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Artigo IPEN-doc 12193 Management system development to establish an alumini database: application to a nuclear institution2007 - MOREIRA, FERNANDO J.F.; GUENA ANA M.O.; NAKAMURA, EMILIA K.; VIEIRA, MARTHA M.F.; DIAS, AILTON F.To pursue the alumni professional evolution has been a long time aspiration. To solve this problem it was developed at IPEN - Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, with support from CNEN - National Nuclear Energy Commission, a system to collect data from graduate alumni. This system was introduced in 2006, during the 30 years celebration of the Nuclear Technology Graduate Program from IPEN, held in association with the University of São Paulo - USP. The main purpose is to follow the career development of the alumni, mainly those not employed in any of the institutes linked to CNEN. The developed system allowed the creation of a database comprising information about the academic degree, professional status and the extension of their contribution to the society. It allows also to follow if the knowledge obtained remained restrict to the Universities and Research Institutes or reached the private companies. The system allows several statistics to be done concerning not only the alumni but also the professors. In this work the first results of the data collection are presented, containing more than 750 responses from a total around 1340 alumni. The final purpose is to upgrade this system to collect data from the several institutes linked to CNEN, either graduate or undergraduate alumni.Artigo IPEN-doc 12116 Enviromental evaluation of different forms of electric energy generation2007 - AQUINO, AFONSO R.; GUENA ANA M.O.The development and implementation of other forms of energy generation caused local changes, where they were installed, giving rise to environmental impacts. This work presents an evaluation about different forms of electrical energy generation and the environmental impacts relative to each one of them. Five forms of electric energy generation were considered: thermoelectric, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind and solar energy. The implementation and the development of the petroleum industry in the world and in Brazil are presented. The geology of the oil, its extraction and quality improvement, besides details of the functioning of three types of thermoelectric power plants - coal, gas and oil - are also discussed. The specific as well as the environmental impacts they have in common are highlighted. The impacts originated from the deactivation of each one of them are also pointed out. Once outlined the environmental impacts from each form of electric energy generation, they were correlated and compared considering the area of the power plant implantation, the generation capacity, the efficiency, the power and the cost per kW. There is no totally clean form of electric energy generation. There is, however, generation without emission of gases responsible for the green house effect. Therefore, all forms of energy generation are important for a country; in other words, the best situation is the diversity of the energy matrix.Artigo IPEN-doc 10869 Curva especie/area para avaliacao de recurso ambiental2004 - ALMEIDA, J.R.; AQUINO, A.R.; ARAUJO, G.H.S.; GUENA, A.M.O.; RIOS, E.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 12468 Modelagem de circulação de matéria em floresta tropical2005 - ALMEIDA, JOSIMAR R. de; AQUINO, AFONSO R. de; AGUIAR, LAIS A. de; GUENA, ANA M. de O.; CARNEIRO, ALVARO L.G.; MAI, LUIZ A.; FREIRE, DENISE D.Diferenças nas taxas de transferência dos ecossistemas implicam em importantes diferenças de funcionamento e de estrutura entre os mesmos. As baixas taxas de transferência impõem gargalos no caminho do fluxo de matéria através dos ecossistemas, causando acúmulo de matéria nos compartimentos imediatamente precedentes. Neste trabalho estudou-se o fluxo e as trocas de matéria entre compartimentos de uma Floresta Tropical de Encosta Úmida situada na bacia hidrográfica de Dois Rios (Ilha Grande-RJ).