EPR response of yttria micro rods activated by europium

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Journal of Alloys and Compounds
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Rare earth (RE) materials present excellent properties, which importance is recognized worldwide. Innovation approaches in energy, medicine, communication, transportation, militarism, and radiation dosimetry consist in RE based materials. As yttrium oxide (Y2O3) exhibits intrinsic lattice characteristics that enable doping with others RE elements (Y2O3:RE), new materials with promising characteristics can be developed. This work aims to evaluate EPR response of europium-yttria (Y2O3:Eu) rods obtained by bio-prototyping. Ceramic rods containing up to 10 at.%Eu were irradiated with gamma doses from 0.001 to 150 kGy and evaluated by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) at room temperature with X-band EPR. Based on results, Y2O3:Eu rods with 2 at.%Eu exhibited the most significant response, in which linear behavior arose from 0.001 up to 50 kGy. Fading and thermal annealing evaluations revealed that 2 at%.Eu improved dosimetric characteristics of yttria remarkably. These innovative findings afford that Y2O3:Eu is a promising material for radiation dosimetry.

Como referenciar
SANTOS, S.C.; RODRIGUES JUNIOR, O.; CAMPOS, L.L. EPR response of yttria micro rods activated by europium. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 764, p. 136-141, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.06.063. Disponível em: http://repositorio.ipen.br/handle/123456789/29343. Acesso em: 20 Mar 2025.
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