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Resumo IPEN-doc 29575 Q-switched Nd:YAG laser on dental enamel with photoabsorber2022 - CASTRO, PEDRO; PEREIRA, DAISA; ANA, PATRICIA; MATOS, CHRISTIANO; ZEZELL, DENISENd:YAG lasers emitting λ=1064 nm at microsecond and nanosecond pulses are alternatives to prevent dental caries and erosion in clinics.This wavelength allows most of photons to penetrate deep in the hard tissue due to low absorption of hydroxyapatite in the region. It is necessary to use photoabsorbers so most of photons are absorbed in the surface of the tissue preventing dental pulp necrosis. Currently the coal paste is used as a photoabsorber but the irradiated tissue turns darker what implies in the patients low adherence to the treatment due to aesthetic reasons. [1,2]. Confocal Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive optical method to obtain detailed information about molecular composition of biological structures in depth. The most prominent feature of Confocal Raman spectroscopy is the reliable capability to provide the biomolecular data with no use of ionizing radiation to penetrate in the sample. This work aims to characterize the dental enamel irradiated with Nd:YAG laser with nanoseconds pulses, in order to describe the depth related changes promoted in the enamel, by the heat generated due to laser irradiation. For these measurements, 30bovine enamel blocks of 8 mm2, were randomized into 3 groups: G1 – enamel untreated; G2 – enamel irradiated with Nd:YAG nanopulsed laser (1064 nm, 4 W; 1,05 J/cm2; 5 ns 20 Hz, Brilliant, Quantel Laser) using a coal paste as photoabsorber; G3 -enamel irradiated with Nd:YAG nanopulsed laser ( same parameters as G2) using squid ink as photoabsorber. The assessments of three different depth regions of the cubic shaped samples were: region A- left corner above of the sample, region B- middle of the sample and Region C- right corner below of the sample. The intensity map of phosphate (950 cm-1)regarding the position, were calculated [3,4] as shown in the Figure 01. The comparative results in the Fig.1 demonstrated that application of coal paste associated with Nd:YAG (G2) can preserve the inorganic content better than the squid ink group (G3). These findings have crucial clinical implications in the laser protocol development and itwas possible to correlate the heat penetration depth of the laser irradiation with photoabsorber using the images obtained bythe confocal Raman.Tese IPEN-doc 29237 Caracterização óptica de tecidos duros dentais irradiados com lasers de Nd:YAG2019 - PEREIRA, DAISA de L.Os métodos de diagnóstico óptico são muito utilizados na odontologia e se baseiam nas propriedades ópticas dos tecidos duros dentais esmalte e dentina. Estes, podem detectar doenças da cavidade oral precocemente possibilitando uma intervenção mais rápida e eficaz. O laser Nd:YAG (λ=1064nm) é bastante difundido na clínica para a prevenção e tratamento de cárie e erosão dentária. Após a irradiação dos tecidos duros com Nd:YAG, suas propriedades ópticas são modificadas, há alta penetração de fótons deste comprimento de onda e baixa absorção, assim é necessário o uso de fotoabsorvedores para que os fótons sejam absorvidos na superfície e se evite a necrose da polpa dental. Atualmente a pasta de carvão, usada como fotoabsorvedor, causa escurecimento no tecido irradiado implicando na baixa adesão ao tratamento por questões estéticas. O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi caracterizar os tecidos duros dentais quanto à irradiação com laser de Nd:YAG com pulsos na ordem de microssegundos e nanossegundos, descrever as alterações promovidas pela irradiação e se essas interferem nos métodos de diagnóstico e também como o uso de um fotoabsorvedor alternativo, como a tinta de lula, influencia nas propriedades ópticas dos tecidos. Esses lasers também são propostos como alternativa de prevenção de lesões de erosão dentária. Foram determinados os protocolos de irradiação eficiente e seguros para o laser de Nd:YAG (0,6W;84,9J/cm2;120μs) e também para o Q-Switched Nd:YAG (4W;1,05J/cm2;5ns) baseados na medida da temperatura intrapulpar com termopares de resposta rápida e superficial com termografia no infravermelho durante a irradiação de dentes humanos; concentração de flúor nos fotoabsorvedores; mudança de cor de acordo com o fotoabsorvedor e também na análise da morfologia superficial por microscopia eletrônica de varredura após a irradiação de dentes bovinos. Após a determinação dos protocolos, foram calculados o índice de refração, coeficiente de atenuação óptica para determinar se o protocolo foi eficiente na prevenção de lesões de erosão e também foram utilizados neste cálculo os índices refração calculados anteriormente. Ambos protocolos apresentaram aumento menor do que 5,5ºC da temperatura intrapulpar, indicando que estão na faixa de manutenção da vitalidade pulpar. A temperatura superficial durante a irradiação foi maior do que 200ºC. A concentração de flúor na pasta de carvão é 0,03±0,01μgF/mL e na tinta de lula é 3,92±0,32μgF/mL. A tinta de lula promoveu menor escurecimento. As eletromicrografias mostraram que os lasers promoveram fusão nas superfícies dos tecidos exceto a dentina irradiada com o Nd:YAG Q-Switched. Não houve diferença estatística significante entre os índices de refração calculados, porém, o cálculo do coeficiente de atenuação óptica mostrou diferenças significativas e os protocolos que se utilizaram da tinta de lula se mostraram mais eficientes na prevenção das lesões de erosão. A composição química em profundidade foi determinada utilizando-se a espectroscopia Raman confocal. Lasers de Nd:YAG são eficientes para a prevenção de lesões de erosão dentária independente da largura de pulso, a tinta de Lula se mostrou eficaz e viável esteticamente. Os protocolos são seguros para aplicação clínica e alteram os tecidos duros dentais química e opticamente influenciando no diagnóstico por técnicas ópticas, por exemplo OCT.Resumo IPEN-doc 28959 Q-switched Nd:YAG laser on dental enamel with photoabsorber2020 - CASTRO, P.; PEREIRA, D.; ANA, P.; MATOS, C.; ZEZELL, D.Nd:YAG lasers emitting λ = 1064 nm at microsecond and nanosecond pulses are alternatives to prevent dental caries and erosion in clinics. This wavelength allows most of photons to penetrate deep in the hard tissue due to low absorption of hydroxyapatite in the region. It is necessary to use photoabsorbers so most of photons are absorbed in the surface of the tissue preventing dental pulp necrosis. Currently the coal paste is used as a photoabsorber but the irradiated tissue turns darker what implies in the patients low adherence to the treatment due to aesthetic reasons. [1,2]. Confocal Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive optical method to obtain detailed information about molecular composition of biological structures in depth. The most prominent feature of Confocal Raman spectroscopy is the reliable capability to provide the biomolecular data with no use of ionizing radiation to penetrate in the sample. This work aims to characterize the dental enamel irradiated with Nd:YAG laser with nanoseconds pulses, in order to describe the depth related changes promoted in the enamel, by the heat generated due to laser irradiation. For these measurements, 30 bovine enamel blocks of 8 mm2, were randomized into 3 groups: G1 – enamel untreated; G2 – enamel irradiated with Nd:YAG nanopulsed laser (1064 nm, 4 W; 1,05 J/cm2; 5 ns 20 Hz, Brilliant, Quantel Laser) using a coal paste as photoabsorber; G3 -enamel irradiated with Nd:YAG nanopulsed laser ( same parameters as G2) using squid ink as photoabsorber. The assessments of three different depth regions of the cubic shaped samples were: region A- left corner above of the sample, region B-middle of the sample and Region C- right corner below of the sample. The intensity map of phosphate (950 cm-1) regarding the position, were calculated [3,4] as shown in the Figure 01. The comparative results in the Fig.1 demonstrated that application of coal paste associated with Nd:YAG (G2) can preserve the inorganic content better than the squid ink group (G3). These findings have crucial clinical implications in the laser protocol development and it was possible to correlate the heat penetration depth of the laser irradiation with photoabsorber using the images obtained by the confocal Raman.Artigo IPEN-doc 28685 The efficacy of photobiomodulation therapy in improving tissue resilience and healing of radiation skin damage2022 - MOSCA, RODRIGO C.; SANTOS, SOFIA N. dos; NOGUEIRA, GESSE E.C.; PEREIRA, DAISA L.; COSTA, FRANCIELLI C.; PEREIRA, JONATHAS X.; ZEITUNI, CARLOS A.; ARANY, PRAVEEN R.The increased precision, efficacy, and safety of radiation brachytherapy has tremendously improved its popularity in cancer care. However, an unfortunate side effect of this therapy involves localized skin damage and breakdown that are managed palliatively currently. This study was motivated by prior reports on the efficacy of photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy in improving tissue resilience and wound healing. We evaluated the efficacy of PBM therapy on 36 athymic mice with 125I seed (0.42 mCi) implantation over 60 days. PBM treatments were performed with either red (660 nm) or near-infrared (880 nm, NIR) LEDs irradiance of 40 mW/cm2, continuous wave, fluence of 20 J/cm2 once per week. Animals were evaluated every 7 days with digital imaging, laser Doppler flowmetry, thermal imaging, µPET-CT imaging using 18F-FDG, and histology. We observed that both PBM treatments—red and NIR—demonstrated significantly less incidence and severity and improved healing with skin radionecrosis. Radiation exposed tissues had improved functional parameters such as vascular perfusion, reduced inflammation, and metabolic derangement following PBM therapy. Histological analysis confirmed these observations with minimal damage and resolution in tissues exposed to radiation. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the successful use of PBM therapy for brachytherapy. The results from this study support future mechanistic lab studies and controlled human clinical studies to utilize this innovative therapy in managing side effects from radiation cancer treatments.Resumo IPEN-doc 18813 Effect of Nd:YAG laser on caries prevention of dental enamel by optical attenuation coefficient with optical coherence tomography (OCT)2018 - MORAES, MARCIA C.D.; PEREIRA, DAISA L.; ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.; FREITAS, ANDERSON Z.Caries is a multifactorial disease, caused by the continuing loss of hydroxyapatite crystals. The association of topical acidulated phosphate fluoride application (APF) and high intensity lasers has the potencial to increase the resistance to demineralization of dental tissues. The Nd:YAG laser, specially associated to a photoabsorber over the dental surface, may induce thermal changes in order to increase the resistance to demineralization. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a non-ionizing radiation imaging technique that can be performed in real time in vivo and can detect early changes in the optical properties of t issues. This study aimed to characterize the effectiveness of the association of Nd:YAG la ser and APF gel in the prevention of caries lesions in human dental enamel in vitro, due to structural changes in function of the pH cycling, the treatments performed as well as to evaluate the potential of OCT to diagnose early demineralization. 160 human enamel samples were divided in four groups and submitted to pH cycling during 20 days, after the following treatments: G1- untreated; G2- treated with APF gel (1.23% F-, 4min); G3- irradiated with Nd:YAG (1064nm, 84.9J/ cm2, 10Hz) followed by APF application and G4- APF application before Nd:YAG laser irradiation (same conditions of G3). OCT (930 nm) analysis were performed before and after the treatments, 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th day of pH cycling. The optical attenuation coefficient decreased significantly (p<0.05) as demineralization increased over time and better results were achieved in group G4. OCT technique can diagnose early demineralization in enamel.Resumo IPEN-doc 18688 Longevity of diode laser irradiation in dentine2018 - PEREIRA, DAISA L.; MORAES, MARCIA C.D.; ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.The efficacy of pulsed infrared lasers on clinical dentin wear sensitivity is well stablished in the Literature. This work aims to evaluate the effect of diode laser combined with fluoride products regarding the longevity of the sensibility treatment under the effect of the domestic use products. After Ethics Committee approval, 75 slabs of bovine root dentin measuring 8 mm2, were randomized into 5 groups (n=1 5): G1- untreated; G2- treated with acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF-gel, [F-J=1.23 %, pH=3.3 to 3.9); G3- irradiated with diode laser (980 nm, 2.5W, 5ms, 25Hz) using a cool paste as photoabsorber; G4- irradiated with diode laser (same conditions of G3) using a coal paste as photoabsorber + application of APF-gel and G5- application of APF-gel+ diode laser irradiation (same conditions of G3). All samples were submitted to an erosive and abrasive demineralization (Sprite Zero, pH=2.8, 90s, 4x/day), and remineralization (artificial saliva, pH=7.4) cycling for 10 days. Twice a day, slabs were brushed for 15s using a whitening dentifrice (Sensodyne True White, GSK, EUA). Slabs were evaluated by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) at the initial and 7th day of cycling. OCT measurements found a significant increase on dentin wear depth and area of lesions with the increase of cycling days. G1 and G2 hod significant higher mineral loss compared to the other groups. G3, G4 and GS showed no significant differences between them. Results suggested that the sensibility of the treatment with the diode laser has longevity despite the high abrasivity of dentifrice used in maintenance.Resumo IPEN-doc 18613 Gamma sterilized human dental enamel submitted to Er,Cr: YSGG laser irradiation associated to fluoride for in situ model2018 - ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B.; PEREIRA, DAISA de L.; LIMA, CASSIO A.; SCAPIN, MARCOS A.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.Resumo IPEN-doc 18533 Er,Cr:YSGG laser associated to fluoride on the control of dentin erosion progression2018 - BEZERRA, SAVIO J.C.; TREVISAN, LETICIA R.; VIANA, ITALLO E.L.; LOPES, RAQUEL M.; PEREIRA, DAISA de L.; SAKAE, LETICIA O.; ARANHA, ANA C.C.; SCARAMUCCI, TAIS1) Introduction: The combination between high power lasers and fluoride may potentially control the progression of dentin erosion. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Er,CrYSGG laser, associated to fluoride application, in the control of dentin erosion. 2) Materials and Methods: Dentin slabs were embedded into acrylic resin, flattened and polished. The specimens (n=10) were previously eroded (10min immersion in 1% citric acid solution) and randomly allocated into the experimental groups, according to the following treatments: control (no treatment); acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF) gel (1.23% F, 1min); Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation (parameter 1: 0.25W, 20Hz, 2.8J/cm2); Er,Cr:YSGG loser irradiation (parameter 2: 0.50W, 20Hz, 5.7J/cm2); APF gel+Er,Cr:YSGG laser parameter 1 and; APF gel+Er,Cr:YSGG laser parameter 2. After, they underwent on erosion-remineralization cycling, consisting of a 5min immersion into 0.3% citric acid, followed by 60min exposure to artificial saliva. This procedure was repeated 4x/day, for 5 days. Surface loss (SL, in μm) was determined with optical profilometry. The specimens were analyzed by environmental scanning electron microscopy (n=3). Data were statistically analyzed (α=0.05). 3) Results: None of the groups significantly differed from the control group, except for the APF group. APF gel presented the lowest SL, not differing from Er,Cr.YSGG laser (parameter 1) and APF gel+Er,Cr:YSGG laser (parameter 1). Selective structure removal was observed for the laser-treated groups. 4) Conclusions: None of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser parameters were effective in the control of dentin erosion. The laser was also not able to enhance the protection of fluoride against dental erosion.Resumo IPEN-doc 18453 Effects of Er,Cr:YSGG laser and a bioactive glass on root caries remineralization2018 - YOSHIKAWA, HELENICE Y.; DAGUANO, JULIANA K.M.B.; PEREIRA, DAISA L.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.; ANA, PATRICIA A.Considering the aging of the population, the greater exposure of the root surfaces and the higher caries risk in these surfaces, the development of strategies that efficiently remineralize root caries lesions in a long-lasting way is strictly necessary. This in vitro blind randomized study evaluated the potential of remineralization of root caries lesions promoted by Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation (2.78 μm) associated with a bioactive glass (Biosilicate ®). 60 bovine root dentin slabs with incipient caries lesions were distributed in 6 experimental groups {n:::15l, in order to be treated with laser irradiation (0.25W, 12.5 mJ/pulse, 2.8 J/cm2, 20 Hz, without refrigeration), application of Biosilicate® or association of both. After the treatments, the samples were subjected to an 8-day pH-cycling regimen, and further evaluated by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy {FTIR), optical coherence tomography (OCT) and scanning electron microscopy. The data were statistically analyzed at a 5% significance level. The Biosiljcate ® promoted the formation of carbonated hydroxyapatite even before loser irradiation, which was better retained after demineralization in loser irradiated group. The Biosilicote® and the la ser irradiation alone provided the remineralization of the root dentin in a similar way to that promoted by the topical application of acidulated phosphate fluoride, since all groups had comparable optical attenuation coefficients. The association of the Biosilicate® with the loser irradiation showed higher optical attenuation coefficient than the other experimental groups. It was concluded that the association of Biosilicote® with laser irradiation promoted a synergistic effect, augmenting the remineralization of root dentin and preventing the progression of caries.Resumo IPEN-doc 18341 Nd:YAG laser irradiation of darkened dental enamel by means of dentrifice use2018 - PEREIRA, DAISA L.; GOMES, GABRIELA V.; SUGAHARA, VANESSA M.L.; SCAPIN, MARCOS A.; ANA, PATRICIA A.; ARANHA, ANA C.C.; ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.As the world population is growing older, dental erosion became a real concern on dentistry. Optical Coherence Tomography and X-Ray fluorescence were used to analyze enamel samples covered by black dentifrice as photoabsorber irradiated with NdYAG laser, then submitted to an erosive cycling. Heat injury risk in deeper tissue decreases because of the dentifrice dark pigment, when the most of photons are absorbed in the surface. Sixty Bmm2 blocks of bovine enamel, were randomized into 4 groups: G1- untreated; G2- treated with acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF, [FJ::1.23%, pH::3.3 to 3.9); G3- irradiated with Nd:YAG laser (1064nm, 0.6W, 10Hz- Lares Research®) using a coal paste as photoabsorber; G4- irradiated with Nd:YAG laser (1064nm, 0.6W, 10Hz), using a black dentifrice (Black is White, Curaprox®). All samples were submitted to a 3-day erosive demineralization (Citric acid 1%, pH::3.6, 5min, 2x/day) under agitation, and remineralization cycling (artificial saliva, pH::7, 120minJ. After treatments and pH cycling, the [Ca]/[P] ratio decreased in the laser irradiated groups. The samples were evaluated by OCT before and after treatment and after erosive cycling. OCT measurements found smaller lesion depths in laser irradiated groups than in the other groups and there were statistically significant differences between G3 and G4 groups (p<0.05). Heating promoted by Nd:YAG laser irradiation changed the morphological and crystallographic enamel surface properties and has shown to be a promissory alternative to prevent erosion.