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Artigo IPEN-doc 27926 Modification of fuel performance code to evaluate iron-based alloy behavior under LOCA scenario2021 - GIOVEDI, C.; ABE, A.; MUNIZ, R.O.R.; GOMES, D.S.; SILVA, A.T.; MARTINS, M.R.Accident tolerant fuels (ATF) has been studied since the Fukushima Daiichi accident in the research efforts to develop new materials which under accident scenarios could maintain the fuel rod integrity for a longer period compared to the cladding and fuel system usually utilized in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR). The efforts have been focused on new materials applied as cladding, then iron-base alloys appear as a possible candidate. The aim of this paper is to implement modifications in FRAPCON and FRAPTRAN fuel performance codes to evaluate the behavior of iron-based alloys under Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) scenario. For this, initially the properties related to the thermal and mechanical behavior of iron-based alloys were obtained from the literature, appropriately adapted and introduced in the fuel performance code subroutines. The adopted approach was step by step modifications, where different versions of the code were created. The assessment of the implemented modification was carried out simulating an experiment available in the open literature (IFA-650.5) related to zirconium-based alloy fuel rods submitted to LOCA conditions. The obtained results for the iron-based alloy were compared to those obtained using the regular version of the fuel performance code for zircaloy-4. The obtained results have shown that the most important properties to be changed are those from the subroutines related to the mechanical properties of the cladding. The results obtained have shown that the burst is observed at a longer time for fuel rods with iron-based alloy, indicating the potentiality of this material to be used as cladding with ATF purposes.Artigo IPEN-doc 26854 Assessment of high conductivity ceramic fuel concept under normal and accident conditions2020 - GOMES, D.S.; ABE, A.; SILVA, A.T.; MUNIZ, R.O.R.; GIOVEDI, C.; MARTINS, M.R.After the Fukushima Daiichi accident, the high conductivity ceramic concept fuel has been revisited. The thermal conductivity of uranium dioxide used as nuclear fuel is relatively low, as consequence fuel pellet centerline reaches high temperatures, high fission gas release rate, increase of fuel rod internal pressure reducing the safety thermal margin. Several investigations had been conducted in framework of ATF (Accident Tolerant Fuel) using different additives in ceramic fuel (UO2) in order to enhance thermal conductivity in uranium dioxide pellets. The increase of the thermal conductivity of fuel can reduce the pellet centerline temperature, consequently less fission gas releasing rate and the low risk of fuel melting, hence improving significantly fuel performance under accident conditions. The beryllium oxide (BeO) has high conductivity among other ceramics and is quite compatible with UO2up to 2200°C, at which temperature it forms a eutectic. Moreover, it is compatible with zircaloy cladding, does not react with water, has a good neutronic characteristics (low neutron absorption cross-section, neutron moderation). This work presents a preliminary assessment of high conductivity ceramic concept fuel considering UO2-BeO mixed oxide fuel containing 10 wt% of BeO. The FRAPCON and FRAPTRAN fuel performance codes were conveniently adapted to support the evaluation of UO2-BeO mixed oxide fuel. The thermal and mechanical properties were modified in the codes for a proper and representative simulation of the fuel performance. Theobtainedpreliminary results show lower fuel centerline temperatureswhen compared to standard UO2 fuel, consequently promoting enhancement of safety margins during the operational condition and under LOCA accident scenario.Artigo IPEN-doc 24021 Sensitivity assessment of fuel performance codes for loca accident scenario2017 - ABE, ALFREDO; GIOVEDI, CLAUDIA; GOMES, DANIEL; SILVA, ANTONIO T. e; MUNIZ, RAFAEL O.R.; MARTINS, MARCELOFRAPCON code predicts fuel rod performance in LWR (Light Water Reactor) by modeling fuel responses under normal operating conditions and anticipated operational occurrences; FRAPTRAN code is applied for fuel transient under fast transient and accident conditions. The codes are well known and applied for different purposes and one of the use is to address sensitivity analysis considering fuel design parameters associated to fabrication, moreover can address the effect of physical models bias. The objective of this work was to perform an assessment of fuel manufacturing parameters tolerances and fuel models bias using FRAPCON and FRAPTRAN codes for Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) scenario. The preliminary analysis considered direct approach taken into account most relevant manufacturing tolerances (lower and upper bounds) related to design parameters and physical models bias without considering their statistical distribution. The simulations were carried out using the data available in the open literature related to the series of LOCA experiment performed at the Halden reactor (specifically IFA-650.5). The manufacturing tolerances associated to design parameters considered in this paper were: enrichment, cladding thickness, pellet diameter, pellet density, and filling gas pressure. The physical models considered were: fuel thermal expansion, fission gas release, fuel swelling, irradiation creep, cladding thermal expansion, cladding corrosion, and cladding hydrogen pickup. The results obtained from sensitivity analysis addressed the impact of manufacturing tolerances and physical models in the fuel cladding burst time observed for the IFA-650.5 experiment.Artigo IPEN-doc 24013 Simulation of accident-tolerant U3Si2 fuel using FRAPCON code2017 - GOMES, DANIEL S.; SILVA, ANTONIO T.; ABE, ALFREDO Y.; MUNIZ, RAFAEL O.R.; GIOVEDI, CLAUDIAThe research on accident-tolerant fuels (ATFs) increased after the Fukushima event. This benefitted risk management in nuclear operations. In this investigation, the physical properties of the materials being developed for the ATF program were compared with those of the standard UO2–Zr fuel system. The research efforts in innovative fuel design include rigorous characterization of thermal, mechanical, and chemical assessment, with the objectives of making the burnup cycle longer, increasing power density, and improving safety performance. Fuels must reach a high uranium density—above that supported by UO2—and possess coating that exhibits better oxidation resistance than Zircaloy. The uranium density and thermal conductivity of ATFs, such as U3Si2, UN, and UC, is higher than that of UO2; their combination with advanced cladding provides possible fuel–cladding options. An ideal combination of fuel and cladding must increase fuel performance in loss-of-coolant scenarios. The disadvantages of U3Si2, UN, and UC are their swelling rates, which are higher than that of UO2. The thermal conductivities of ATFs are approximately four times higher than that of UO2. To prevent the generation of hydrogen due to oxidation of zirconium-based alloys in contact with steam, cladding options, such as ferritic alloys, were studied. It was verified that FeCrAl alloys and SiC provide better response under severe conditions because of their thermophysical properties. The findings of this study indicate that U3Si2 and the FeCrAl fuel cladding concept should replace UO2–Zr as the fuel system of choice.Artigo IPEN-doc 24012 Modification of fuel performance code to evaluate iron-based alloy behavior under loca scenario2017 - GIOVEDI, CLAUDIA; ABE, ALFREDO; MUNIZ, RAFAEL O.R.; GOMES, DANIEL de S.; SILVA, ANTONIO T. e; MARTINS, MARCELO R.Accident tolerant fuels (ATF) has been studied since the Fukushima Daiichi accident in the research efforts to develop new materials which under accident scenarios could maintain the fuel rod integrity for a longer period compared to the cladding and fuel system usually utilized in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR). The efforts have been focused on new materials applied as cladding, then iron-base alloys appear as a possible candidate. The aim of this paper is to implement modifications in a fuel performance code to evaluate the behavior of ironbased alloys under Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) scenario. For this, initially the properties related to the thermal and mechanical behavior of iron-based alloys were obtained from the literature, appropriately adapted and introduced in the fuel performance code subroutines. The adopted approach was step by step modifications, where different versions of the code were created. The assessment of the implemented modification was carried out simulating an experiment available in the open literature (IFA-650.5) related to zirconium-based alloy fuel rods submitted to LOCA conditions. The obtained results for the iron-based alloy were compared to those obtained using the regular version of the fuel performance code for zircaloy-4. The obtained results have shown that the most important properties to be changed are those from the subroutines related to the mechanical properties of the cladding. The results obtained have shown that the burst is observed at a longer time for fuel rods with iron-based alloy, indicating the potentiality of this material to be used as cladding with ATF purposes.Artigo IPEN-doc 24011 Assessment of uranium dioxide fuel performance with the addition of beryllium oxide2017 - MUNIZ, RAFAEL O.R.; GIOVEDI, CLAUDIA; ABE, ALFREDO; GOMES, DANIEL S.; AGUIAR, AMANDA A.; SILVA, ANTONIO T.The Fukushima Daiichi accident in 2011 pointed the problem related to the hydrogen generation under accident scenarios due to the oxidation of zirconium-based alloys widely used as fuel rod cladding in water-cooled reactors. This problem promoted research programs aiming the development of accident tolerant fuels (ATF) which are fuels that under accident conditions could keep longer its integrity enabling the mitigation of the accident effects. In the framework of the ATF program, different materials have been studied to be applied as cladding to replace zirconium-based alloy; also efforts have been made to improve the uranium dioxide thermal conductivity doping the fuel pellet. This paper evaluates the addition of beryllium oxide (BeO) to the uranium dioxide in order to enhance the thermal conductivity of the fuel pellet. Investigations performed in this area considering the addition of 10% in volume of BeO, resulting in the UO2-BeO fuel, have shown good results with the improvement of the fuel thermal conductivity and the consequent reduction of the fuel temperatures under irradiation. In this paper, two models obtained from open literature for the thermal conductivity of UO2- BeO fuel were implemented in the FRAPCON 3.5 code and the results obtained using the modified code versions were compared. The simulations were carried out using a case available in the code documentation related to a typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel rod irradiated under steady state condition. The results show that the fuel centerline temperatures decrease with the addition of BeO, when compared to the conventional UO2 pellet, independent of the model applied.Artigo IPEN-doc 24009 Analysis of UO2-BEO fuel under transient using fuel performance code2017 - GOMES, DANIEL S.; ABE, ALFREDO Y.; MUNIZ, RAFAEL O.R.; GIOVEDI, CLAUDIARecent research has appointed the need to replace the classic fuel concept, used in light water reactors. Uranium dioxide has a weak point due to the low thermal conductivity, that produce high temperatures on the fuel. The ceramic composite fuel formed of uranium dioxide (UO2), with the addition of beryllium oxide (BeO), presents high thermal conductivity compared with UO2. The oxidation of zirconium generates hydrogen gas that can create a detonation condition. One of the preferred options are the ferritic alloys formed of iron-chromium and aluminum (FeCrAl), that should avoid the hydrogen release due to oxidation. In general, the FeCrAl alloys containing 10–20Cr, 3–5Al, and 0–0.12Y in weight percent. The FeCrAl alloys should exhibit a slow oxidation kinetics due to chemical composition. Resistance to oxidation in the presence of steam is improved as a function of the content of chromium and aluminum. In this way, the thermal and mechanical properties of the UO2-BeO-10%vol, composite fuel were coupled with FeCrAl alloys and added to the fuel codes. In this work, we examine the fuel rod behavior of UO2-10%vol-BeO/FeCrAl, including a simulated transient of reactivity. The fuels behavior shown reduced temperature with UO2-BeO/Zr, UO2-BeO/FeCrAl also were compared with UO2/Zr system. The case reactivity initiated accident analyzed, reproducing the fuel rod called VA-1 using UO2/Zr alloys and compared with UO2-BeO/FeCrAl.