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Artigo IPEN-doc 22617 Suppression and stimulation of mineralocorticoid hormones (MCH) in the simple virilizing form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) evaluated by the quantitation in adrenal venous blood1983 - WAJCHENBERG, B.L.; BIGLIERI, E.G.; OKADA, H.; MALERBI, D.A.C.; ACHANDO, S.S.; KATER, C.E.Four untreated female patients with the nonsalt-losing form of congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia (21-hydroxylase deficiency) (21-OHD) maintained on a daily sodium intake of 120 m-equiv were studied by bilateral adrenal vein catheterization. Simultaneous right and left adrenal and peripheral blood samples were collected for determination of cortisol (F), progesterone (P), 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP), aldosterone (Aldo), and deoxycorticosterone (DOC). All patients were studied during sequential ACTH suppression (30 min after intravenous administration of 4 mg of dexamethasone) and stimulation (5 min after intravenous administration of 250 μg β-ACTH [cosyntropin]). Basal peripheral concentrations of Aldo, DOC, P and 17-OHP were increased, whereas F concentrations were in the lower limit of the normal range. Dexamethasone suppressed adrenal secretion in all subjects. Subsequent adrenal stimulation by ACTH increased P, 17-OHP and DOC, whereas F returned to only control levels. DOC responses to ACTH in the adrenal vein effluents correlated significantly with Aldo responses but not with the 17-OHP increments, suggesting that the adrenal responses of Aldo and DOC to ACTH are events that probably occur in the same zone.Artigo IPEN-doc 17387 Publicação IPEN-doc 03044 Estudo 'in vitro' do acido 2,6 diisopropil fenilcarboilmetil iminodiacetico marcado em sup(99m)Tc. (DISIPA-sup(99m)Tc)1988 - FREIRE MARTINEZ, D.Y.; BARBOZA, M.R.F.F.; MURAMOTO, E.; ACHANDO, S.S.; SILVA, C.P.G.Publicação IPEN-doc 03054 Marcacao de N-isopropil -p-I-anfetamina (IMP-sup(131) e biodistribuicao em ratos1988 - BARBOZA, M.R.F.F.; GONCALVES, R.S.V.; MURAMOTO, E.; ACHANDO, S.S.; FREIRE MARTINEZ, D.Y.; COLTURATO, M.T.; SILVA, C.P.G.; KNUST, J.Publicação IPEN-doc 03533 Estudo da estabilidade e comportamento biologico da N-isopropil-p-sup(131)I anfetamina(IMP sup(131)I) e correlacao com a medula espinhal1990 - MURAMOTO, E.; ACHANDO, S.S.; BARBOZA, M.R.F.F.; GONCALVES, R.S.V.; COLTURATO, M.T.; SOSA de PEREIRA, N.P.; SILVA, C.P.G.Publicação IPEN-doc 03532 Influencia do anestesico (eter etilico e uretana) sobre alguns radiofarmacos1990 - MURAMOTO, E.; ACHANDO, S.S.; ARAUJO, E.B.; HAMADA, E.S.; GONCALVES, R.S.V.; SOSA de PEREIRA, N.P.; SILVA, C.P.G.Publicação IPEN-doc 03659 Preparation of O-iodohippuric acid kit for labelling with sup(131)I or sup(123)I1990 - BARBOZA, M.R.F.F.; SOSA de PEREIRA, N.P.; ACHANDO, S.S.; SILVA, C.P.G.Publicação IPEN-doc 03355 Preparacao de conjuntos de reativos liofilizados de iodofenin para marcar com sup(99m)Tc, utilizados em estudo hepatobiliar1989 - BARBOZA, M.R.F.F.; HERRERIAS, R.; MURAMOTO, E.; COLTURATO, M.T.; ACHANDO, S.S.; SOSA de PEREIRA, N.P.; SILVA, C.P.G.Publicação IPEN-doc 03077 Standardization of the biological control of sup(67)Ga-citrate in rats and mice1988 - MURAMOTO, E.; BARBOZA, M.R.F.F.; ACHANDO, S.S.; SOSA de PEREIRA, N.; SILVA, C.P.G.Resumo IPEN-doc 06088 Otimizacao do metodo de marcacao da M.I.B.G. marcada com I-131 ou I-123, e sua aplicacao1995 - COLTURATO, M.T.; PEREIRA, N.P.S.; ACHANDO, S.S.; HAMADA, E.S.; BARBOZA, M.F.; MENGATTI, J.; SILVA, C.P.G.