Feasibility of teaching experimental physics during Covid-19 pandemic

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Physics Education
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At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic surprised the world, affecting activities that promote attendance, including abruptly impacting the education area. Educational institutions, from preschool to university, were required to adopt alternative teaching methods to continue their activities. Distance learning has been adopted by educators to address this unprecedented challenge. Our University, more specifically the Department of Physics, reacted to the problem in an ambitious and creative way, taking advantage of it as an opportunity to put into practice methodologies related to the teaching of disciplines that were only practiced in person, such as the discipline of Experimental Physics. This study aims to describe the implementation of the discipline of Experimental Physics I at our University, promoted remotely by professors of the Department of Physics. We verified: (i) that the choice of the best technologies as a tool for teaching is fundamental for the better dissemination of knowledge, (ii) that inclusive programs for each course are very important, (iii) the importance of prior presentation of a schedule, (iv) the importance of defining clear assessment rules for students on remote teaching. We also evaluated the number of accesses as a measure of student participation and analysed the statistics of the discipline in several engineering courses.

Como referenciar
FRANCO, MARGARETH K.K.D.; SERBENA, JOSE PEDRO M.; MATTOSO FILHO, NEY P.; WIENER, DENIS de O.; YOKAICHIYA, FABIANO; FUJIMOTO, MILTON M. Feasibility of teaching experimental physics during Covid-19 pandemic. Physics Education, v. 58, n. 3, p. 1-8, 2023. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6552/acbf1d. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/34073. Acesso em: 16 Mar 2025.
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