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Resumo IPEN-doc 29784 Ions and metal dosage in human health2022 - ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; METAIRON, SABRINA; GIOVANNI, DALTON N.S.; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. de; AZEVEDO, MARIA R.Capítulo IPEN-doc 28718 Aplicações na área da saúde e meio ambiente desenvolvidas no LEER2022 - ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; METAIRON, SABRINA; GIOVANNI, DALTON N.S.; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. deO Laboratório de Espectroscopia e Espectrometria das Radiações (LEER) realiza pesquisas em Física Aplicada na área da saúde, nutrição, meio ambiente e correlatas utilizando técnicas nucleares e atômicas. As investigações são realizadas utilizando as técnicas de Espectroscopia e Espectrometria de raios gama, Ativação Neutrônica e Fluorescência de Raios-X. O LEER atua também na área de Ensino em Física, na implementação de métodos didáticos e na divulgação cientifica da física das radiações. Estas atividades envolvem estudantes de todos os níveis, de Iniciação Científica ao Doutorado, bem como Pós – doutorando e Cooperações de âmbito Nacional e Internacional com Instituições de referência (IF-USP, IBu, Unisa, UFF, Unifesp, HU-USP, Unicid, Unicamp, UNSL/San Luis-Argentina e Udelar/Montevideo-Uruguay). O programa de atividades estabelecido no LEER caracteriza-se pela interação entre as diferentes áreas da ciência que atuam no âmbito da saúde e meio ambiente, incluindo: Elaboração de propostas tecnológicas para a melhoria da qualidade vida de populações carentes e desprovidas de atendimento médico; Caracterização multielementar de novos medicamentos, vacinas e soros (antivenenos); Elaboração de propostas que possam suprimir/minimizar ou agregar melhorias no uso de modelos animais; Estudo das alterações ecológicas e os processos ambientalmente danosos relacionando-os ao ecossistema que incorporem as dimensões físicas, químicas e toxicológicas. Esses temas compõem monografias, dissertações e teses contribuindo para formação recursos.Artigo IPEN-doc 25900 Ions concentration in blood samples of SJL/J dystrophic mice strains using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry2019 - GIOVANNI, D.N.S.; ALMEIDA, M.R.; ZAMBONI, C.B.; METAIRON, S.; BALDUINO, K.N.; SUZUKI, M.F.; BUENO JUNIOR, C.R.Star This study proposes an investigation of ions in whole blood of the dystrophic animal model SJL/J (mice strain with dysferlin protein deficiency) and in the control group (C57BL/6J) using the Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometry technique. The comparison between control and dystrophic mice results shown an increase in blood for P, S, K and Fe (p < 0.05) while a decrease in Ca (p < 0.05). This elemental analysis will contribute to evaluate the best diagnostic, care and treatment procedures, for the Progressive Muscular Dystrophy.Artigo IPEN-doc 26305 Uso de mini-espectrômetro de fluorescência de raios-x como alternativa para prática clínica de dialisados2019 - SOUZA, CATARINA S.; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; METAIRON, SABRINAO objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a performance da técnica de Fluorescência de Raios-X por Dispersão de Energia (FRX-DE) para análise de íons, de relevância clínica (Ca, Cl, K, Fe), em sangue total de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) submetidos a tratamento dialítico. Com os dados do presente foi possível elaborar uma discussão sobre as vantagens e limitações do uso deste procedimento para a realização desses exames bioquímicos em Centros de Hemólise. Durante a investigação as concentrações obtidas para Ca, Cl, K e Fe levaram a resultados que corroboram com o quadro clínico obtido pelas análises convencionais.Artigo IPEN-doc 26266 Correlation analysis of inorganic elements in whole blood of GRMD dogs using INAA2019 - METAIRON, SABRINA; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; SILVA, DALTON G.N. daInstrumental neutron activation analysis technique (INAA) has been used to determine Br, Ca, Cl, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P and S concentrations in whole blood of GRMD dogs’ samples from control, carrier and affected dogs (treated and untreated). The GRMD dogs are relevant as an experimental model for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), which is the most severe and prevalent type of muscular dystrophy. Muscle weakness, premature death and instability of the membrane that involves the muscle fibers - causing functional/structural abnormalities and cell death - are main characteristics of this genetic disease. To show in more details the alterations that this disease may cause in whole blood, correlations matrixes were generated for control, carried and affected groups permitting a comparison between them. The results emphasize physiologic differences for K and Mg and suggest that Br results are altered, emphasizing a constant monitoring need. Other than that, these results may help the researchers to evaluate the efficiency of new treatments and to compare the advantages of different treatment approaches before performing tests in patients with muscular dystrophy.Artigo IPEN-doc 26145 Progress and trends for radiation applications in clinical practice2019 - ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; METAIRON, SABRINA; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. de; SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; TASSO, ORION G.In this study, we intend to optimize the use of equipment based on the X-Ray Fluorescence technology to perform ions dosage in body fluids. This procedure can be an efficient alternative for clinical diagnosis, mainly in underserved regions of Brazil with the deficit of medical care in the hospitals. In addition, this procedure has potential use when the biological material is scarce, case of the pediatric practice in newborns and premature infants (blood collection is the main cause of transfusions) as well as in Hemodialysis units which requires several biochemical tests (before and after dialysis).Artigo IPEN-doc 24352 Iron determination in whole blood samples of dystrophic mouse strains using X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry2017 - METAIRON, SABRINA; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; GIOVANNI, DALTON N. da S.; SUZUKI, MIRIAM F.; BUENO JUNIOR, CARLOS R.; RIZZUTTO, MARCIA de A.Several diseases can be monitored by assessing the variation of specific ion concentration in body fluids. This study proposes an alternative analysis, based on the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry technique, for the investigation of iron (Fe concentration determination) in whole blood of the dystrophic animal models. We performed blood analyses from three different strains with Muscular Dystrophy (Dmdmdx/ J, SJL/J and A/J) and from healthy (C57BL/6J) mice strain adopted as the control group. The results emphasize that iron levels in whole blood male samples of SJL/J and A/J are significantly higher. Related to the gender for Dmdmdx/J and SJL/J mouse strains the comparison emphasizes that iron level increase for males. The study of Fe behavior in whole blood mice samples with muscular dystrophy contributes to its diagnosis, providing a better understanding of this disease.Resumo IPEN-doc 23901 Iron determination in whole blood samples of dystrophic mice strains using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry2017 - SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; METAIRON, SABRINA; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; SUZUKI, MIRIAM F.; BUENO JUNIOR, CARLOS R.; RIZZUTTO, MARCIA de A.The use of alternative analytical techniques to investigate specific electrolytes in body fluids has increased in past years with the goal of adding advantages and simplifications, compared to the procedures used in conventional clinical practice. Specifically, in this study, a portable X-ray spectrometer (PXRFS) from Amptek (model X-123 SDD) with Ag X-ray mini-tube has been employed for the whole blood iron measurements in mice species with Muscular Dystrophy (Dmdmdx/J, SJL/J and A/J). The term whole blood refers to solid (cells) and liquid (plasma) components in blood. Usually the conventional procedures for clinical tests are performed in serum using samples of 0.5 to 1.0 mL. However, when the biological material is scarce (case of small size animal model, i.e. mice), the possibility to use whole blood became a fascinating alternative for clinical practice: the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDFRX) analyses, using PXRFS, can be done using 50 μL (the total body blood in mice is around 1.0 mL). In this study, we investigated whole blood samples of dystrophic mice strains, a genetic disease that cannot be reversed. In this investigation, twenty samples were investigated. The blood samples were obtained from Jackson Laboratory (Maine, USA) and further inbred at IPEN. The whole blood was collected by the retro–orbital venous plexus and immediately transferred to filter paper (Whatman n41), prior to its coagulation. No anticoagulants or reagents have been used to prevent interference on the results. This procedure simplify the preparation and conservation of biological samples: it is not a destructive procedure and the sample does not need refrigeration. The collection was performing according to the rules approved by Animal Research Ethics Committee (087/99). A comparative study between EDXFX and INAA (Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis) data was also carried out and the results are in good agreement. This alternative procedure was capable, in a few minutes, to determine whole blood Fe concentrations higher than 6.5 mgL-1, without chemical digestion using direct and non-destructive analysis. The study of Fe behavior in whole blood samples of mice with muscular dystrophy contributes to its diagnosis.Resumo IPEN-doc 23849 Determination of iron supplementation in food fortification using X-RAY fluorescence technique (EDFRX)2016 - SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; METAIRON, SABRINA; ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; OLIVEIRA, ELAINE C. da R.; DAMASCENO, TATIANE N. da S.Anemia in Brazil is a public health problem due to iron-deficiency. In the last decade, according to National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) several strategies have been adopted for preventing iron deficiency in the Brazilian population, such as, the food fortification. However, this dysfunction is still a public health problem: the prevalence among children under 5 years’ old and pregnant women is in a range of 20-40 %. Recent studies have shown that Fe supplementation still inappropriately used: many foods fortified with iron does not reach the minimum amount or exceed the recommended limit. Among the foods highly consumed by the Brazilian population, wheat flour is a target of nutritional interest (fortified food with Fe). The application of a fast and precise methodology to iron evaluation becomes necessary. In this research various brands commercially available were evaluated using X-ray fluorescence technique (EDFRX). The results obtained show that in some cases it is in disagreement with the established limits.Resumo IPEN-doc 23852 Quali-quantitative analysis of specific elements using mini-XRF spectrometer2016 - ZAMBONI, CIBELE B.; SILVA, DALTON G.N. da; METAIRON, SABRINA; MORGADO, RAFAEL S.; MOREIRA, DAVISON de M.; MEDEIROS, JOSE A.G. deThe use of alternative analytical techniques to investigate specific elements in body fluids has increase in last year’s presenting significant progress in clinical chemistry. Recently, the Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence technique (EDXRF) using the Fundamental Parameters method showed to be adequate for the determination of several elements in biological samples (serum and blood) using the SHIMADZU Co. EDXRF spectrometer, Rayny 720 model, at IPEN/CNEN-SP. This motivated us to check the performance of the Mini-XRF spectrometer (X-123SDD, Amptek) consisting of an Ag X-ray tube associated with a Si Drift detector (25 mm2 x 500 μm) with Be window (12.5 μm) for this clinical finality. Some specific elements (Ca, Cl and Fe) were investigated using standard solutions. The calibration curves, the elemental sensitivity values as well as the detection and qualification limits were obtained. The results emphases that this spectrometer is very promising for this finality offering a new procedure for clinical practices.