to eliminate diverse microorganisms that can spoil the food. Radiation processing, in the recommended doses, causes very few chemical alterations and nutritional losses in foods, being considered insignificant and/or similar to other food treatments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of irradiation on microbiological counts of mesophilic aerobic in the peach palm in natura. Samples were irradiated with 1.0 and 1.5kGy using a 60Co multipurpose irradiator. Radiation treatment appeared to be a useful alternative to reduce microbial contamination in the samples analyzed.Artigo IPEN-doc 15145 Effects of gama-radiation on white tea volatiles2009 - FANARO, GUSTAVO B.; SILVEIRA, ANA P.M.; NUNES, THAISE C.F.; COSTA, HELBERT S.F.; PURGATTO, EDUARDO; VILLAVICENCIO, ANNA L.C.H.Tea is the second most widely consumed beverages in the world and is processed from two and a bud of Camellia sinensis (L.). Depending on the processing may give rise to four mainly teas (green, black, oolong and white tea). The white tea is the one that has recently awakened interest in scientific community due the fact that this tea has more antioxidant property and activity than green tea. A further industrialization and commercialization of these plants become a problem of public health. The presence of potentially toxigenic fungi can be found in these products, indicating a great potential for the presence of mycotoxins that can cause acute and chronic effects in different organs and systems of the human body. Ionizing radiation is one of the most effective means disinfecting dry food ingredients. This treatment can inhibit cellular life division, like microorganisms, promoting a molecular structural modification. The aim of this study was evaluate the effects of radiation on volatile formation in white tea. Samples were irradiated in room temperature at 60Co source Gammacell 220 (A.E.C. Ltda) at doses of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20kGy. The volatiles organic compound was extracted by hydrodestilation and the extract was separated and identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis. The results show that the quantities of volatiles formations are directly proportional to the increase of radiation dose. About 37.86% of the compounds were stable at all radiation doses and 47.53% of new compounds were identified after irradiation.Artigo IPEN-doc 15143 sup(60)Co Irradiation effect on color in minimally processed cauliflower (Brassica spp)2009 - NUNES, THAISE C.F.; ROGOVSCHI, VLADIMIR D.; SANTILLO, AMANDA G.; MICHELS, ROBERT; PITOMBO, RONALDO N.M.; VILLAVICENCIO, ANNA L.C.H.Artigo IPEN-doc 12687 Advances between e-beams and sup(60)Co applications in soybeam grains2007 - FANARO, G.B.; SALUM, D.C.; NUNES, T.C.F.; FURGERI, C.; RELA, P.; VILLAVICENCIO, A.L.C.H.Soybean is the most important oleaginous cultivated in the whole world and generates income of billions of dollar, direct and indirectly and its nutrients become basic for the feeding human being, beyond its byproducts, that offer great diversities of products for the nourishing industry. Between the main factors that limit the attainment of high incomes, are the illnesses caused by microrganism like fungi, bacteria, and viruses that, in general, are difficult to control and cause damages of billions of dollar every year. An alternative to minimize the losses is preserving the grains through the irradiation and then, the use of electron accelerator is indicated, therefore its advantage for exporting industria of grains in relation to the irradiators for 60Co is basic. This work aims to compare the effects of the radiation through viscosimetry, DNA Comet Assay and Cooking time techniques in soybean grains at doses 0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0kGy irradiated at e-beam accelerator - Radiation Dynamics (Radiation Dinamics Co. model JOB, New York, USA), 1.5 MeV-25mA with the lower energy and in a 60Co source, Gammacell 220 (A.E.C. Ltda) in ambient temperature.Artigo IPEN-doc 17083 Evaluation of soluble solids content and Ph of ice cream treated with gamma radiation2011 - ROGOVSCHI, V.D.; NUNES, T.C.F.; FABBRI, A.D.T.; SAGRETTI, J.M.; SABATO, S.F.Dissertação IPEN-doc 14279 Avaliacao dos efeitos da radiacao gama em vegetais da especie Brassica oleracea minimamente processados2009 - NUNES, THAISE C.F.O consumo de couve-manteiga (Brassica oleracea cv. acephala) e brócolis (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) tem sido inversamente associado à morbidade e mortalidade causadas por doenças degenerativas. Estas espécies são altamente consumidas no Brasil, o que viabiliza o seu uso como minimamente processado (MP). A crescente preocupação mundial com a estocagem, qualidade nutricional e segurança microbiológica dos alimentos tem levado a muitos estudos visando à análise microbiológica, vitamínica e tempo de vida de prateleira. No intuito de melhorar a qualidade destes produtos, o processamento por radiação em baixas doses é eficiente na manutenção da qualidade do produto, em alguns casos não comprometendo seus valores nutricionais e sensoriais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da radiação gama de 60Co com doses de 0, 1,0 e 1,5 kGy na redução da microbiota presente nestes vegetais, assim como analisar suas características nutricionais e sensoriais. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho foram as análises microbiológicas, análise colorimétrica, análise dos compostos fenólicos, análise antioxidante e análise sensorial. A análise microbiológica mostrou uma diminuição no desenvolvimento de populações de microrganismos aeróbios, psicrotróficos e bolores e leveduras com doses de radiação crescentes. A análise sensorial não mostrou diferença significativa entre os diferentes tempos de cocção analisados. Quanto à análise de fenólicos totais, houve diferença significativa entre as amostras, sugerindo que com o aumento da dose de irradiação houve um aumento na quantidade de fenólicos totais encontrado em couve e brócolis MP. Pode-se observar que a amostra de couve controle apresentou alta atividade antioxidante e para as amostras tratadas por irradiação houve um decréscimo de percentual. Em contrapartida as amostras de brócolis apresentam um aumento na percentagem de sequestro de DPPH proporcional ao aumento da dose de radiação. As análises colorimétricas revelaram que para as amostras de couve MP e floretes de brócolis não houve diferenças significativas, entretanto para as amostras de talos de brócolis houve diferença significativa quanto ao amarelecimento durante a estocagem. Concluise que o processamento de couve-manteiga e brócolis por radiação gama pode ser uma alternativa viável para as indústrias, uma vez que houve redução da população de microrganismos, sem alterações nas qualidades sensoriais e com mínimas alterações nas características que conferem poder antioxidante.