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Resumo IPEN-doc 14036 Local Treatment using high and low-power laser on herpes simplex2004 - MULLER, K.P.; YAMADA JUNIOR, A.M.; SUGAYAMA, S.T.; RIBEIRO, M.S.Herpes simplex (HSV) is commonly encountered in the dentistry practice disappearing after 10 to 14 days. Recently alternative treatments have been introduced, among those laser therapy. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of laser therapy in patients with perioral herpes simplex infection. A 32 years old female was treated with high-intensity laser therapy (HILT) in vesicle phase using a Nd:YAG laser, l= 1064 nm, P= 1,5 W, f= 15 Hz on days 1 and 2 to drainage the vesicles. Low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) was applied on the affected area in the 3 consecutive days with a GaAlAs laser, l= 830 nm, D= 5 J/cm2. On the other hand, a 7 years male patient, which presented the vesiculo-ulcerative stage, only LILT (l= 660 nm, D= 4 J/cm2) was carried out. For both cases, it was observed that the course of the infection was quicker than the normal. Seven days after treatment beginning the lesions were healed. These findings suggest that LILT associated or not to HILT is a efficient and promising treatment for HSV. Further larger studies aiming at confirming these data and investigating the LILT mechanisms of action should be performed.Resumo IPEN-doc 12376 Photodynamic action of toluidine blue in streptococcus mutans by fluorescence spectroscopy2004 - NUNEZ, S.C.; GOMES, L.; GARCEZ, A.S.; MULLER, K.P.; JORGE, A.O.C.; RIBEIRO, M.S.The antimicrobial activity of toluidine blue associated with red light has been demonstrated for a wide range of microorganisms including those commonly found in infected root canals, carious lesions and periodontal pockets. Recent reports have drawn attention to the problems of antimicrobial resistance and resistance of oral bacteria to antibiotics and local antiseptics is of increasing concern, thus photodynamic therapy could be an alternative antimicrobial approach to treat localized infections in oral cavity. In this study the fluorescence spectra of TB were obtained before and after laser exposure in the presence or absence of Streptococcus mutans. The dye concentration was 0.01%, the irradiation was performed with a diode laser, l= 660 nm, P= 40mW, exposure time of 3 minutes in a volume of 0.5 ml, with a pre-irradiation time (PIT) of one or five minutes. The results showed shifts in fluorescence spectra observed for different preirradiation times in the presence of S. mutans. In the absence of bacteria, a shift in the spectra was observed in the dye before and after irradiation. These findings may indicate a photobleaching of the dye denoting structural alterations after irradiation and confirm the importance of the PIT for the success of this therapy.