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Artigo IPEN-doc 30695 High-throughput production of malignant melanoma spheroids (sk-mel-37) using simple plate treatment and automated fluorescence microscopy analysis2024 - PRUDENTE, S.R.; SANTOS, E.C. dos; SILVA, G.D. da; LIMA, M.M.P.; FALCAO, P.L.; SILVA, T.M. da; VIEIRA, D.P.Artigo IPEN-doc 30665 The stability in different solvents of rGO/magnetite obtained via ionizing radiation2024 - DUARTE, M.; JACOVONE, R.M.S.; LIMA, M.M.P.; SILVA, C.L.; BRANDAO, O.A.B.; SAKATA, S.K.Artigo IPEN-doc 30642 Characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles for production of breast adenocarcinoma spheroids2024 - LIMA, MAYELLE M.P.; SILVA, GIOVANA D. da; FALCAO, PATRICIA L.; SILVA, THAIS M. da; OLIVEIRA, RENE R. de; VIEIRA, DANIEL P.Artigo IPEN-doc 30615 The role of Prolactin (PRL) in activating the signaling pathways of the Jak STAT complex as a potential candidate in radioresistant MDAMB-231 cells in 3D cultures2024 - FALCAO, P.L.; VIEIRA, D.P.; SILVA, G.D. da; NUNES, A.P.; MENEZES, F.; PRUDENTE, S.R.; SILVA, T.M. da; SANTOS, E.C. dos; PAZ, M.M.; SOARES, C.R.J.Artigo IPEN-doc 30589 Development of spheroids in co-culture of prostate tumor with human fibroblasts, using the hanging-drop technique with plate inversion for analysis of gamma irradiation by 60Co2024 - SILVA, T.M.; RODRIGUES, A.A.; SILVA, G.D.; SANTOS, E.C.; LIMA, P.F.; PRUDENTE, S.R.; PAZ, M.M.; VIEIRA, D.P.Dissertação IPEN-doc 30333 Produção de esferóides de adenocarcinoma mamário para testes de antitumorais2023 - LIMA, MAYELLE M.P.O câncer de mama é considerado uma doença de origem multifatorial, tendo uma maior incidência em pessoas do sexo feminino, e a forma mais letal dessa enfermidade se dá na sua progressão metastática. Dada à sua alta incidência, tem sido objeto de estudo por diversos anos e mesmo assim, alguns mecanismos responsáveis pelas causas e consequências da doença ainda precisam ser esclarecidos. A construção de um modelo in vitro que consiga demonstrar de maneira mais fidedigna possível as condições encontradas in vivo requer a produção de uma série de complexidades, que, por muitas vezes, transcende várias áreas do conhecimento. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho utilizou a cultura tridimensional por agregação magnética para a construção de um modelo que mostrasse de maneira minimamente satisfatória condições para estudar comportamentos celulares presentes no ambiente tumoral relativos à morte e duplicação celular. Desta maneira, foram utilizadas nanopartículas de óxido de ferro funcionalizadas para utilização na cultura em esferóides tumorais contendo linhagem celular de adenocarcinoma de mama (MCF7) e fibroblasto humano (HF002-J) em sua estrutura. Os esferóides foram divididos em categorias de concentração de cada linhagem e após um processo de triagem as concentrações com maior estabilidade foram irradiadas ou receberam doses de fármaco com atividade antitumoral conhecida para tratamento. Os modelos foram estudados por meio de ensaios de citotoxidade, tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) e microscopia de fluorescência. As nanopartículas foram analisadas por DRX e MET. Os resultados obtidos foram processados em simulações de geração de variáveis correlacionadas em componentes principais utilizando distributivas de dados (Análise Paralela, Regra de Kaiser, Análise dos Componentes Principais) e Machine learning para estimar principais funções de controle dentro do modelo escolhido pode ser usado para estudos in vitro deste tipo de câncer de mama.Resumo IPEN-doc 30279 Development of human fibroblast spheroids with hanging-drop inverted plates2023 - RODRIGUES, ALEX A.; SAMPAIO, MARLOS C.; SANTOS, ESTHER C. dos; PRUDENTE, SULEYNA R.; LIMA, MAYELLE M.P.; SILVA, GIOVANA D. da; MATHOR, MONICA B.; VIEIRA, DANIEL P.Introduction and objective: 2D cultures have limitations in cell growth. 3D cultures, on the other hand, have become a valuable and powerful tool for biomedical research in recent decades. Due to their resemblance to living systems and cellular interactions, this type of culture can be developed using various methodologies, including nanoparticles, hydrogels, and layers of agarose, among others. Considering the need for testing and validating new molecules and effective therapies for treating various diseases, the objective of this study is to standardize a 3D human fibroblast culture model. Methodology: HF002-J, human fibroblast cells, were cultured at 37ºC in a humid atmosphere containing 5% CO2, maintained in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% antibiotics. When reaching 60- 70% confluence, the cells were detached using a 0.05% trypsin solution. Spheroids were prepared using the hangingdrop technique adapted from [1] 440 µL of medium containing cell variations ranging from 2 × 103 to 6 × 104 cells per well of a 96-well plate were deposited, generating a positive meniscus. The plate was inverted and incubated as described. Results and discussion: The present study aimed to evaluate the development of cellular spheroids after 4 days of culture using different cell preparations. Our results demonstrated that the preparations used produced compact spheroids, characterized by homogeneous sizes in the range of 500 to 1000 μm. When analysing the images obtained by wide-field fluorescence microscopy, we observed that the proportions of unviable cells labelled with fluorophores varied significantly according to the initial number of cells used in the preparations. Notably, increasing the initial number of cells resulted in a proportional increase in the number of non-viable cells present in the formed spheroids. These results suggest that the initial cell density can affect the development and viability of the formed spheroids. It is possible that too high cell density led to greater competition for nutrients and space, resulting in greater cell mortality and less viable spheroids. Conclusions: Based on the results obtained, it was possible to develop an initial prototype of spheroids from human fibroblast cells that can resemble tissues in vivo due to their cellular interactions, thus providing a new tool for the study of drugs and treatments.Resumo IPEN-doc 30247 Desenvolvimento de esferóides de melanoma humano como modelo alternativo ao uso de animais de laboratório2023 - RODRIGUES, ALEX A.; SAMPAIO, MARLOS C.; SILVA, GIOVANA D. da; SANTOS, ESTHER C. dos; PRUDENTE, SULEYNA R.; LIMA, MAYELLE M.P.; VIEIRA, DANIEL P.Resumo IPEN-doc 29185 Análise histórica das atividades do biotério Nanci do Nascimento (IPEN)2022 - RODRIGUES, ALEX A.; CORTEZ, MARLOS; MASCARENHAS, NEIDE F.; REIS, ISMARIA S.; LIMA, MAYELLE M.P.; GODOI, ELIANA L.; VIEIRA, DANIEL P.Resumo IPEN-doc 28615 A simple and quick method to generate in vitro tridimensional tumor bodies from a human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF7) using magnetic aggregation technique2021 - LIMA, MAYELLE M.P.; NASCIMENTO, PAMELA F. do; NASCIMENTO, ANA C.G.; VIEIRA, DANIEL P.INTRODUCTION Tumor physiology studies have to rely on efficient and representative models, as animal-based or in vitro tridimensional cell constructs. The work used magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles produced by electron-beam induced chemical reduction to give cells the ability to form aggregates when submitted to a magnetic field, and thus to produce micro tumors in vitro. OBJECTIVES The work aimed to produce human breast adenocarcinoma mini tumors (BAMT's) in vitro. MATERIALS AND METHODS Paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (PION’s) were synthesized through electron-beam induced Fe3+ reduction and subsequent coprecipitation. Due to its poly-L-lysine coating, PION’s were adsorbed on cell membranes ofMCF7 (human breast adenocarcinoma). Cells were seeded in 24-well cell culture plates pre-treated overnight with Pluronic® F-127 to prevent cell adhesion and kept in culture conditions under magnetic fields for at least 6 days. BAMT's were differentially stained with Hoescht 33342 and ethidium bromide and imaged by wide-field fluorescence microscopy. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS BAMT's appeared as integer and well-defined cellular aggregates, with sparse dead cells stained by ethidium bromide. These structures can be further used for in vitro tumor studies, as BAMT’s are supposed to be more reliable models than monolayer cultures. Treatment of wells with poloxamer caused a mild to moderated cell-repellent effect, similar to those found in commercially available products, only by a fraction of the cost. CONCLUSION The experiments succesfully produced mini tumors prone to be used in in vitro studies.