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Artigo IPEN-doc 30659 Epithermal lead-cooled micro-reactor using fuel-moderator assemblies2024 - LEE, S.M.; MATTAR, M.; CABRAL, E.L.L.Artigo IPEN-doc 29123 Radiation shielding for a nuclear fusion device with inertial electrostatic confinement2022 - LEE, S.M.; YORIYAZ, H.; CABRAL, E.L.L.In an inertial electrostatic confinement nuclear fusion device, IECF, thermal neutron population is created near the neutron shielding that is proportional to the fast neutrons generation rate; nevertheless, this proportionality varies with the experimental arrangement. Thus, to properly measure the fast neutron generation rate by the IECF device it is necessary to previously elaborate a suitable neutron transport model between the IECF device and the radiation shield, where the neutron detector will be located. This model is elaborated using the Monte Carlo N-Particle Code and the same is used to design the required radiation shield for the safe operation of the device.Artigo IPEN-doc 29115 Consequence analysis of a Station Blackout in Brazilian nuclear power plant Angra 22022 - AGUIAR, A.S.; LEE, S.M.; SABUNDJIAN, G.The article consists, through a Severe Accident, evaluating the impact of radionuclides released into the atmosphere in the vicinity at Nuclear Power Plant. The source term used in present work is obtained by means of proportionality between Angra 1 and Angra 2. That is, the source term of Angra 2 is calculated based on its activity estimated from numbers of fuel pellets of both power plants and the already known activity of Angra 1. This calculation resulted in total activity of Angra 2 equivalent to 146.18% of activity of Angra 1. The results indicate that for severe accident scenarios, the protective measures to be adopted will be general emergency; and the impact area, which currently has a distance of 5 km, would become greater than this value.Artigo IPEN-doc 28295 Whole body dose due to station blackout at Angra 2 nuclear power plant2021 - AGUIAR, A.S.; LEE, S.M.; SABUNDJIAN, G.Artigo IPEN-doc 28265 Radiation shielding for a nuclear fusion device with inertial electrostatic confinement2021 - LEE, S.M.; YORIYAZ, H.; CABRAL, E.L.L.Capítulo IPEN-doc 27999 Calculation of the dose for public individuals due to a severe accident at the Angra 2 nuclear plant, Brazil2021 - AGUIAR, ANDRE S. de; LEE, SEUNG M.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANEThrough a severe accident at nuclear power plant Angra 2, the whole body dose effective of the individuals members of the public located in the Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs) will be calculated, and later, the protective actions in these EPZs will be analyzed. Two different scenarios of radionuclide release into the atmosphere will be considered. In the first scenario, 2 h of the release of Xe, Cs, Ba, and Te, and the second scenario, 168 h of release.Artigo IPEN-doc 26388 Analysis of the protective actions in the Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs) in the Angra dos Reis region through the calculation of the dose for public individuals due to a severe accident at the Angra 2 Nuclear Plant2019 - AGUIAR, ANDRE S.; LEE, SEUNG M.; SABUNDJIAN, G.This work presents the results of the computational simulations of the consequences of a severe accident in Angra 2 nuclear power plant. The severe accident was supposed to be caused by a rupture of 380cm2 in the primary reactor coolant system resulting in loss of coolant. Since the area of the rupture is quite smaller than the total flow area of the pipe of the primary coolant system, 4418cm2, the accident is classified as a small break loss of coolant accident. However, this rupture by itself would not bring the system about a severe accident, which must involve a considerable damage in the nuclear core. Thus, some boundary conditions were added to the problem in order to set a scenario of this kind of accident, which was simulated by means of the MELCOR code. The results obtained by this code show that the release of the radionuclide to the environment starts at the opening of the containment relief valve, and this valve, in turn, opens when the containment pressure reaches 7bar, at 168 hours after the break of the pipe of the coolant system, according to the simulation. The program used for calculation of the release of the radionuclides to the surrounding region of the nuclear plant was the CALMET/CALPUFF code, so that the atmospheric and transport model were elaborated for this code. A source term was used in order to carry out an analysis of the protective actions in the emergency planning zones by means dose calculation for individuals of the public, and it was based on two different scenarios: first scenario, release of the total activity to the atmosphere of Xe, Cs, Ba and Te, after 2h simulation and second scenario, release of the total activity to the atmosphere of Xe, Cs, Ba and Te, after 168h of simulation.Artigo IPEN-doc 26373 MELCOR simulation of a severe accident scenario derived from a small break loca in a typical PWR with passive autocatalytic recombiners2019 - LEE, SEUNG M.; LAPA, NELBIA S.; SABUNDJIAN, GAIANEThis work presents the simulation of a severe accident scenario in a referential model of pressurized water reactor, which came about from a rupture of 20cm2 in a cold leg of a reactor cooling system. The simulation was carried out on the MELCOR code using a model elaborated by the Global Research for Safety – Germany, with the passive autocatalytic recombiners implemented in almost every compartment in the containment. The efficacy and effectiveness of this well-known mitigating measure of severe accident management are demonstrated by means of a comparison with the case previously simulated without this measure using the same model. This referential reactor is important and very useful for the independent analysis of severe accidents in the Brazilian Angra 2 nuclear power plant in virtue of the similarity between both of them, so that after some proper modifications on this referential reactor’s model, it could be applied for the study of severe accidents in the other. In this sense, the result presented in this work is to be taken as an important reference for the severe accident analysis of Angra 2.Artigo IPEN-doc 26365 Development of neutron shielding for an inertial electrostatic confinement nuclear fusion device2019 - LEE, SEUNG M.; YORIYAZ, HELIO; CABRAL, EDUARDO L.L.This work aims to develop a suitable neutron shielding for an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Nuclear Fusion device (IECF). Neutrons are generated in the IECF device as results of nuclear fusion reactions and their detection is fundamental for the development of the IECF device, because experimental data is needed to perform efficiency analysis and model validation. Nevertheless, it is essential to moderate the neutrons down to the thermal state to make it possible to detect those using conventional detectors. Therefore, to properly measure the fast neutron generation rate by the IECF device it is necessary to previously elaborate a detailed neutron transport model between the IECF device and the radiation shielding, where the neutron detector will be located. In this work, a model is elaborated using the Monte Carlo N-Particle Code and is used to design the required radiation shielding for the device. Later, the same model will be used to determine the proportionality factor between the fast neutron generation in the IECF device and the thermal neutron population in the shielding.Relatório IPEN-doc 26526 Fusão nuclear com confinamento eletrostático assistido por campo magnético – projeto mecânico e elétrico2019 - CABRAL, EDUARDO L.L.; LEE, SEUNG MIN; LIMA, JOSE R. de