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Artigo IPEN-doc 28529 RANS-based CFD calculation for pressure drop and mass flow rate distribution in an MTR fuel assembly2021 - SCURO, N.L.; ANGELO, G.; ANGELO, E.; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; TORRES, W.M.; SANTOS, P.H.G.; FREIRE, L.O.; ANDRADE, D.A.This work presents a Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes–based computational fluid dynamics methodology for the calculation of pressure drop and mass flow rate distribution in a material test reactor flat-plate-type standard fuel assembly (SFA) of the IEA-R1 Brazilian research reactor to predict future improvements in newer SFA designs. The results improve the understanding of the origin of fuel plate oxidation due to high temperatures, and consequently, due to the internal flow dynamics. All numerical analyses were performed with the ANSYS-CFX® commercial code. The observed results show that the movement pin decreases the central channel mass flow due to the length of the vortex at the inlet region. However, the outlet nozzle showed greater general influence in the flow dynamics. It should have a more gradual cross-section transition being away from the fuel plates or a squarer-shaped design to get a more homogeneous mass flow distribution. Optimizing both regions could lead to a better cooling condition. The validation of the IEA-R1 numerical methodology was made by comparing the McMaster University’s dummy model experiment with a numerical model that uses the same numerical methodology. The experimental data were obtained with laser Doppler velocimetry, and the comparison showed good agreement for both pressure drop and mass flow rate distribution using the Standard k-ω turbulence model.Artigo IPEN-doc 26394 A CFD analysis of blockage length on a partially blocked fuel rod2019 - SCURO, N.L.; UMBEHAUN, P.E.; ANGELO, E.; ANGELO, G.; ANDRADE, D.A.After a loss of coolant accident (LOCA), fuel rods may balloon. The swelling can partially block the flow channel, affecting the coolability during reflood phase. In order to analyze the influence of blockage length, using a radial block-age of 90%, varying just the blockage length, many steady state numerical simulations has been done using Ansys-CFX code to verify thermal-hydraulic properties according to different forced cooled conditions. Temperature peaks are observed on cladding, followed by a temperature drop. A 5x5 fuel assembly, with 9 centered ballooned fuel rod, flow redistribution inside channels can also be captured, indicating an overheating zone. Therefore, this study conclude, for the same boundary conditions, the longer the blockage length originated after LOCA events, the higher are the clad temperatures, indicating the possibility of overheat during transient conditions on reflood.Resumo IPEN-doc 24581 CFD analysis of blockage length on a partially blocked fuel rod2017 - SCURO, N.L.; ANGELO, G.; ANGELO, E.; ANDRADE, D.A.In LOCA accidents, fuel rods may balloon by the increasing of pressure difference between fuel rod and core vessel. With the balloon effect, the swelling can partially block the flow channel, affecting the coolability during reflood phase. In order to analyze the influence of blockage length after LOCA events, many numerical simulations using Ansys-CFX code have been done in steady state condition, characterizing the final phase of reflood. Peaks of temperature are observed in the middle of the fuel rod, followed by a temperature drop. This effect is justified by the increasing of heat transfer coefficient, originated from the high turbulence effects. Therefore, this paper considers a radial blockage of 90%, varying just the blockage length. This study observed that, for the same boundary conditions, the longer the blockage length originated after LOCA events, the higher are the central temperatures in the fuel rod.Artigo IPEN-doc 21290 Numerical study of the influence of elements inside the wheelhouse on the passenger vehicle aerodynamic2015 - ANGELO, EDVALDO; ANGELO, GABRIEL; SANTOS, PEDRO H. di G.; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. deArtigo IPEN-doc 16134 Assessmnet of a heat exchanger inlet nozzle flow using ANSYS-CFX2010 - ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. de; ANGELO, GABRIEL; FAINER, GERSON; ANGELO, EDVALDOAs computational fluid mechanics training task, a preliminary model was developed using ANSYS-CFX. This model was used to provide a better understanding of the heat exchanger inlet nozzle flow of the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor. It was published in the International Nuclear Atlantic Conference-INAC-2009. Now we present a new model with no simplifications for the geometry. Results are presented and discussed.Artigo IPEN-doc 15303 Nuclear research reactor IEA-R1 heat exchanger inlet nozzle flow - a preliminary study2009 - ANGELO, GABRIEL; ANDRADE, DELVONEI A. de; FAINER, GERSON; ANGELO, EDVALDOArtigo IPEN-doc 16968 A CFD model for the IEA-R1 reactor heat exchanger inlet nozzle flow2011 - ANDRADE, DELVONEI A.; ANGELO, GABRIEL; FAINER, GERSON; ANGELO, EDVALDO; UMBEHAUN, PEDRO E.; TORRES, WALMIR M.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANE; MACEDO, LUIZ A.; BELCHIOR JUNIOR, ANTONIO; CONTI, THADEU N.; WATANABE, BRUNO C.; SAKAI, CAIO C.Artigo IPEN-doc 17845 A three-dimensional thermal and fluid dynamics analysis of a gas cooled subcritical fast reactor driven by a D-T fusion neutron source2011 - ANGELO, G.; ANDRADE, D.A.; ANGELO, E.; CARLUCCIO, T.; ROSSI, P.C.R.; TALAMO, A.