Opening the Goiânia accident unburied waste packages

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Essays on nuclear energy and radioactive waste management
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The year 2017 marks 30 years since the radiological accident in Goiânia, Brazil, which resulted from the leakage of Cs-137 from a teletherapy equipment. The contaminated material collected during the response to the accident was disposed of in Abadia de Goiás, about 20 km from Goiânia. However, in the initial 15-day period before the authorities were notified, contaminated paper bales and scrap metal were sold and transported to material recycling facilities in the State of São Paulo, one thousand kilometers away. These materials were later collected in steel boxes and drums, and stored in the intermediate waste storage facility of the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute - IPEN, in São Paulo. The objective of this paper is to describe the work performed to check the present condition of the paper bales waste boxes, reassess the reported Cs-137 activities, and evaluate possible treatment methods that can be applied to reduce the volume of waste. Prospective waste treatment methods are discussed.

Como referenciar
TESSARO, ANA P.G.; GERALDO, BIANCA; SOUZA, DAIANE C.B. de; SMITH, RICARDO B.; VICENTE, ROBERTO. Opening the Goiânia accident unburied waste packages. In: SMITH, RICARDO B. (org.). Essays on nuclear energy and radioactive waste management. 1 ed.. São Paulo, SP: Gênio Criador Editora, 2021. , cap. 3. p. 41-53. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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