Analysis of the tragedy of Vila Socó in Cubatão (São Paulo, Brazil) using the Haddon Matrix
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Journal of Environmental Protection
The tragedy of Vila Socó epitomizes the socio-environmental repercussions of rapid industrialization in Cubatão. Beginning in the 1940s with the construction of the Anchieta highway, the city experienced an influx of migrants drawn by burgeoning industries, leading to unplanned urban growth and the emergence of vulnerable communities like Vila Socó. This article examines the interconnected factors—such as demographic shifts, inadequate planning, and regulatory oversight—that culminated in the devastating fire of 1984, claiming numerous lives and highlighting systemic failures. Utilizing the Haddon Matrix, this study dissects the Vila Socó incident, emphasizing the roles of human error, infrastructure integrity, and socio-economic disparities in disaster causation. By contextualizing the tragedy within Cubatão’s industrial trajectory, it underscores the urgent need for comprehensive risk assessment and proactive mitigation strategies in rapidly developing regions globally. Beyond its immediate focus, this work offers broader insights into the dynamics of industrial disasters and their socio-economic implications. As pipelines continue to play a vital role in global energy infrastructure, the lessons drawn from Vila Socó’s tragedy resonate deeply, emphasizing the imperative of robust safety protocols and accountable governance to prevent similar catastrophes in the future.
Como referenciar
SANTOS, RUBENS M.; ORTIZ, NILCE; GUILHEN, SABINE N. Analysis of the tragedy of Vila Socó in Cubatão (São Paulo, Brazil) using the Haddon Matrix: a comprehensive examination of socio-environmental factors and risk mitigation strategies. Journal of Environmental Protection, v. 15, n. 5, p. 620-639, 2024. DOI: 10.4236/jep.2024.155035. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Feb 2025.
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