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Artigo IPEN-doc 12122 A comparative study for the correction of random gamma ray summing effect in HPGe- detector based gamma ray spectrometry2007 - PIASENTIN, RICARDO M.; KOSKINAS, MARINA F.; RAJPUT, M.U.; MAIDANA, NORA L.; VANIN, VITO R.; DIAS, MAURO S.Artigo IPEN-doc 10552 supTh(n,gamma)sup233Th thermal reaction cross-section measurement2004 - MAIDANA, N.L.; VANIN, V.R.; CASTRO, R.M.; PASCHOLATI, P.R.; HELENE, O.; DIAS, M.S.; KOSKINAS, M.F.Artigo IPEN-doc 10275 Developing sup(152)Eu into a standard for detector efficiency calibration2003 - CASTRO, R.M.; VANIN, V.R.; PASCHOLATI, P.R.; MAIDANA, N.L.; DIAS, M.S.; KOSKINAS, M.F.Artigo IPEN-doc 07101 Primary standardization of sup(242)Am radioactive sources2001 - MAIDANA, N.L.; DIAS, M.S.; KOSKINAS, M.F.The procedure followed by the Laboratório de Metrologia Nuclear in São Paulo, Brazil, for the standardization of 242gAm is described. The calibration system was composed of a 4π gas-flow proportional counter coupled to a pair of NaI(Tl) crystals operating in coincidence. The samples were produced by irradiating dried aliquots of 241Am with thermal and epithermal neutrons at the IEA-R1 research reactor. The efficiency tracer technique has been applied using 60Co as tracer. The beta detection efficiency was changed by external absorbers and extrapolated to unity by linear least square fitting applying covariance methodology.Artigo IPEN-doc 12095 Aramis: a computer code to estimate total and peak efficiencies of an HPGe photon detector2007 - VENTURINI, LUZIA; MAIDANA, NORA L.; VANIN, VITO R.