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Capítulo IPEN-doc 28718 Aplicações na área da saúde e meio ambiente desenvolvidas no LEER2022 - ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; METAIRON, SABRINA; GIOVANNI, DALTON N.S.; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. deO Laboratório de Espectroscopia e Espectrometria das Radiações (LEER) realiza pesquisas em Física Aplicada na área da saúde, nutrição, meio ambiente e correlatas utilizando técnicas nucleares e atômicas. As investigações são realizadas utilizando as técnicas de Espectroscopia e Espectrometria de raios gama, Ativação Neutrônica e Fluorescência de Raios-X. O LEER atua também na área de Ensino em Física, na implementação de métodos didáticos e na divulgação cientifica da física das radiações. Estas atividades envolvem estudantes de todos os níveis, de Iniciação Científica ao Doutorado, bem como Pós – doutorando e Cooperações de âmbito Nacional e Internacional com Instituições de referência (IF-USP, IBu, Unisa, UFF, Unifesp, HU-USP, Unicid, Unicamp, UNSL/San Luis-Argentina e Udelar/Montevideo-Uruguay). O programa de atividades estabelecido no LEER caracteriza-se pela interação entre as diferentes áreas da ciência que atuam no âmbito da saúde e meio ambiente, incluindo: Elaboração de propostas tecnológicas para a melhoria da qualidade vida de populações carentes e desprovidas de atendimento médico; Caracterização multielementar de novos medicamentos, vacinas e soros (antivenenos); Elaboração de propostas que possam suprimir/minimizar ou agregar melhorias no uso de modelos animais; Estudo das alterações ecológicas e os processos ambientalmente danosos relacionando-os ao ecossistema que incorporem as dimensões físicas, químicas e toxicológicas. Esses temas compõem monografias, dissertações e teses contribuindo para formação recursos.Capítulo IPEN-doc 28008 Análise de zinco em sangue de corredores de longa distancia2021 - SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; ALMEIDA, MATEUS R. de; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. deO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o zinco no sangue de atletas por metodologia de ativação de nêutrons. Os resultados mostraram deficiência de zinco para a maioria dos atletas. O estudo mostrou a eficácia da utilização desse procedimento analítico para sucessivas avaliações clínicas, durante o período de preparação das competições, fornecendo dados que auxiliam na elaboração de uma dieta balanceada, bem como contribuem para a proposição de novos protocolos de avaliação clínica.Artigo IPEN-doc 25904 Sodium analysis in sweeteners by neutron activation analyses technique2019 - MEDEIROS, I.M.M.A.; ZAMBONI, C.B.; GIOVANNI, D.N.S.; MEDEIROS, J.A.G.Evaluation of Sodium in sweeteners is important in nutritional investigations and for consumers: excessive sodium consumption is one of the major risk factors, responsible for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. In this study, twelve brands acquired in markets of São Paulo city were analysed by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analyses technique (INAA). The aim was to verify compliance with ANVISA recommendation in relation to sodium level. The results were compared with the amounts recommended and with the tolerable intake limit (< 0.4 g/kg). The sodium concentration in sweeteners samples showed low content for most of the brands. The results shown that for the general population, it is not risk.Artigo IPEN-doc 26266 Correlation analysis of inorganic elements in whole blood of GRMD dogs using INAA2019 - METAIRON, SABRINA; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; SILVA, DALTON G.N. daInstrumental neutron activation analysis technique (INAA) has been used to determine Br, Ca, Cl, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P and S concentrations in whole blood of GRMD dogs’ samples from control, carrier and affected dogs (treated and untreated). The GRMD dogs are relevant as an experimental model for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), which is the most severe and prevalent type of muscular dystrophy. Muscle weakness, premature death and instability of the membrane that involves the muscle fibers - causing functional/structural abnormalities and cell death - are main characteristics of this genetic disease. To show in more details the alterations that this disease may cause in whole blood, correlations matrixes were generated for control, carried and affected groups permitting a comparison between them. The results emphasize physiologic differences for K and Mg and suggest that Br results are altered, emphasizing a constant monitoring need. Other than that, these results may help the researchers to evaluate the efficiency of new treatments and to compare the advantages of different treatment approaches before performing tests in patients with muscular dystrophy.Artigo IPEN-doc 26475 Multielemental analyses of Lonomia obliqua (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) caterpillar using EDXRF and INAA techniques2019 - ZAMBONI, C.B.; GIOVANNI, D.N.S.; SALVADOR, V.L.R.; SATO, I.M.; MENDONÇA, R.Z.; WEN, F.H.; SIMONS, M.S.In this study, multielemental analysis of Lonomia obliqua (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) caterpillar was performed using energy dispersive X‐ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron activation analysis techniques. This caterpillar is poisonous and has the ability to cause fatal hemorrhagic effects in humans after contact. The need of this study is related to morphological changes (mainly size and color) observed in some caterpillars used for preparation of antilonomic serum (antivenom). The samples were classified as healthy (caterpillars of control) and unhealthy (caterpillars visibly modified). The XRF measurements were performed in an energy dispersive X‐ray fluorescence spectrometer and the instrumental neutron activation analysis using the IEAR1 nuclear reactor at IPEN. The results show significant differences for several elements (mainly, P, Cl, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Zn) in unhealthy caterpillars that can affect the development of this species as well as the quality and yield of the antivenom. Furthermore, its elemental characterization contributes for the understanding the potential pharmacological (procoagulant and antithrombotic) in the prevention of life‐threatening blood clots.Artigo IPEN-doc 26146 Investigation of elements in sweeteners by NAA analytic technique2019 - MEDEIROS, ILCA M.M.A.; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; GIOVANNI, DALTON N.S.; MEDEIROS, JOSÉ A.G. deIn this study, brands of sweeteners (aspartame and sucralose) marketed in Brazil were investigated by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). The measurements were performed using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN - CNEN/SP. The elements Cl and Na were identified in all samples. The Na concentration in sweeteners samples showed low content for most of the brands (0.013 –3.81 g kg-1), while Cl had high concentration variation (0.04 – 11.10 g kg-1). These data provide knowledge regarding nutritional aspect and toxicity derived from sweetener consumption.Artigo IPEN-doc 26145 Progress and trends for radiation applications in clinical practice2019 - ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; METAIRON, SABRINA; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. de; SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; TASSO, ORION G.In this study, we intend to optimize the use of equipment based on the X-Ray Fluorescence technology to perform ions dosage in body fluids. This procedure can be an efficient alternative for clinical diagnosis, mainly in underserved regions of Brazil with the deficit of medical care in the hospitals. In addition, this procedure has potential use when the biological material is scarce, case of the pediatric practice in newborns and premature infants (blood collection is the main cause of transfusions) as well as in Hemodialysis units which requires several biochemical tests (before and after dialysis).Resumo IPEN-doc 21414 NAA application for multi-elemental analysis of Lonomia obliqua (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) caterpillar2015 - SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; WEN, FAN H.; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. de; MENDONCA, RONALDO Z.; SIMONS, SIMONE M.