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Artigo IPEN-doc 10680 Preliminary study of chemical compositional data from amazon ceramics2005 - TOYOTA, R.G.; MUNITA, C.S.; NEVES, E.G.; LUZ, F.A.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 16147 Aplicacao de metodo de imputacao para substituicao de dados discrepantes univariados obtidos em resultados exprimentais2010 - OLIVEIRA, PAULO T.M. e S.; SEPULVEDA MUNITA, CASIMIRO J.Artigo IPEN-doc 15588 Variable selection using procrustes analysis with stopping rule in archaecometric studies2010 - MUNITA, C.S.; BARROSO, L.P.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 08573 Chemical study of some ceramics from Brazilian Northeast2002 - SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.; NASCIMENTO, A.; SCHREIBER, S.B.; LUNA, S.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 14156 Estudo comparativo de metodos de normalizacao em resultados experimentais2009 - OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 09503 Estudo arqueometrico de depositos argilosos da terra indigena dos Asurini do Xingu2003 - SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.; SILVA, F.A.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 13441 Tempering effect in ceramics chemical analysis by INAA2008 - MUNITA, CASIMIRO S.; TOYOTA, ROSIMEIRI G.; OLIVEIRA, PAULO T.M.; NEVES, EDUARDO G.; DEMARTINI, CRISTINA C.Archaeological ceramics are manufactured with clay and usually potters added a material named temper that can be a mineral or organic material. Temper modifies the chemical and physical properties of clay and improves its workability. When INAA is used, the analysis reflects total composition, i.e., the elements in the clay as well the ones in the tempering. In this work the concentration of Ba, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Rb, Na, Nd, Sb, Sc, Sm, Ta, Tb, Th, Yb, Zn and U in 161 samples of Marajoara pottery were determined using INAA. The samples were obtained using a tungsten carbide drill and dried in an oven at 105o C for 24 hours. The samples and standards were irradiated in the swimming pool research reactor, IEA-R1 (IPEN-CNEN/SP), at a thermal neutron flux of about 5 x 1012 n cm-2 s-1 for 8 hours. Two measurements series were carried out, after 7 days and 25-30 days. The results were studied by means of modified Mahalanobis filter and multivariate statistical methods to verify the effect of the temper on the determination of trace elements. The results showed that the temper effect in the pottery is negligible.Artigo IPEN-doc 07123 INAA of archaeological ceramic for provenance study2001 - SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.; PAIVA, R.P.; ALVES, M.A.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; MOMOSE, E.F.Artigo IPEN-doc 17148 Variable selection using procrustes analysis for an INAA compositional study in the Central Amazon2011 - HAZENFRATZ, ROBERTO; OLIVEIRA, PAULO M.S.; MUNITA, CASIMIRO S.; NEVES, EDUARDO G.Artigo IPEN-doc 06846 Major and trace element characterization of prehistoric ceramic from Rezende archaeological site2000 - SEPULVEDA MUNITA, C.J.A.; PAIVA, R.P.; ALVES, M.A.; OLIVEIRA, P.M.S.; MOMOSE, E.F.