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Artigo IPEN-doc 24864 Effect of 830 nm diode laser irradiation of root canal on bond strength of metal and fiber post2018 - STREFEZZA, CLAUDIA; AMARAL, MARCELLO M.; QUINTO JUNIOR, JOSE; GOUW-SOARES, SHEILA C.; ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B.; ZEZELL, DENISE M.Objective and background: The correct selections of the cementing agent, the endodontic post material and placement protocol are critical to provide an increased longevity of the teeth that went through endodontic treatment. The irradiation with diode laser before post cementation, can promote an antimicrobial effect. However, there is a lack of information about the effect of 830 nm diode laser on the post bond strength. This study analyzed the effect of dentin root canal irradiation with high-intensity diode laser, at 830 nm, operating in continuous or pulsed mode, on the retention of metal or fiber posts, cemented with self-etching resinous composite (Panavia F) and zinc phosphate cement (ZnPO4). Materials and methods: Human roots were irradiated with diode laser (continuous and pulsed mode). The fiber posts were luted with Panavia F and the metal posts with Panavia F or ZnPO4 cement. Specimens were sectioned into three sections (cervical, middle, and apical). The bond strength was measured by a push-out mechanical analysis. For the statistical analysis, a three-way ANOVA test was applied following a Tukey's pairwise comparison with a significance level of p = 0.05. Results: The irradiated groups presented higher bond strength compared with nonirradiated group (p < 0.05), and the cervical and middle thirds presented higher on bond strength than the apical. The association of metal post and Panavia F presented higher bond strength when irradiated on continuous mode (p < 0.05). Fiber post and Panavia F presented higher bond strength associated to pulsed mode. The mode seems not to make a significant difference. Conclusions: These results corroborate the importance of the post bond to dentin and root canal debris removal to increase the tooth longevity. It was shown that the dentin to post bond strength were enhanced by the diode laser irradiation either on continuous or pulsed modes.Resumo IPEN-doc 17665 In vivo study of holmium laser irradiation on dental structure2011 - ZEZELL, DENISE M.; EDUARDO, PATRICIA L. de P.; STREFEZZA, CLAUDIA; ZAMATARO, CLAUDIA B.; CORREA, PAULO; SALVADOR, VERA L.R.; ROSSI, WAGNER de; BACHMANN, LUCIANOResumo IPEN-doc 07936 Efeitos termicos da irradiacao intracanal do laser de Nd:YAG1999 - STREFEZZA, C.; ZEZELL, D.M.; BACHMANN, L.; CECCHINI, S.C.M.; PINOTTI, M.; EDUARDO, C.P.Resumo IPEN-doc 08048 Effects of holmium laser on dental structure in vivo2001 - STREFEZZA, C.; BACHMANN, L.; BAUER, J.A.; ANTONIAZZI, J.H.; EDUARDO, C.P.; ZEZELL, D.M.Provious in vitro has demonstrated that Ho:YLF laser is capable of inducing physical and chemical changes on dental surfaces for caries prevention. The temperature changes in the pulpal chamber was firstly evaluated in vitro to determine safe energy irradiation conditions range. The purpose of this work is to verify the occurrence of pulp inflammation under those irradiation conditions in rabbits. Ten rabbits (NZB) were divided in 5 groups according to the sacrifice period (control, immediately after irradiation, 6, 24 and 72 hours after irradiation). The rabbits posterior upper region teeth of each animal were irradiated with 10 pulses of a Ho:YLF prototype operating at 0.5 Hz and 300m)/pulse on the left side and 500m) on the right side. Sacrifices were obtained through transcardiac perfusion and the samples were prepared for pathological analysis. The in vitro temperature monitoring revealed an increase of 1°C to the 300m) energy and 4.5°C for the 500m) energy. SEM observations showed the occurrence of melting and resolidification. From the in vivo analysis it can be concluded that there was low degree of inflammation for the highest energy used and no pulpal alterations for the lowest one.Resumo IPEN-doc 08038 An alternative procedure for laser irradiation in endodontical therapy2000 - BACHMANN, L.; STREFEZZA, C.; ZEZELL, D.M.; EDUARDO, C.P.Resumo IPEN-doc 15441 Marginal microleakage in vitro study of oclusal fissures sealing prepared and etched or not with Er:YAG laser2006 - YOUSSEF, F.A.; STREFEZZA, C.; ZEZELL, D.M.; YOUSSEF, M.; TURBINO, M.; GROTH, E.D.B.; VIEIRA, M.Dissertação IPEN-doc 07152 Tese IPEN-doc 19194 Análise da resistência de união adesiva de retentores intrarradiculares metálicos e estéticos cimentados em condutor irradiado com laser de diodo de alta potência (830mm)2013 - STREFEZZA, CLAUDIAO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, in vitro, a resistência de união de retentores intrarradiculares previamente irradiada com laser de diodo em alta intensidade (λ= 830 nm), tanto em regime contínuo como pulsado. Foram utilizados retentores intrarradiculares metálicos ou de fibra de vidro, cimentados com fosfato de zinco ou cimento resinoso auto-condicionante. Assim, as variáveis analisadas foram o regime de irradiação, o tipo de retentor intrarradicular e o tipo de agente cimentante na resistência de união. Estas variáveis foram analisadas, in vitro, nos 3 terços radiculares (cervical, médio e apical) de 90 dentes humanos endodonticamente tratados, preparados para receber retentor intrarradicular e irradiados com laser de diodo em alta intensidade (830 nm). Após a irradiação os retentores foram cimentados com cimento de fosfato de zinco ou com cimento resinoso autocondicionante. As raízes foram seccionadas por meio de cortes transversais dos terços cervical, médio e apical, obtendo-se, assim, seis amostras de cada raiz. Cada uma das amostras foi submetida ao ensaio de resistência de união de maneira cega. Conclui-se que a resistência mecânica à compressão de retentores intrarradiculares em dentina previamente irradiada com laser de diodo de alta intensidade (λ= 830 nm) apresentou maiores valores na dentina intrarradicular tanto no regime contínuo como pulsado, sendo ligeiramente superior no regime pulsado. Foi possível verificar que, nos terços médio e cervical, a irradiação com laser de diodo pulsado (Pm = 1 W, I = 994 W/cm2) resultou em maiores valores de resistência de união, com ambos os cimentos e ambos os tipos de núcleo. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante nos valores de união nos diferentes terços dos grupos tratados, sendo superior para o terço cervical (p < 0,05). Assim, a técnica de irradiação do conduto com laser de diodo mostrou-se eficaz no aumento da resistência de união de retentores intrarradiculares.Artigo IPEN-doc 07131 Thermal effects during in vitro intracanal application of Nd:YAG laser2000 - STREFEZZA, C.; ZEZELL, D.M.; BACHMANN, L.; CECCHINI, S.C.; PINOTTI, M.; EDUARDO, C.P.Artigo IPEN-doc 13873 Monitoracao de temperatura na camara pulpar durante irradiacao com laser de Ho:YLF na superficie de esmalte de dente de coelho2001 - STREFEZZA, CLAUDIA; GROTH, EDUARDO de B.; BACHMANN, LUCIANO; ZEZELL, DENISE M.