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Resumo IPEN-doc 27087 Magnetic hyperfine field at 119Sn and 111Cd probes in Gd5Ge4 studied by Mƶssbauer and PAC spectroscopy2019 - KRYLOV, V.I.; BOSCH-SANTOS, B.; CABRERA-PASCA, G.A.; CARBONARI, A.W.; SAXENA, R.N.; LEITE NETO, O.F.S.The magnetic structure of Gd5Ge4 belonging to the family of giant magnetocaloric Gd5(Si1-xGex)4 alloys [1] has been examined by magnetization measurements in single crystal [2, 3], X-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS) [4], and neutron powder diffraction (NPD [5]. Gd5Ge4 crystallizes in the orthorhombic structure (space group Pnma) having three non-equivalent Ge-sites. At low temperatures, the Gd magnetic moments are ferromagnetically (FM) aligned within the slabs along the c-direction, while their stacking in the b-direction is antiferromagnetic (AFM) below 127 K [2, 4]. In this work, the temperature dependence of the magnetic hyperfine field (HF) and electric quadrupole interaction on 119Sn and 111Cd probe nuclei in Gd5Ge4 compound have been investigated by Mƶssbauer and perturbed angular correlation (PAC) spectroscopy. At the saturation, the HF magnitudes reach of Bhf =28.0(5) T and Bhf= 12.6(5) T for 119Sn and 111Cd, respectively, which correspond to the FM local magnetic environment for these probes. It was found that 119Sn probes are placed in two Ge positions, whereas 111Cd probes are located in only one of the three Ge positions in Gd5Ge4. Temperature dependence of Bhf for both 119Sn and 111Cd probes in Gd5Ge4 present anomalous behavior. In the range from 20 K to 120K, the HF decreases almost linearly when temperature increases. These anomalous behavior of Bhf(T) for 119Sn and 111Cd probes are in agreement with the temperature variation of the magnetic (070) and (010) peak intensities that have been found in XRMS [3] and NPD [4] studies. The AFM ordering temperature of Gd5Ge4, TN=129(1) K, found from the Bhf (T) is in agreement with previous results of [2 - 5]. Changes of the values and sign of the quadrupole shift of Mƶssbauer spectra for 119Sn atoms with the increase of temperature from 30 to 50 K confirm the spin-flop transition in Gd5Ge4 [2, 4].Resumo IPEN-doc 23309 Temperature anomalies of the hyperfine magnetic fields on 111Cd probe nuclei in ferro- and antiferromagnetic phases of the ordered FeRh alloys2016 - KRYLOV, V.I.; BOSCH-SANTOS, B.; CABRERA-PASCA, G.A.; CARBONARI, A.W.; SAXENA, R.N.; MESTNIK-FILHO, J.FeRh ordered alloy crystallizes in the bcc B2 structure [1], presents first order phase transition from antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering at low temperature to ferromagnetic (F) state above 350 K [2], and shows significant magnetocaloric effect near RT [3]. Recently, FeRh alloy has also been considered as an interesting material for spintronics applications [4]. In the AF state, FeRh has compensated AFII-type magnetic structure with Ī¼Fe=3.3 Ī¼B and Ī¼Rh=0. In the F state of FeRh both Fe and Rh atoms have magnetic moments of Ī¼Fe=3.2 Ī¼B and Ī¼Rh=0.9 Ī¼B, respectively [5]. The Fe ā Rh compounds were studied by Mƶssbauer spectroscopy (MS) on 57Fe [6, 7] and 119Sn probe nuclei [8]. In this work, we have, for the first time, investigated the HFs for 111Cd probe atoms in two FeRh samples of different composition by perturbed Ī³-Ī³ angular correlation (PAC) spectroscopy in the range from 40 K to a temperature above the TC. The alloy Fe0.48Rh0.52 (A1 sample) is AF at low temperatures. At the temperature Tt = 345 K the first order phase transition is observed, and this compound becomes F at the temperatures lower than TC = 685 K. The alloy Fe0.52Rh0.48 (A2 sample) is only ferromagnetic below TC = 800 K. It was established that in both alloys 111Cd probes substitute only Fe ions. The HFs values extrapolated to 0 K were found to be B1(0) =8.70(5) T and B2(0) =5.53(5) T for AF and F ordering of A1 and A2 samples, respectively. The HF in the AF state is almost 60% higher than the HF in the F alloy. The dependences B1 (T) and B2 (T) show anomalous behavior. At Tt = 345 K, phase transition AF-F is accompanied by a sharp decrease in the HF at 111Cd probe nuclei. Earlier, an increase of the corresponding HFs was observed for 57Fe atoms and 119Sn impurity atoms in the region of AF-F transition by MS in [6] and [8]. Analysis of B1(T) and B2(T) has allowed to obtain the temperature dependences of the competing contributions BFe (T) and BRh (T) to the HFs on 111Cd probe nuclei in FeRh alloys.Resumo IPEN-doc 23308 Huge negative magnetic hyperfine fields for 111Cd probe nuclei in the Fe3X (X=C, Ge, and Ga) compounds with specific properties2016 - KRYLOV, VASILY I.; BOSCH-SANTOS, BRIANNA; CABRERA-PASCA, GABRIEL A.; CARBONARI, ARTUR W.In recent years, Fe3X (X = C, Ga, and Ge) alloys are actively investigated experimental and theoretical methods due to their potential practical use as invar, magnetostrictive materials, and multi-layered ferromagnetic film [1-3]. The Fe3C alloy was studied by nuclear resonant scattering on 57Fe and by x-ray emission spectroscopy at high pressure up to 50 GPa because this substance could be the major Earthās inner core component [4, 5]. In this work we found huge negative HFs reaching a magnitude of Bhf = -46T on 111Cd probe nuclei in ferromagnetic Fe3X (X = C, Ga, and Ge) alloys by perturbed Ī³-Ī³ angular correlation (PAC) spectroscopy. These values are the highest known HFs on 111Cd nuclei in metallic magnets. It was established that in Fe3C crystallizing in the orthorhombic DO11 structure (Pnma space group) 111Cd probes are placed in Feg sites with 11Fe atoms as nearest neighbours (n.n.). For Feg positions, the n.n. arrangement is similar to normal hexagonal close packing. The HF value for 111Cd atoms in Fe3C is equal to Bhf = -38.0(1) T at 77K. In tetragonal DO3 crystal structure of Fe3Ga 111Cd probes are placed in both Ga sites (12 n.n. Fe) and in FeII (8n.n.Fe). The HFs for 111Cd atoms in Fe3Ga are equal to Bhf = -39.8(1) T and Bhf = -24.2(3) T at 77K for Ga and FeII sites of 111Cd localization. In hexagonal DO19 crystal structure of Fe3Ge 111Cd probes are placed in Ge sites (12 n.n.). The HF value for 111Cd probes in Fe3Ge is equal to Bhf = -46.0(1) T at 40K. There are no any anomalies of the Bhf (T) on 111Cd nuclei in the spin reorientation region of Fe3Ge. The results of this work are analyzed with the previously obtained HFās values on 111Cd nuclei in 3d metals and their alloys including Heusler alloys.Artigo IPEN-doc 22373 Mapping the magnetic hyperfine field in GdCosub(5)2016 - KRYLOV, V.I.; BOSCH SANTOS, B.; CABRERA PASCA, G.A.; DELYAGIN, N.N.; CARBONARI, A.W.