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Artigo IPEN-doc 27049 Study of cirrus clouds physical properties using the Lidar-DUSTER system and radiosounding data at Natal/RN- Brazil2019 - SANTOS, RENATA S. da S.; SILVA, MARCOS P. de A.; HOELZEMANN, JUDITH J.; SILVA, CLAUDIO M.S. e; LANDULFO, EDUARDO; LOPES, FABIO J. da S.Cirrus clouds are classified as the highest clouds in the atmosphere occurring generally from 7 to 18 km, depending on the global region of appearance, and have necessarily ice crystals in their composition. They still have an uncertain influence role in climate, therefore are seen as important atmospheric elements to be studied. Lidar systems (LIght Detecting and Ranging) have shown efficiency in the collection of cirrus characteristics which can help in its better parameterization in climatic and atmospheric models. In this work a collection of physical characteristics of cirrus was carried out, for January and February of 2017 and 2018, at Natal’s atmosphere using Lidar DUSTER’s data (5.84 S 35.20 W), a partnership UFRN/IPEN-SP. Morphological patterns of that clouds have been observed according to its heights as well as variations. Clouds with thinner depths and tenuous are observed at the top regions of troposphere, around 16.0 km. Otherwise, clouds with bigger vertical extensions are found around 12.0 km. The height of occurrence of cirrus in Natal, for the considered period vary from a minimum height of 7.0 km to a maximum of 16.0 km. Cirrus clouds most frequently occurred at a medium height of 12.0 km, considering both years. Those clouds had a considerable representativeness over the city atmosphere corresponding to 67% of total Lidar measured days. Besides the Lidar system was also used data from radiosounding technique. The behavior of the meteorological variables such as relative humidity was analyzed for the regions in which were found cirrus by the Lidar DUSTER. Within the region limits was verified a significant increase of relative humidity values. This behavior is not observed in lower regions where there is not any clouds presence as well in a day without cirrus appearance. In addition, future analyzes of the potential equivalent temperature profile will be studied in order to verify the effect of the cirrus clouds occurring in the temperature and humidity profile in a combined manner. Also, is expected to evaluate the possible impacts of cold air intrusion of the stratosphere in layers of cirrus clouds. In conclusion, Lidar DUSTER data demonstrates to be efficient in the identification of cirrus clouds over Natal’s atmosphere contributing to a better comprehension of its behavior and role in the region of study.Artigo IPEN-doc 27047 Atmospheric aerosol behavior study in Natal city through LIDAR backscatter profiles and random errors propagation analysis by Monte Carlo method2019 - RAE, CRISTINA T.S.; HOELZEMANN, JUDITH J.; OLIVEIRA, DANIEL C.F.S.; SILVA, MARCOS P.A.; LOPES, FABIO J.S.; LANDULFO, EDUARDOThe physical and optical interaction of aerosols in atmospheric processes are complex and have high temporal and spatial variability, representing uncertainties as, for example, the aerosol particles influence on the atmosphere energetic balance. The Duster is a LIDAR system (Light Detection and Ranging) located in Natal / RN, capable of working with four detection channels (355 nm, 532 nm p, 532 nm s and 1064 nm). Duster sends pulses of laser light to the atmosphere and detects the return signal that results from the interaction of light with aerosol particles in the atmosphere. The signal detected by the system is represented by the LIDAR equation, which describes the optical properties and the system geometric parameters. The solution for this equation is obtained by the Klett-Fernald-Sasano Inversion Method (KFS), which extracts the inverted optical properties as backscattering (β) and extinction (α) profiles. The present work brings the result of analysis in backscatter profiles of the LIDAR signal in channel 532 nm during the aerosol Monitoring Campaign Long-Range Transportation Over Natal II (MOLOTOV II) that occurred from November 2017 to February 2018. We applied the Monte Carlo method for the analysis of the error in DUSTER measurements, which employs random numbers sequences. Two days of signal measurements were selected, to deal with four groups files, within approximately 30 min each group (frequency acquisition every 10 seconds). N synthetic profiles, as height function, with a random number generator, were created. Algorithms were performed, which removed the measurements clouds, the dark profiles, the background noise and generated the Range Corrected Signal (RCS). The KFS was applied to the synthetic profiles to obtain a set of N solutions (backscatter and extinction coefficient profiles). The results show that the N optical property profiles presented a considerable variability, characterized by their standard deviation. This variability, calculated as the height function, is the random error estimate of the LIDAR signal associated with the inversion procedure. The observed aerosols, according to information from the Hysplit trajectory model, were originated from the Sahara desert.Artigo IPEN-doc 26988 E-learning in the teaching-learning process at postgraduate level2017 - GUERRERO-RASCADO, J.L.; ALADOS-ARBOLEDAS, L.; BENAVENT-OLTRA, J.A.; CAZORLA, A.; CHAMIZO, S.; FOYO, I.; GRANADOS-MUNOZ, M.J.; KOWALSKI, A.S.; OLMO, F.J.; PEREZ-RAMIREZ, D.; SERRANO-ORTIZ, P.; TITOS, G.; CASQUERO-VERA, J.A.; ORTIZ-AMEZCUA, P.; COSTA, M.J.; LOPES, F.J.S.; LYAMANI, H.; PEREZ-PRIEGO, O.; PREISSLER, J.; MARTIN-TRIGO, O.This teaching innovation project arises from experience previously gained with other innovation projects encompassing several degrees with the aim of improving the academic performance of the students and the quality of teaching in several subjects of the Master’s program in Geophysics and Meteorology (GEOMET) at the University of Granada (Spain). Among other novelties, through this project resources have been developed for students to carry out an online self-assessment of their knowledge regarding contents of the different subjects through the Moodle platform, checking the level of skills acquired. In addition, the project includes a system of exchange of teaching, electronic resources between teachers and students (guides of subjects, viewgraphs, practical documents, among others). This platform has increased the coordination between the lecturers who teach the subjects.Artigo IPEN-doc 24691 Cloud-Aerosols interactions by multiple scenarios approach2017 - LANDULFO, EDUARDO; SILVA, JONATAN J. da; LOPES, FABIO J.S.Aerosols can play the role of cloud and ice condensation nuclei. This study shows a set of measurements and experiments analysis in remote sensing, in distinct scenarios of cloud cover during day/nightime measurements using lidar, visible all-sky camera and solar photometry. The retrieved products are studied to obtain aerosol optical and physical properties in the vicinity of clouds. In this approach cloud cover and optical properties should be retrieved as well as main features used for cloud pixel identi cation, e. g., Red-Blue Di erence, Red- Blue Ratio, Normalized Red-Blue Ratio, Saturation and Intensity. We show some case studies to illustrate this methodology.Artigo IPEN-doc 22881 Identification and monitoring of atmospheric particles by multiwavelength Radar Laser in South America2016 - MONTILLA-ROSERO, E.; SILVA, A.; JIMENEZ, C.; GUEDES, A.; HOELZEMAN, J.; LOPES, F.; LANDULFO, E.; SAAVEDRA, C.First monitoring LIDAR measurements of tropospheric aerosols in two different places of South America are reported. Characteristics optical parameters were retrieved using inversion algorithms for two coastal cities in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.Artigo IPEN-doc 22796 DUSTER lidar: Transatlantic transport of aerosol particles from the Sahara and other sources: rst results from the recently installed lidar and sunphotometer in Natal/Brazil2016 - LANDULFO, EDUARDO; LOPES, FABIO J.S.; MONTILLA, ELENA; GUEDES, ANDERSON G.; HOELZEMANN, JUDITH J.; FERNANDEZ, JOSE H.; ALADOS-ARBOLEDAS, LUCAS; GUERRERO-RASCADO, JUAN L.The lidar confederative network for monitoring optical properties of aerosol on Latin America, LALINET, faces an important challenger to cover a large area of Latin America with so few lidar systems. Currently in Brazil there are only three operative lidar systems, two operating on Southeastern region and other on North region of Brazil. Taking into accounting the large dimension of Brazilian territory there is a lack of lidar system monitoring in several regions. In 2014 Laser Environmental Application Laboratory (LEAL) at Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN) together with Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), have started the rst e orts to install a depolarization lidar system at the city of Natal-RN (5o5002900 S ,35o1105700 W, 0 m asl), in the Northeast region of Brazil. This new lidar station intends to be in the future integrated to the LALINET network, and has as a rst aim to detect and to identify aerosol layers from Saharan dust and biomass burning type arriving from African continent. To examine these transports it is paramount to have a temporally and spatially well resolved observational platforms, which will be able to describe with accuracy the transport patterns followed by these aerosol layers over the Atlantic. To yield a good coverage based on the previously mentioned requirements satellite-based platforms are very well suited, but unless a geostationary system is provided a reasonable temporal representativeness may not be achieved. Our current study is devoted to the rst results aiming to detect and identify aerosol layers arriving over the Northeastern region of the South American continent, with a lidar and a sun-photometer recently installed in the city of Natal. Here we present the rst aerosol observation results with the lidar system and the sunphotometer carried out from January through May 2016 with the indication of potential dust and other-type aerosol layers through some backscatter pro les.Artigo IPEN-doc 22520 Lidar/photometry studies at São Paulo in the 2003-2005 period, Brazil2007 - LANDULFO, EDUARDO; SAWAMURA, PATRICIA; UEHARA, SANDRO T.; NAKAEMA, WALTER M.; TORRES, ANI S.; LOPES, FABIO J.S.; MATOS, CAIO A.; JESUS, WELLINGTON C. deArtigo IPEN-doc 21398 Aerosol cloud interaction: a multiplataform-scenario-based methodology2015 - LANDULFO, EDUARDO; LOPES, FABIO J.S.; GUERRERO RASCADO, JUAN L.; ALADOS ARBOLEDAS, LUCASArtigo IPEN-doc 20865 Raman lidar characterization using a reference lamp2014 - LANDULFO, EDUARDO; COSTA, RENATA F. da; RODRIGUES, PATRICIA F.; LOPES, FABIO J. da S.Artigo IPEN-doc 20744 Evaluation of the hygroscopic behaviour of aerosols over São Paulo: one-day case study2014 - RODRIGUES, PATRICIA F.; LANDULFO, EDUARDO; LOPES, FABIO J. da S.; COSTA, RENATA F. da; GRANADOS MUNOZ, MARIA J.; GUERRERO RASCADO, JUAN L.
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