Comparation between photodynamic therapy and a bactericidal solution in the treatment of dental alveolitis microbiological evaluation

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Brazilian Dental Journal
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Photodynamic therapy is a new therapeutic modality to treat microbial infections. The aim of this pilot study was to compare this new therapeutic approach with clorhexidine in mini pigs induced alveolitis. Alveolitis is an inflammatory disease that involves the superficial bone layer in the dental alveolus. Eight dental elements were extracted from mini pigs and immediately after the alveolus were contaminated with Streptoccocus aureus. After seven days the area presented edema and hyperemia. In the clorhexidine group the alveolus were debrided and irrigated with a 0.12% solution of clorhexidine. In Laser group the alveolus were debrided and photodynamic therapy was performed consisting in the application of a azulene paste inside the alveolus with a preirradiation time of 5 minutes followed by irradiation with a low power diode laser, ?= 685 nm, P= 50 mW, E= 9 J, for 3 minutes. Microbiological samples were harvested before and after treatment for both groups with sterile paper points. The results showed bacterial reduction in both groups, although photodynamic therapy was significantly more effective to reduce the population of S. aureus. This finding indicates that photodynamic therapy can be an alternative method to the treatment of alveolitis.

Como referenciar
HAYEK, R.R.A.; YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; GARCEZ, A.S.; NUNEZ, S.C.; SUZUKI, L.C.; RIBEIRO, M.S. Comparation between photodynamic therapy and a bactericidal solution in the treatment of dental alveolitis microbiological evaluation. Brazilian Dental Journal, v. 15, p. 110-110, 2004. Special issue. Disponível em: Acesso em: 05 Mar 2025.
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