Projetos de Pesquisa
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  • Artigo IPEN-doc 26228
    Radiological characterization of peloids maturated with Águas de Lindóia, Poços de Caldas and Peruíbe waters
    One of the concerns about using mineral clay for therapy treatments is its radioactivity content due to natural radionuclides, normally, associated with the clays. This work proposes to characterize the natural radionuclides of the peloids obtained by the maturation process of mixing bentonite and montmorillonite with different mineral medicinal waters from Águas de Lindóia (SP), Peruíbe (SP) and Poços de Caldas (MG). For this procedure, gray end green bentonite samples were left in contact with running water for three, six and nine months, after this, they were collected, dried, transferred to a mortar, crushed and placed in approximately 40 cm3 polyethylene flasks, sealed and set apart for about four weeks, prior to the measurements. The concentration of 210Pb was determined by measuring the activity of its low energy peak (47 keV). Comparing the gray and green bentonite peloids, all the activity concentration of radionuclides are higher in gray ones, except 40K. The activity concentration varied from 84 to 156 Bq kg−1 (228Ra), 25 to 156 Bq kg−1 (228Th), 9 to 161 Bq kg−1 (226Ra), 39 to 256 Bq kg−1 (210Pb) and 162 to 1070 Bq kg−1 (40K).
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 26167
    Determination of mineral elements and traces present in the fractions of the humic substances of Peruíbe Black Mud
    Peruíbe Black Mud (PBM) found in the city of Peruíbe in state of São Paulo, is known for its curative and anti-inflammatory properties. Considered as a material with high cation exchange capacity, microbiological analyzes revealed a large amount of sulfate reducing bacteria and high content of organic material from the biological-metabolic process. In order to provide data that may be useful to understand its therapeutic effects and secondly to certify its quality for use in medical treatments it is necessary to determine the presence of trace elements and minerals present in the different fractions of humic substances and, for this, the technique of neutron activation analysis (INAA) associated with gamma spectrometry was used. Results demonstrate that elements such as Cr and Zn may be concentrated in the humic fraction over the mineral fraction of the mud.
  • Tese IPEN-doc 24983
    Avaliação clínica em pacientes portadores de Osteoartrite, tratados com a Lama Negra de Peruíbe, caracterização química, radiológica e estabelecimento de protocolos de boas práticas para a obtenção e uso deste pelóide
    2018 - GOUVÊA, PAULO F. de M.
    Fangoterapia é o uso de fangos (lamas, lodos, limos e barros) com objetivo terapêutico, que embora amplamente utilizada em todo mundo, tem seus mecanismos de ação terapêuticos apenas parcialmente compreendidos, principalmente considerando as diferentes origens e composições dos materiais utilizados. Este estudo, inédito no Brasil, teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia do fango usado tradicionalmente e conhecido como Lama Negra de Peruíbe (LNP) em pacientes portadores de osteoartrite de joelho. Para esta avaliação foram observados 41 indivíduos, tratados com este fango por 15 semanas, sendo que 20 usaram o fango preparado de forma tradicional e 21 o mesmo fango, esterilizado por radiação gama. Admite-se que o efeito da fangoterapia esteja relacionado às características físico-químicas das lamas usadas e por este motivo foram realizadas caracterizações através das técnicas de fluorescência de raios X, análise por ativação neutrônica, espectrometria gama, análise elementar, cinética de resfriamento e potencial de redução. A avaliação do efeito terapêutico se deu por informações subjetivas através dos questionários WOMAC e SF-36 e por informações objetivas pelo uso de radiografias analisadas pela escala de Kellgren e Lawrence. Foi proposto um manual de boas práticas para a extração, preparo, armazenamento e uso deste pelóide. As características da LNP não divergem das da maioria dos fangos estudados, ressaltando que a concentração do enxofre foi maior do que em todas as encontradas. Quanto aos resultados clínicos e radiográficos, os integrantes dos dois grupos apresentaram resposta positiva e estatisticamente significativa sem diferença entre os grupos, indicando que o uso LNP foi efetivo no tratamento da OA e que o uso da radiação gama não alterou a resposta terapêutica.
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 24564
    Osteoarthritis clinical evaluation in patients treated with peruãbe black mud, chemical and radiological characterization and establishment of good practices protocols for the peloid obtainment and use
    2017 - GOUVEA, P.F.M.; SILVA, P.S.C.
    Mudtherapy is the use of peloide (sludge, saline slime and mud) for therapeutic purposes. Although widely used worldwide its therapeutic mechanisms are not fully understood, especially considering the different origins and compositions of the used materials. Several hypotheses have been raised in the attempt to clarify such mechanisms. Peruãbe Black Mud (PBM) has traditionally been used in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee, which is one of the pathologies of high prevalence and great impairment of the functional capacity of the patients, through applications of the peloid in its natural form. This study intends to verify the therapeutic efficacy of mud, after undergoing a process of decontamination and maturation in marine water, in patients with knee osteoarthritis, as well as to make a comparison between the therapeutic effects of the PBM matured and that sterilized by gamma radiation after maturation. Patients aged between 30 and 85 years, divided into two groups of 20 and 21, respectively, were followed up for a period of 15 weeks. The method of observation was the double blind. The evaluation was based on subjective information collected by the WOMAC and SF36 questionnaires as well as X-ray examinations. Simultaneously, analyzes of the chemical, radiological and microbiological composition of the PBM were carried out, aiming at a systematized knowledge of the characteristics of the peloid in relation to possible deleterious effects on human health. X-ray fluorescence, neutron activation analysis, gamma spectrometry, elemental analysis, cooling kinetics studies and reduction potential were used to perform these characterizations. The results obtained allow us to conclude that PBM presents high levels of Si and S and low levels of Ca, Mg and radioactive elements. None of the samples matured or irradiated after maturation showed contamination by total coliforms, thermally tolerant coliforms or staphyloccocus aureus. The results indicate that there was a decrease in WOMAC and SF36 questionnaire scores for patients who completed the treatment.
  • Resumo IPEN-doc 24545
    Chemical characterization of the clay deposit known as peruvian black mud
    2017 - ALVES, I.C.; GOUVEA, P.F.M.; SILVA, P.S.C.
    In Peruíbe city, state of São Paulo, the largest continuous natural deposit of clay in the world can be found, containing of a material popularly known as Peruíbe Black Mud (PBM). This deposit has 83 thousand tons with a depth of 75m, distributed in 5 hectares, making the municipality a tourist point. This sludge is characterized by large amounts of fine particles, high organic matter content, high sulfite reducing bacteria content and a consequent high ion reduction potential; it is used in psoriasis, peripheral dermatitis, acne and seborrhea treatments, as well as in myalgias, arthritis and non-rheumatic joint processes. Ten samples of the in natura mud were collected along the deposit, in depth ranging from 1 to 1.5m and also 6 samples that were matured with see water, with the objective of verifying the homogeneity of the chemical composition through the evaluation of its elemental content, for the physical-chemical characterization, measurements of pH, moisture, organic matter and loss on ignition were made. The elemental concentrations were determined by neutron activation analysis. In these measurements approximately 100mg of sample were irradiated together with certified reference materials, for a period of 8 hours under a neutron flux in the order of 1012 n cm􀀀2 s􀀀1. The activities were determined by gamma spectrometry using high-purity Ge detectors. Both, in natura and maturated samples presented similar coefficient of variation for most of the elements, with Ca, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, La, Th and U having a coefficient of variation lower than 30%, the elements As, Sm, Tb, Zn and Zr presented a coefficient of variation between 30 and 60% and the elements K, Nd, Sb, Se, Tb and Yb presented the highest coefficients of variation, above 60%.
  • Artigo IPEN-doc 21214
    Chemical and radiological characterization of Peruibe black mud