Cytotogenic and dosimetric effects of sup(131)I in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma: comparison between stimulation with rhTSH and thyroid hormone withdrawal treatments
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Radiation on Environmental Biophysics

A study directed to the cytogenetic and dosimetric aspects of radionuclides of medical interest is very
valuable, both for an accurate evaluation of the dose
received by the patients, and consequently of the genetic
damage, and for the optimization of therapeutic strategies.
Cytogenetic and dosimetric effects of 131I in lymphocytes
of thyroidectomized differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC)
patients were evaluated through chromosome aberration
(CA) technique: Euthyroid patients submitted to recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone (rhTSH) therapy
(group A) were compared with hypothyroid patients left
without levothyroxine treatment (group B). CA analysis
was carried out prior to and 24 h, 1 week, 1 month and
1 year after radioiodine administration (4995–7030 MBq)
in both groups. An activity–response curve of 131I
(0.074–0.740 MBq/mL) was elaborated, comparing dicentric chromosomes in vivo and in vitro in order to estimate
the absorbed dose through Monte Carlo simulations. In
general, radioiodine therapy induced a higher total CA rate
in hypothyroid patients as compared to euthyroid patients.
The frequencies of dicentrics obtained in DTC patients
24 h after treatment were equivalent to those induced
in vitro (0.2903 ± 0.1005 MBq/mL in group A and
0.2391 ± 0.1019 MBq/mL in group B), corresponding to
absorbed doses of 0.65 ± 0.23 Gy and 0.53 ± 0.23 Gy,
respectively. The effect on lymphocytes of internal radiation induced by 131I therapy is minimal when based on the
frequencies of CA 1 year after the treatment, maintaining a
higher quality of life for DTC patients receiving rhTSHaided therapy.
Como referenciar
SILVA, MARCIA A. da; VALGODE, FLAVIA G.S.; GONZALEZ, JULIA A.; YORIYAZ, HELIO; GUIMARAES, MARIA I.C.C.; RIBELA, MARIA T.C.P.; BUCHPIGUEL, CARLOS A.; BARTOLINI, PAOLO; OKAZAKI, KAYO. Cytotogenic and dosimetric effects of sup(131)I in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma: comparison between stimulation with rhTSH and thyroid hormone withdrawal treatments. Radiation on Environmental Biophysics, v. 55, p. 317-328, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/s00411-016-0646-5. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 Mar 2025.
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