
Graduated in Chemical Engineering at Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz (1983), Master in Nuclear Technology - Applications at IPEN / USP (1999), Ph.D. in Nuclear Technology - Applications at IPEN / USP (2006) and Post-Doctorate at Center for Advanced Materials ( T-CAM) from Tuskegee University, AL, USA. The main lines of research are: Synthesis of metallic nanoparticles; Obtaining and characterization of nanoparticles from mineral activity and agroindustry residues; Micro and nanofiller functionalization; Synthesis and reduction of graphene oxide; Development and modification of composite materials based on conventional and biodegradable polymers with vegetable fibers, micro and nanofillers of renewable origin; Development of biodegradable, active and intelligent plastic packaging for food, cosmetics, medical and pharmaceutical products; Development of conductive polymeric materials; Development of biomaterials for application in the regeneration of bone and dental tissue. (Text obtained from the Currículo Lattes on October 8th 2021)

Possui graduação em Engenharia Química pela Faculdade Oswaldo Cruz (1983), mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear ? Aplicações pelo IPEN/USP (1999), doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear ? Aplicações pelo IPEN/USP (2006) e Pós-Doutorado no Center for Advanced Materials (T-CAM) da Tuskegee University, AL, USA. As principais linhas de pesquisa são: Síntese de nanopartículas metálicas; Obtenção e caracterização de nanopartículas a partir de resíduos da atividade mineral e da agroindústria; Funcionalização de micro e nanocargas; Síntese e redução de óxido de grafeno; Desenvolvimento e modificaçao de materiais compósitos baseados em polímeros convencionais e biodegradáveis com fibras vegetais, micro e nanocargas de origem renovável; Desenvolvimento de embalagens plásticas biodegradáveis, ativas e inteligentes para alimentos, cosméticos, produtos médicos e farmacêuticos;Desenvolvimento de materiais poliméricos condutores; Desenvolvimento de biomateriais para aplicação na regeneração de tecidos ósseos e dentários. (Texto extraído do Currículo Lattes em 08 out. 2021)

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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 27545
    Lignin‑based polyethylene films with enhanced thermal, opacity and biodegradability properties for agricultural mulch applications
    Lignins are promising alternative raw materials for biocomposites due to their renewability, low cost and abundance. In this work, the use of (softwood and hardwood) Kraft lignins in the development of LLDPE/lignin films for agricultural mulch applications is studied. Processable blends were obtained from unmodified softwood lignin (SW) and from hardwood lignin modified by esterification (HWE). LLDPE was pelletized with (2.5%, 5% and 10%) lignin with particle size between 38 and 75 μm and flexible films were blown extruded. Processable extrusion blends showed temperature differences lower than 20 °C between the Tg of lignin and the melting temperature of LLPDE. Films from neat LLPDE and with 2.5% of HWE and up to 5% SW exhibited statistically comparable (≅ 349%) values of ductility. Ester groups present in lignin improve weight loss of lignin-based blends after soil buried test.