Assessment of pesticide contamination in Cidade Dos Meninos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using Regional Screening Levels (RSL)

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Journal of Environmental Protection
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In the mid-20th century, the Malaria Institute in Brazil researched hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and other organochlorines in Cidade dos Meninos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After Malaria Institute closure, there was a 200-ton stock of chemicals compounds abandoned without any surveillance, which led to massive contamination of the nearby community by carcinogenic organochlorines. This article presents a new review of the Cidade dos Meninos’ case, analyzing the HCH and DDT contamination using a Haddon Matrix and Regional Screening Levels (RSL).

Como referenciar
GOMES, DEIWID F.; ORTIZ, NILCE; GUILHEN, SABINE N. Assessment of pesticide contamination in Cidade Dos Meninos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using Regional Screening Levels (RSL). Journal of Environmental Protection, v. 14, n. 11, p. 889-902, 2023. DOI: 10.4236/jep.2023.1411049. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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