Degree in Physics from Universidade de São Paulo (1977); master degree in Nuclear Technology from Universidade de São Paulo (1980) and doctorate in Nuclear Technology from Universidade de São Paulo (2002). Has experience in radioactive waste management, acting on the following subjects: radioactive waste characterization, treatment and disposal; disposal of disused sealed radioactive sources. (Text obtained from the CurrÃculo Lattes on November 25th 2021)
É bacharel em FÃsica pela Universidade de São Paulo (1977), tem mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear pela Universidade de São Paulo (1980) e doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear pela Universidade de São Paulo (2002). Atualmente é tecnologista da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear. Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Nuclear, com especialização em Gestão de Rejeitos Radioativos, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: gerenciamento, tratamento e deposição de rejeitos radioativos. (Texto extraÃdo do CurrÃculo Lattes em 25 nov. 2021)
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Resumo IPEN-doc 31061 Desenvolvimento do processo de tratamento de borra radioativa de petróleo por irradiação com micro-ondas2024 - ARANTES, SARA S.; VICENTE, ROBERTOResumo IPEN-doc 30981 Analysis of the radioactive inventory of the secondary circuit of a PWR nuclear power plant2023 - COSTA, PRISCILA; LIMA, FRANCIELI P. de; VICENTE, ROBERTOThe present work analyzes the leakage of radioactively contaminated water from the primary cooling water circuit of a PWR nuclear power plant, to the secondary coolant circuit that results from the rupture of a single or multiple tubes of the steam generators. The radioactive inventory of spent ion-exchange resins from both the primary and secondary circuits are compared using data generated in gamma spectrometry of resin samples. Results are expected to aid in characterizing NPP operational radioactive waste by the scaling factors and correlation functions method.Resumo IPEN-doc 30980 Preliminary study on important radionuclides for the safety assessment of the Brazilian repository for LILW (CENTENA)2023 - CABRERA, PALOMA S.; TELLO, CLEDOLA; VICENTE, ROBERTO; ROLINDO, NATALIEThe Nuclear and Environmental Technological Center (CENTENA) will be the Brazilian near surface repository for low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes. It is in the construction site selection phase and consists in an undertaking of great importance for nuclear technology development in Brazil. In this work, we evaluated the Brazilian radioactive waste inventory and a preliminary list of important radionuclides to be considered for the CENTENA safety assessment is presented. We hope to contribute to the discussion of the subject in the country and to assist in the decision making regarding the safety of the project.Resumo IPEN-doc 30979 Current regulatory framework for radioactive waste management in Brazil2023 - ANDRADE, MONISE; ALVES, ITALO H.; VICENTE, ROBERTORadioactive waste is classified according to different criteria. In Brazil, the stages of radioactive waste management for each category are established on the classification of waste, so the structure of responsibilities varies depending on the type. Therefore, the chain of responsibility should be easily visible for all stakeholders. However, it is often distributed in different documents and hierarchy levels of the legal and regulatory framework. This work proposes to carry out a synthesis of the classification and the management of radioactive waste, using visual resources, for a better understanding of this regulatory scenario.Resumo IPEN-doc 30978 An analysis of the information flow from disused sealed sources in radioactive waste management2023 - ALVES, ITALO H.; VICENTE, ROBERTO; SOUSA, RENATO T. deThe Radioactive Waste Management and Records Management have an intrinsic connection, in the management of radioactive waste in the short, medium and long term based on the role of information. The disused radioactive sealed sources have a special feature regarding this relation: due to their records they are traceable from production and commercialization. The intention of this work is to analyze the current system of management of these records in Brazil and propose some recommendations for the management of sources and their information, considering all stages, actors and the final deposition.Resumo IPEN-doc 30977 Atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides from mining tailings piles2023 - TSUTSUMIUCHI, VICTOR K.; VICENTE, ROBERTOThe extraction of various minerals essential for industry and agriculture is associated with the extraction of radionuclides from the radioactive decay chains of thorium and uranium. Therefore, it cannot be ignored that radionuclides from tailings piles can be dispersed. Thus, a tool for calculating the dispersion and deposition of radionuclides suspended in the atmosphere from mining sites is being made utilizing satellite wind data and evolutionary neural networks. This tool will function by creating multiple layers of neural networks that correspond to each environment compartment, storing the calculated values in a database, and tracking changes over time.Resumo IPEN-doc 30976 Determination of Ni-63 on filters cartridges of water purification system of IPEN Research Reactor IEA-R12023 - SILVA, DEREK; GERALDO, BIANCA; VICENTE, ROBERTO; MARUMO, JULIO T.The Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN - CNEN/SP), has an open pool-type reactor that generates radioactive waste from the purification system of the cooling water, as resins, charcoal and filter cartridges. These wastes must be properly characterized before their treatment. The objective of this work is to describe one step of the characterization which is the radiochemical analysis of Ni-63 present in the filter cartridges. Ni-93 is one of the main radionuclides present. Based on the chemical recovery results obtained, it is possible to state that the method is valid for the determination of 63 Ni.Resumo IPEN-doc 30975 Computational modeling of deep borehole for the disposal of disused sealed radioactive sources2023 - FREIRE, ICARO; VICENTE, ROBERTOThe quality of borehole repositories for disposal of disused sealed radioactive sources (DSRSs) varies significantly depending on their characteristics and the drilling site's physical properties. Although complex systems, a complete coupled computational model which describes the evolution of borehole facilities' performance, safety, and integrity is achievable by implementing current literature descriptions of natural processes and events to 3D real-time visual and interactive media. Game engines provide a practical and robust method of visualizing data in a dynamic sandbox environment, which hastens analysis and creates an effective way to detect failures, leakages, and other impacts on the biosphere.Resumo IPEN-doc 30974 Regulations for the disposal of disused sealed radioactive sources in Brazil2023 - ANDRADE, MONISE; VICENTE, ROBERTORadioactive waste laws in Brazil were designed according to the volume of radioactive waste produced. However, the laws and regulations do not classify nor provide guidance on the disposal of disused sealed radioactive sources (DSRS), a special category of radioactive waste due to its particularities with high potential for damage. Therefore, this work aims to propose specific regulations for disposing DSRS, which is essential for the continuity of radioactive waste disposal, since the current regulations do not offer the most adequate treatment for DSRS, in addition to being completely out of step with disposal in practice.Resumo IPEN-doc 30973 Assessment of radiation doses in "conditional clearance" of tenorm waste from oil and gas industry2023 - ROLINDO, NATALIE; VICENTE, ROBERTO; CABRERA, PALOMA S.Brazil lacks legal basis for disposal of the NORM waste generated in oil and gas production platforms. Currently, oil sludge or scales containing the radionuclides of the natural decay chains above clearance levels are only packaged in drums and stored indefinitely in licensed storage facilities. The clearance levels are established for unconditional release, resulting in very conservative values for the activities and the activity concentrations of those radionuclides. This work aims to obtain a basis for deriving new, higher concentration limits for clearance of solid radioactive wastes based on the concept of ‘conditional clearance’, allowing the disposal of a larger fraction of the waste in licensed landfills.