Two-phase flow bubble detection method applied to natural circulation system using fuzzy image processing

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Nuclear Engineering and Design
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Natural circulation cooling systems are currently used in new nuclear reactors. Over the last decades, research in these systems has focused in the study of flow and heat transfer parameters. A particular area of interest is the estimation of two-phase flow parameters by image processing and pattern recognition using intelligent processing. Several methods have been proposed to identify objects of interest in bubbly two-phase images. Edge detection is an important task to estimate flow parameters, in which the bubbles are segmented to obtain several features, such as void fraction, area, and diameter. However, current methods face difficulties in determining those parameters in high bubble-density two-phase flow images. Here, a new edge detection method is proposed to segment bubbles in natural circulation instability images. The new method (Fuzzy Contrast Standard Deviation – FUZCON) uses Fuzzy Logic and image standard deviation estimates of locally measured contrast levels. Images were obtained through an experimental circuit made of glass, which enables imaging flow patterns of natural circulation cycles at ambient pressure. The results indicated important improvements on edge detection efficiency for high void fraction estimation on high-density two-phase flow bubble images, when compared to classical detectors, without the need to use smoothing algorithms or human intervention.

Como referenciar
BUENO, R.C.; MASOTTI, P.H.F.; JUSTO, J.F.; ANDRADE, D.A.; ROCHA, M.S.; TORRES, W.M.; MESQUITA, R.N. de. Two-phase flow bubble detection method applied to natural circulation system using fuzzy image processing. Nuclear Engineering and Design, v. 335, p. 255-264, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2018.05.026. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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