Lattice parameters in yttria-doped ceria solid electrolytes
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Cefia-rare earth solid solutions are known as solid electrolytes with potential applications in oxygen
sensors and solid oxide fuel cells. Trivalcnt rare carth ions cnter finto solid solution introducing a number of anion
vacancies for charge compensation. These oxygcn vacancies are quite mobile at low temperatures giving rise to a
comparativcly high ionic conduction. In this study ccria-x mol% yttria solid solutions were prepared with x
ranging from O to 12 by solid state reactions. These solid solutions cxhibit a fluorite-type structure with
composition dcpendent lattice parameters. The variation of thc lattice parameter was studicd and corrclated with
existing empirical equations based on ion packing model. The effcct of an effective ionic radius of Y3+ in eightfold
coordination is also discussed.
Como referenciar
REY, J.F.Q.; MUCCILLO, E.N.S. Lattice parameters in yttria-doped ceria solid electrolytes. In: RARE EARTHS'2001, Sept. 22-26, 2001, Campos do Jordao, SP. Abstracts... p. 101. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 Mar 2025.
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