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Publicação IPEN-doc 00346 Polycrystalline dosimetric discs of natural CaFsub(2)1977 - OKUNO, E.; FERREIRA, M.M.; CRUZ, M.T.; WATANABE, S.Publicação IPEN-doc 00107 Dipole orientation effects in rare-earth doped CdFsub(2)1974 - CAPELLETTI, R.; FERMI, F.; OKUNO, E.Publicação IPEN-doc 00929 Dissolution kinetics of precipitates of divalent cadmium in sodium chloride studied by means of ionic thermoconductivity1973 - CAPELLETTI, R.; OKUNO, E.Publicação IPEN-doc 00135 Thermoluminescent response of natural Brazilian fluorite to 137 Cs gamma-rays1971 - WATANABE, S.; OKUNO, E.Publicação IPEN-doc 00111 UV induced thermoluminescence in natural calcium fluoride1971 - OKUNO, E.; WATANABE, S.Artigo IPEN-doc 08840 Monte Carlo simulations of X-ray generation and detection2002 - MORALLES, M.; GUIMARAES, C.C.; OKUNO, E.The employment of Monte Carlo simulations in the applied nuclear physics techniques has increased with the data processing capabilities of the commercial personal computers. Since the inclusion of the low-energy electromagnetic interactions in GEANT4, this Monte Carlo simulation toolkit has produced results which reveal its promising utilization in radiation dosimetry, radiation protection and medical applications. With the GEANT4 toolkit, interactions of electrons and photons with matter can be simulated down to energies as low as 250 eV. The present work shows simulation results of X-ray generation from typical X-ray tube by impinging electrons on tungsten target, and filtering th produced photon beam with a beryllium window. In this process, characteristic and bremsstrahlung radiation are produced. Rayleight, Compton, photoelectric and pair production interactions can be included in the transport of photons through the environment. The spectra analysis of the photon beam is perfomed by simulating a cadmium zinc telluride detector positioned in the radiaion field. Different filters can also be placed in the radiation field to produced the desired attenuation. Comparisons with experimental data show that the simulated spectra reproduce very well the reality, indicating that the GEANT4 toolkit can be a good choice for future simulations of experimental conditions for dosimetric purposes, such as dosimeter responses and dose estimations.Artigo IPEN-doc 07926 Caracterizacao dosimetrica de pastilhas sinterizadas de oxido de aluminio (Alsub(2)Osub(3)) para utilizacao na dosimetria in vivo em pacientes submetidos a radioterapia1999 - ROCHA, F.D.G.; OKUNO, E.; CALDAS, L.V.E.; BRESSIANI, J.C.; SILVA, M.R.O.O.Artigo IPEN-doc 08054 Alsub(2)Osub(3) sintered pellets for dosimetry at radiotherapy level2000 - ROCHA, F.D.G.; OKUNO, E.; CALDAS, L.V.E.; BRESSIANI, J.C.; SILVA, M.R.O.O.Artigo IPEN-doc 17555 Aplications of the Monte Carlo method in nuclear physics using the GEANT4 toolkit2008 - MORALLES, MAURICIO; GUIMARAES, CARLA C.; BONIFACIO, DANIEL A.B.; OKUNO, EMICO; MURATA, HELIO M.; BOTTARO, MARCIO; MENEZES, MARIO O.; GUIMARAES, VALDIRTese IPEN-doc 01265 Propriedades termoluminescentes do fluoreto de calcio natural1971 - OKUNO, EMICO