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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 27572
    Effect of Mg and Cu on microstructure, hardness and wear on functionally graded Al-19Si alloy prepared by centrifugal casting
    This paper aims to investigate the copper and the magnesium effects on the microstructure, on the hardness, and on the resistance to micro-abrasive wear of the alloy Al–19Si. Early findings could show that the hypereutectic Al–Si alloys fabricated by centrifugal casting exhibited the possibility of obtaining a Functionally Graded Material (FGM), as well as the less-dense particles tended to be concentrated in the region close to the tube inner surface. It was observed that the wear resistance in this region was increased by the concentration of primary Si and Mg2Si particles due to their smaller densities than that of the Al. Also, the Cu and Mg were added in contents of 2.5 and 5% by weight. Moreover, this study focused on understanding the radial β-Si and Mg2Si particles migration in the Al–19Si alloy tubes and their effect on hardness and wear resistance. Firstly, a large quantity of primary Si and Mg2Si particles were concentrated in the inner layer of the tubes produced by centrifugal casting in the alloys Al–19Si, Al–19Si–2.5Cu–2.5Mg and Al–19Si–5Cu–5Mg. After that, the hardness increase was related to the number of primary particles presented in this tube region. Therefore, the segregation of the primary particles towards the inner surface of the tube was more pronounced in the casting end region and the wear resistance was also related to the presence of the primary particles. However, an excessive number of primary particles accumulated near this region could lead to higher wear due to the higher particles tearing.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 25073
    Effect of copper and magnesium on the microstructure of centrifugally cast Al-19%Si alloys
    Hypereutectic Al-Si alloys can be used in applications that require high wear resistance. Such wear resistance is achieved by the presence of hard primary silicon particles, allied to the formation of Mg2Si intermetallic phase when magnesium is added in this alloy. Centrifugal casting generates a gradient in the microstructure of hypereutectic Al-Si alloys that can favor such applications. Cylindrical components of Al-19%Si alloy containing added copper and magnesium contents were processed by centrifugal casting. The purpose of this study is to investigate the formation and segregation of particles of primary silicon (β) and Mg2Si in Al-19%Si alloy containing additions of copper and magnesium. Because the density of silicon (2.33 g/cm3) and Mg2Si (1.88 g/cm3) is lower than that of aluminum (2.67 g/cm3), centrifugal casting causes primary silicon (β) and Mg2Si particles to concentrate more at the outer wall of the centrifuged pipe. In this study, primary silicon (β) and Mg2Si particles were found to be retained at the outer wall of the pipe. It is believed that the rapid cooling of the molten metal in the region of contact with the mold, whose temperature is lower than that of the molten metal, allied to the centrifugal force, prevented the particles from migrating to the inner wall of the pipe. The microstructure shows a gradient in the distribution of these phases, enabling the production of a functionally graded material. The addition of copper and magnesium leads to the formation of Mg2Si and Al5Cu2Mg8Si6 phases, reducing the amount of primary β phase (Si) particles. In all the evaluated conditions, a tendency is also observed for a gradual increase in the segregation of silicon towards the inner wall along the entire length of the centrifuged pipe.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 25065
    Evaluation of the residual stress and microstructure of extruded and shot peened aluminum alloy 6082
    Aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys have been widely used as extruded products due to its mechanical strength and high ductility. The effects induced by shot peening has been extensively used in materials that have potential for structural applications. In this context, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the residual stress induced by shot peening of extruded aluminum alloy 6082. Initially, the effect of heat treatments such as solution treatment and ageing of this alloy was studied. The residual stress measurements were carried out using x-ray diffraction. The microstructure of the alloy was studied by optical microscopy. The crystallographic texture was determined using x-ray diffraction and back-scattered electron diffraction. The heat treatment sequence that resulted in the highest hardness of Al alloy 6082 was solution treatment at 560ºC for 30 min, followed by ageing at 185ºC for 5 h. The residual stress in compression of the extruded alloy’s surface increased by 87.38%, from -66.6 to -124.8 MPa, caused by shot peening. The residual stress profile indicated an increase in its value up to a depth of 86 μm, beyond which the values obtained were unreliable. The extruded section revealed accentuated crystallographic texture in the (111) plane parallel to the cross-section and in the (200) and (220) planes oriented preferentially in the longitudinal direction to extrusion and perpendicular to the (111) plane.
  • Tese IPEN-doc 24301
    Efeitos do cobre e do magnésio na microestrutura da liga Al-19%Si fundida por centrifugação
    As ligas de alumínio hipereutéticas fundidas por centrifugação apresentam a possibilidade de obtenção de um gradiente funcional de propriedades no material (Functionally Graded Material - FGM). Na fundição por centrifugação, os compostos menos densos tenderão a se concentrar no diâmetro interno de um tubo centrifugado. Como a massa específica do silício e do Mg2Si são menores do que a do alumínio, as partículas dessas fases tendem a concentrar-se na parede interna de tubos centrifugados. Em função disto, este estudo tem como objetivo dar uma contribuição ao entendimento dos mecanismos de migração das partículas de silício e de Mg2Si numa liga de alumínio hipereutética com 19% de silício e com adições de cobre e magnésio fundidas por centrifugação. Diante disto, foram obtidos tubos da liga Al-19%Si com adições de até 5% de cobre e 5% de magnésio por meio da fundição centrífuga numa rotação de 1700 rpm. A caracterização microestrutural em diversas regiões dos tubos centrifugados foi feita utilizando-se a microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura com sistema de análise de imagens. A fração das fases presentes e a dureza Vickers foram determinadas ao longo da parede do tubo em diversas posições de vazamento. A fundição centrífuga promove a segregação de partículas de silício primário e de Mg2Si, com massas específicas menores para a parede interna do tubo. Esta segregação é mais acentuada na região final de vazamento devido ao maior tempo de centrifugação até a solidificação. Uma retenção de partículas junto à parede externa do tubo ocorre em decorrência da mais elevada taxa de resfriamento da liga fundida em contato com a parede do molde mais frio. Esta retenção também foi maior na região do tubo de início de vazamento em relação à de final de vazamento. A adição de cobre intensificou a migração das partículas devido ao aumento da densidade do líquido. O aumento do teor de cobre na liga também inibiu a presença de dendritas de alumínio primário que ocorrem em grandes quantidades nas regiões centrais das paredes dos tubos centrifugados. O perfil de dureza ao longo da parede do tubo indicou um aumento de dureza relacionado diretamente à quantidade de partículas de silício (β) e Mg2Si.