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Capítulo IPEN-doc 28709 Projeto e validação experimental do sistema de resfriamento de emergência do reator IEA-R12022 - TORRES, WALMIR M.; BAPTISTA FILHO, B.D.; TING, DANIEL K.S.Este trabalho apresenta o projeto do Sistema de Resfriamento de Emergência (SRE) do reator IEA-R1. Este sistema, com características passivas, utiliza bicos aspersores instalados em um distribuidor instalado acima do núcleo. Os bicos aspersores aspergem água sobre o núcleo em caso de ocorrência de um acidente de perda de refrigerante (LOCA) com esvaziamento da piscina. Também é apresentado o programa experimental executado para definir os parâmetros do sistema e demonstrar às autoridades de licenciamento (CNEN) que os limites de temperatura nos elementos combustíveis não são excedidos caso esse acidente ocorra. Experimentos de distribuição de vazão sobre os elementos combustíveis foram realizados usando um modelo de núcleo em escala 1x1, para definir as especificações da geometria do distribuidor e o posicionamento, quantidade e tipo de bicos aspersores, bem como a vazão total necessária para o sistema. Experimentos, com placas aquecidas eletricamente simulando fluxos de calor correspondentes à curva de calor de decaimento do núcleo após operação com potência total de 5 MW, foram realizados para medir a distribuição de temperatura de um elemento combustível na posição mais crítica do núcleo. Em todas as condições testadas, as temperaturas medidas ficaram abaixo do valor limite.Resumo IPEN-doc 24607 Methodology review for the ageing self-assessment applied at IEA-R12017 - FALOPPA, A.A.; TING, D.K.S.The ageing phenomenon is a general process that occurs in all kind of installation in different ways of intensity depending on large spectrum of causes. In a Research Reactor technological ageing and natural physical ageing associated to utilization or decay are present in most of items. This way the main objective of this paper is to describe the methodology applied to study and manage this effect in order to preserve the installation integrity and in addition to present the current status of the ageing management program. Studies and ageing management self-assessment of IEA-R1 IPEN research reactor were conducted following IAEA recommendations contained in the Technical Report 338: "Methodology for the Management of Ageing of Nuclear Power Plant Components Important to Safety", in the TECDOC 792: "Management of Research Reactor Ageing" and in the IAEA - Service Series - "guidelines for the Review or Research Reactor Safety". The self-assessment resulted in the identification of critical components for the ageing management program and also, recommendations for improvement of the Inspection and Testing Plan and Organization of Documents and Records procedures were included. The ageing studies carried out have provided useful information on the present condition of the components of the system, for instance, identifying the major repairs and refurbishing requirements for primary coolant systems.Resumo IPEN-doc 24583 The design and experimental validation of an emergency core cooling system for a pool type research reactor2017 - TORRES, W.M.; BAPTISTA, B.D.; TING, D.K.S.This paper presents the design of the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) for the IEA-R1 pool type research reactor. This system, with passive features, uses sprays installed above the core. The experimental program performed to define system parameters and to demonstrate to the licensing authorities, that the fuel elements limiting temperature is not exceeded, is also presented. Flow distribution experiments using a core mock-up in full scale were performed to define the spray header geometry and spray nozzles specifications as well as the system total flow rate. Another set of experiments using electrically heated plates simulating heat fluxes corresponding to the decay heat curve after full power operation at 5 MW was conducted to measure the temperature distribution at the most critical position. The observed water flow pattern through the plates has a very peculiar behavior resulting in a temperature distribution which was modeled by a 2D energy equation numerical solution. In all tested conditions, the measured temperatures were shown to be below the limiting value.Publicação IPEN-doc 02279 The far field migration of radionuclides in two dimensional groundwater flows through geologic media1985 - TING, D.K.S.; CHAMBRE, P.Publicação IPEN-doc 00681 Projeto da instalacao eletrica do predio do reator de potencia zero e laboratorios anexos da CEN1974 - GRANZIERA, M.R.; SUN, T.K.; PELUSO, M.A.V.; MATSUDA, K.; SCARPINELLA, C.A.; HOLLAND, L.; HUKAI, R.Y.Capítulo IPEN-doc 09644 The Paraconsistent Fuzzy Logic using wavelet zero crossings for the diagnostic of defects in rolling bearings2003 - TING, D.K.S.; MASOTTI, P.H.F.Artigo IPEN-doc 05897 Medida do fluxo de neutrons termicos do reator IPEN/MB-01 com detectores de ativacao de fios de sup(197)Au1995 - MARQUES, A.L.F.; TING, D.K.S.; BITELLI, U.D.Artigo IPEN-doc 01143 Plutonium utilization in Otto-HTR1976 - TING, D.K.S.; HUKAI, R.Y.Artigo IPEN-doc 01142 The concept of exclusion area and its application to simultaneous accidents at multiple-reactor sites1976 - HUKAI, R.Y.; DELLA SANTINA, M.; KIKUCHI, C.; TING, D.K.S.Artigo IPEN-doc 10570 Measurement of stress waves propagation velocities in solid media using wavelet transforms2005 - BOARATTI, M.F.G.; TING, D.K.S.