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Resumo IPEN-doc 14592 A case report of photodynamic therapy on bacterial reduction before immediate implant2004 - SUZUKI, L.C.; YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; HAYEK, R.R.A.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Recent studies have demonstrated that a number of oral bacteria can be killed by photodynamic therapy with low concentrations of dyes. Photodynamic therapy is the combination of light with appropriate wavelength and a photosensitizer. The antimicrobial activity is mainly mediated by singlet oxygen and/or free radicals generated by the photoactivated sensitizer. A flap surgery aiming an immediate implant was made in a residual root with periodontal lesion on upper first premolar. After the extraction, a microbiological sample with sterile paper points was harvested. Then, the photosensitizer was applied in the infected alveolus and irradiated with low-intensity laser, ?= 660 nm, P= 30 mW and E= 9 J . After the photodynamic therapy, a new microbiological sample was harvested. Subsequently, it was prepared the implant bed with conical burs and then the implant was placed. Patient was medicated with antibiotic after surgery. The microbiological analysis showed a significant reduction of Prevotella sp., Fusobacterium sp. and Streptococcus beta-hemoliticus. This finding suggests that photodynamic therapy is an alternative method to disinfect alveolus before implant placement. Therefore, this study highlights the need for future work in the area of photodynamic therapy to reduce bacteria without harming host tissue.Resumo IPEN-doc 14036 Local Treatment using high and low-power laser on herpes simplex2004 - MULLER, K.P.; YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; SUGAYAMA, S.T.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Herpes simplex (HSV) is commonly encountered in the dentistry practice disappearing after 10 to 14 days. Recently alternative treatments have been introduced, among those laser therapy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of laser therapy in patients with perioral herpes simplex infection. A 32 years old female was treated with high-intensity laser therapy (HILT) in vesicle phase using a Nd:YAG laser, l= 1064 nm, P= 1,5 W, f= 15 Hz on days 1 and 2 to drainage the vesicles. Low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) was applied on the affected area in the 3 consecutive days with a GaAlAs laser, l= 830 nm, D= 5 J/cm2. On the other hand, a 7 years male patient, which presented the vesiculo-ulcerative stage, only LILT (l= 660 nm, D= 4 J/cm2) was carried out. For both cases, it was observed that the course of the infection was quicker than the normal. Seven days after treatment beginning the lesions were healed. These findings suggest that LILT associated or not to HILT is a efficient and promising treatment for HSV. Further larger studies aiming at confirming these data and investigating the LILT mechanisms of action should be performed.Resumo IPEN-doc 11770 Bacterial reduction by photodynamic therapy in peri-implantitis2004 - YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; HAYEK, R.R.A.; GIOSO, M.A.; FERREIRA, J.; BATISTA SOBRINHO, C.A.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Progressive peri-implantar bone losses, which are accompanied by inflammatory process in the soft tissues is referred to as peri-implantitis. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of lethal photosensitization with the conventional technique on bacterial reduction in ligature induced peri-implantitis in dogs. Seventeen third premolars of eight Labrador dogs were extracted and, immediately after, the implants were submerged. After osseointegration, peri-implantitis was induced. After 4 months, ligature were removed and the same period was waited for natural induction of bacterial plaque. The dogs were randomly divided into two groups. In the conventional group, they were treated with the conventional techniques of mucoperiosteal flaps for scaling the implant surface and irrigation with chlorexidine. In the laser group, only mucoperiosteal scaling was carried out before photodynamic therapy. On the peri-implantar pocket an azulene paste was introduced and a GaAlAs low-power laser (l= 660 nm, P= 30 mW, E= 5,4 J and Dt= 3 min.) was applied. Microbiological samples were obtained before and immediately after treatment. The results of this study showed that Prevotella sp., Fusobacterium e S. Beta-haemolyticus were significantly reduced for the conventional and laser groups (100%,99.8%; 100%,100%; 85.7%,97.6%, respectively).Resumo IPEN-doc 10875 Comparation between photodynamic therapy and a bactericidal solution in the treatment of dental alveolitis microbiological evaluation2004 - HAYEK, R.R.A.; YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; GARCEZ, A.S.; NUNEZ, S.C.; SUZUKI, L.C.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Photodynamic therapy is a new therapeutic modality to treat microbial infections. The aim of this pilot study was to compare this new therapeutic approach with clorhexidine in mini pigs induced alveolitis. Alveolitis is an inflammatory disease that involves the superficial bone layer in the dental alveolus. Eight dental elements were extracted from mini pigs and immediately after the alveolus were contaminated with Streptoccocus aureus. After seven days the area presented edema and hyperemia. In the clorhexidine group the alveolus were debrided and irrigated with a 0.12% solution of clorhexidine. In Laser group the alveolus were debrided and photodynamic therapy was performed consisting in the application of a azulene paste inside the alveolus with a preirradiation time of 5 minutes followed by irradiation with a low power diode laser, ?= 685 nm, P= 50 mW, E= 9 J, for 3 minutes. Microbiological samples were harvested before and after treatment for both groups with sterile paper points. The results showed bacterial reduction in both groups, although photodynamic therapy was significantly more effective to reduce the population of S. aureus. This finding indicates that photodynamic therapy can be an alternative method to the treatment of alveolitis.Capítulo IPEN-doc 15976 Terapia fotodinamica: mecaniscos e aplicacoes2010 - PRATES, RENATO A.; YAMADA JUNIOR, AECIO M.; HASHIMOTO, MARIA C.; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.Resumo IPEN-doc 17759 Photosensitization of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans with malachite green and methylene blue: microbiological analysis2006 - YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; PRATES, R.A.; HASHIMOTO, M.C.; SUZUKI, L.C.; CAI, S.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Resumo IPEN-doc 17758 Histological analysis in ligature induced periodontitis in rats following photodynamic therapy2006 - YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; PRATES, R.A.; SUZUKI, L.C.; VILLA, N.; CAI, S.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Resumo IPEN-doc 11840 Azul de metileno, verde de malaquita, indocianina verde e veterporfirina: acao fotodinamica antimicrobiana sobre Escherichia coli2007 - PRATES, R.A.; SUZUKI, L.C.; YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Resumo IPEN-doc 11836 Reducao microbiana em periodontite apos terapia fotodinamica2007 - YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; SUZUKI, L.C.; PRATES, R.A.; CAI, S.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 11897 Bactericidal effect of malachite green and red laser on Antinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans2007 - PRATES, RENATO A.; YAMADA JUNIOR, AECIO M.; SUZUKI, LUIS C.; HASHIMOTO, MARIA C.E.; CAI, SILVANA; SOARES, SHEILA G.; GOMES, LAERCIO; RIBEIRO, MARTHA S.