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Resumo IPEN-doc 27010 Tandem KAP meters calibration parameters by Monte Carlo Simulation using reference RQR radiation qualities2016 - POTIENS JUNIOR, ADEMAR; COSTA, NATHALIA; CORREA, EDUARDO; SANTOS, LUCAS; VIVOLO, VITOR; POTIENS, MARIA da P.The Kerma-area product quantity can be obtained by measurements carried out with a kerma-area product meter (KAP) with a plane-parallel transmission ionization chamber mounted on the X ray system. It is the integral of the air kerma over the area of the X ray beam in a plane perpendicular to the beam axis. This quantity has been important to establish the diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) all over the word. In this work the MCNP5 code was used to calculate the imparted energy in the air cavity of KAP meter and the spatial distribution of the air collision kerma in entrance plan of the KAP meter. From these data, the air kerma-area product (KAP) and the calibration coefficient for the KAP meter were calculated and compared with those obtained experimentally. The X-ray tube was easily modelled as well the complete tandem calibration set up was possible. The spectra of the diagnostic radiology RQR reference qualities measured were used as a source definition in the input card for the Monte Carlo simulation. The clinical KAP meter calibration coefficients were obtained experimentally and by Monte Carlo simulation. The differences between those values were about 2%, except for RQR 10 (5.45%). The uncertainties in Monte Carlo simulation were less than 0.5% in all cases and the FOM (Figure of Merit) was constant for a number of histories of 1 million.Artigo IPEN-doc 24418 Filtration influence in a constant potential X-ray machine peak voltage measurements2017 - SANTOS, L.R.; VIVOLO, V.; NAVARRO, M.V.T.; XAVIER, M.; POTIENS, M.P.A.This work shows the peak voltage measurements for several beam filtrations used in diagnostic radiology, using two types of non-invasive detectors; a voltage meter and a high-resolution spectrometer. The technique chosen for the voltage peak measurements with the spectrometer was the endpoint. The results were compared to the measured ones and showed good similarity to the nominal values. However the voltage meter detector used in this work pre-sented errors for heavier filtrations.Artigo IPEN-doc 23585 Mammography calibration qualities establishment in a Mo-Mo clinical system2016 - CORREA, E.L.; SANTOS, L.R. dos; VIVOLO, V.; POTIENS, M.P.A.In this study the mammography calibration qualities were established in a clinical mammography system. The objective is to provide the IPEN instruments calibration laboratory with both mammography calibration methods (using a clinical and an industrial system). The results showed a good behavior of mammography equipment, in terms of kVp, PPV and exposure time. The additional filtration of molybdenum is adequate, air-kerma rates were determined and spectra were obtained.Artigo IPEN-doc 22367 Comparison of a KAP meter and a PDC behaviour using mathematical simulation in reference diagnostic radiology qualities2014 - POTIENS JUNIOR, A.J.; COSTA, N.A.; SANTOS, L.R.; CORREA, E.L.; VIVOLO, V.; POTIENS, M.P.A.Artigo IPEN-doc 21690 Mammography calibration qualities establishment in a Mo-Mo clinical system2015 - CORREA, E.L.; SANTOS, L.R. dos; VIVOLO, V.; POTIENS, M.P.A.