New Fricke Xylenol Liquid detector doped with methylene blue (FXL-mblue) irradiated with red LED light

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Journal of Luminescence
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In photodynamic therapy, a beam of incident light on the target causes interactions with the photosensitizing agent in the patient, subsequently killing cancerous cells through chemical and biological processes. The objective of this work was to describe for the first time the use of the FXL-mblue detector in dosimetric applications with irradiations from red LED light and using the UV–Vis spectrophotometry as an evaluation technique. The FXL-mblue samples were irradiated with doses of 2.40 kJ/cm2 up to 21.6 kJ/cm2 using a red LED light system. The results showed good results on uncertainties, sensitivity, reproducibility, repeatability, minimum detectable dose (MDD) and fading times for a promising dosimeter in measurements with visible light. In conclusion, the results indicate good dosimetric characteristics which could be used in quality control of photodynamic therapy measurements.

Como referenciar
OLIVEIRA, LUCAS N. de; NASCIMENTO, ERIBERTO O. do; CALDAS, LINDA V.E. New Fricke Xylenol Liquid detector doped with methylene blue (FXL-mblue) irradiated with red LED light. Journal of Luminescence, v. 230, p. 1-9, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2020.117730. Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 Nov 2024.
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