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Artigo IPEN-doc 31154 Soft Systems Methodology as an approach to the safety management of nuclear facilities2024 - GUILHEN, S.N.; CAMARGO, I.M.C.; POTIENS JUNIOR, A.J.; MARUMO, J.T.; SILVA, T.M. da; RUBIN, G.A.; VIEIRA NETO, A.S.This manuscript presents an account of the Sociotechnical Systems Safety Analysis Group’s (GASSST) application of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) to a complex safety issue at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute in São Paulo, Brazil (IPEN-CNEN/SP). Drawing from both theoretical foundations, based on the documentation produced by Peter Checkland and other researchers, and practical experiences, the study explores the SSM approach in addressing challenges that involved technical and human factors.The principal results include the identification of key stakeholder perspectives, the development of a rich picture to capture the complexity of the problem, and the initiation of potential solutions. However, the full application of SSM was curtailed due to proactive interventions by the facility staff, which resolved the initial problem before all SSM steps could be completed. The process was further interrupted by the COVID-19pandemic-induced hiatus, during which facility staff were absent for 1 year and 10 months.The study concludes that timely application of SSM and the expertise of facilitators are critical for navigating complex safety issues effectively. This experience underscores the need for experienced practitioners and a more prompt application of SSM to fully leverage its potential in addressing organizational challenges. GASSST's reflections anddocumented experiences contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on SSM's practical relevance in similar contexts.Artigo IPEN-doc 30521 Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) as an approach to the safety management of nuclear facilities2024 - GUILHEN, S.N.; CAMARGO, I.M.C.; MARUMO, J.T.; SILVA, T.M. da; RUBIN, G.A.; NETO, A.S.V.Artigo IPEN-doc 27929 Knowledge base about risk and safety of nuclear facilities to support analysts and decision-makers2021 - VIEIRA NETO, ANTONIO S.; OLIVA, AMAURY M.; OLIVEIRA, PATRICIA da S.P. de; HUNOLD, MARCOS C.; SAUER, MARIA E.L.J.; ANDREA, VINICIUSEpistemic uncertainty (related to lack of knowledge), often found in the documentation of nuclear facility engineering projects, can affect the decision-making process of managers and analysts on safety and risk issues. This article conceptualizes the nature of the major uncertainties involved in engineering projects. It describes a knowledge base developed to gather data and information related to an Open-Pool Light-water Research Reactor (OPLRR) project and whose purpose is to assist professionals who work in nuclear facilities. To reduce the epistemic uncertainties that may arise in the project, the OPLRR knowledge base is designed with a set of information that allows identifying and facilitating the forwarding of solutions to address inconsistencies and/or pending issues that may exist in the project. In this sense, the information and the documents related to the project are organized in a graphical and hierarchical architecture, allowing the knowledge base users to quickly and easily obtain information regarding the systems, processes, equipment, and components of the project. Besides that, a set of documents containing descriptions, reliability data, and some other information about the systems and components are specially created to the knowledge base, and it is crucial to reduce epistemic uncertainties once it raises the issues and the inconsistencies of the project, as well as it clarifies the interrelations between the systems, the functioning of the equipment, their failures modes and the consequences of their failures, and some other data, which are not originally contained in the documents of the project.Artigo IPEN-doc 26383 Knowledge base about risk and safety of nuclear facilities to support analysts and decision makers2019 - VIEIRA NETO, ANTONIO S.; OLIVA, AMAURY M.; SAUER, MARIA E.L.J.; HUNOLD, MARCOS C.; OLIVEIRA, PATRICIA da; ANDREA, VINICIUSEpistemic uncertainty (uncertainty related to lack of knowledge), often found in the documentation of nuclear facility engineering projects, can affect the decision-making process of managers and analysts on safety and risk issues. This article conceptualizes the nature of the major uncertainties involved in engineering projects and describes a knowledge base developed in order to gather data and information related to the project of an Open-Pool Light-water Research Rector (OPLRR) and whose purpose is to assist professionals who work in the áreas of safety, design, operation, and maintenance of nuclear facilities. In order to reduce the epistemic uncertainties that may rise in the project, the OPLRR knowledge base is designed to contain a set of information that allows identifying and facilitating the forwarding of solutions to address inconsistencies, and/or pending issues that may exist in the project. In this sense, the information and the documents related to the project are organized in a graphical and hierarchical architecture, allowing the knowledge base users to quickly and easily obtain information regarding the systems, processes, equipment, and components of the Project. Besides that, a set of documents containing descriptions, reliability data and some other important information about the systems and components are specially created to the knowledge base and it is crucial to reduce epistemic uncertainties, once it raises the issues and the inconsistencies of the project, as well as it clarifies the interrelations between the systems, the functioning of the equipment, their failures modes and the consequences of their failures, and some other data, which are not originally contained in the documents of the project.Artigo IPEN-doc 24182 Soft systems methodology as a systemic approach to nuclear safety management2017 - VIEIRA NETO, ANTONIO S.; GUILHEN, SABINE N.; RUBIN, GERSON A.; CALDEIRA FILHO, JOSE S.; CAMARGO, IARA M.C.Safety approach currently adopted by nuclear installations is built almost exclusively upon analytical methodologies based, mainly, on the belief that the properties of a system, such as its safety, are given by its constituent parts. This approach, however, doesn’t properly address the complex dynamic interactions between technical, human and organizational factors occurring within and outside the organization. After the accident at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in March 2011, experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recommended a systemic approach as a complementary perspective to nuclear safety. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the systems thinking approach and its potential use for structuring sociotechnical problems involved in the safety of nuclear installations, highlighting the methodologies related to the soft systems thinking, in particular the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). The implementation of a systemic approach may thus result in a more holistic picture of the system by the complex dynamic interactions between technical, human and organizational factors.Artigo IPEN-doc 10575 Base de dados de confiabilidade de componentes para os reatores de pesquisa IEA-R1 e IPEN/MB-01: resultados e aplicacoes2005 - OLIVEIRA, P.S.P.; SAUER, M.E.L.J.; KURAZUMI, E.P.; VIEIRA NETO, A.S.; TONDIN, J.B.M.; RICCI FILHO, W.; MARTINS, M.O.; BITELLI, U.D.; JEREZ, R.Artigo IPEN-doc 08671 Base de dados de confiabilidade de componentes para os reatores de pesquisa IEA-R1 e IPEN/MB-01: objetivos, estrutura e conteudo2002 - OLIVEIRA, P.S.P.; TONDIN, J.B.M.; RICCI FILHO, W.; MARTINS, M.O.; KURAZUMI, E.P.; VIEIRA NETO, A.S.; SAUER, M.E.L.J.; JEREZ, R.; BITELLI, U.D.Artigo IPEN-doc 11993 Experience of IPEN-CNEN/SP in the executation of the first phase of the safety culture enhancement programme at IEA-R1 research reactor2007 - VIEIRA NETO, ANTONIO S.; MARRA NETO, ADOLFO; OLIVEIRA, PATRICIA da S.P. de; SAXENA, RAJENDRA N.; CARVALHO, RICARDO N. de; FRAJNDLICH, ROBERTO; PAIVA, ROSEMEIRE P.Artigo IPEN-doc 07116 The experience of IPEN-CNEN/SP in the Probabilistic Safety Assessment Regulatory Review for ANGRA I Brazilian Nuclear Power Plant2001 - OLIVEIRA, P.S.P.; VIEIRA NETO, A.S.; SAUER, M.E.L.J.Artigo IPEN-doc 01730 MOCUSN - um programa para a determinacao de 'prime implicants'1988 - VIEIRA NETO, A.S.