Preliminary study on important radionuclides for the safety assessment of the Brazilian repository for LILW (CENTENA)
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The Nuclear and Environmental Technological Center (CENTENA) will be the Brazilian near surface repository for low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes. It is in the construction site selection phase and consists in an undertaking of great importance for nuclear technology development in Brazil. In this work, we evaluated the Brazilian radioactive waste inventory and a preliminary list of important radionuclides to be considered for the CENTENA safety assessment is presented. We hope to contribute to the discussion of the subject in the country and to assist in the decision making regarding the safety of the project.
Como referenciar
CABRERA, PALOMA S.; TELLO, CLEDOLA; VICENTE, ROBERTO; ROLINDO, NATALIE. Preliminary study on important radionuclides for the safety assessment of the Brazilian repository for LILW (CENTENA). In: WASTE MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM, February 26 - March 2, 2023, Phoenix, AZ, USA. Abstract... Tempe, AZ, USA: WM Symposia, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 Feb 2025.
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