Gas shielding analysis in Ti6Al4V pulsed laser beam welding
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Titanium is a light and resistant material that has applications in many areas, such as
medical, aeronautic and nuclear [1-4]. However, due to its high temperature reactivity with
oxygen and other air elements, welding of this material may be very difficult. The use of high
intensity energy sources such as the laser generates a smaller heat affected zone, reducing the
oxidized area. Nevertheless, there is still the need for using a neutral gas protection such as
helium, argon or both. This protection interacts with the process through changes in plasma
formation, modifying characteristics of the weld, as the weld width and penetration, or even
the appearance of porosity. Optimization of this gas protection is necessary to achieve better
results with fewer costs.
To optimize the gas protection, it was first found a good weld condition that lead to full
penetration of the material with minimum loses (figure 1). This was done using the results
from previous works [5] and changing focal position until getting good results. After this, it
was used helium, argon and mixtures of these gases as gas shielding both in axial and in back
The analyses were done through the use of mechanical tests such as tensile, bending and
hardness tests and visual inspection. The results showed that only a 5 l/min argon flux in axial
shielding is needed to protect the weld from oxidation and that, although oxidation was found
in the back of the welds, no backshielding was needed. The samples had ultimate strength
higher than the base material, showing that the conditions used are appropriate for this alloy.
Como referenciar
SILVA, D.R.; BERRETTA, J.R.; LIMA, M.S.F.; NEVES, M.D.M.; ROSSI, J.L. Gas shielding analysis in Ti6Al4V pulsed laser beam welding. In: ENCONTRO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE PESQUISA EM MATERIAIS, 7., 28 de setembro - 02 de outubro, 2008, Guarujá, SP. Resumos... Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 Mar 2025.
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