New methodology for binding Iodine-125 onto silver for brachytherapy sources manufacture

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Medical Physics
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Purpose: Cancer is a major health care problem in Brazil and the world. The Brazil’s National Institute for Cancer estimates around 60,000 new prostate cancer cases for 2017. We are assembling a laboratory for production of iodine-125 sources used in prostate brachytherapy in Brazil, since the imported treatment is extremely expensive, thus only available in the private healthcare sector. There are several challenges when developing a laboratory to produce radioactive sources. From choosing a prototype to radiation safety, the task is enormous. The whole production line is full of new process and innovations. Among those, a new chemical reaction that deposit iodine-125 onto silver (core) was developed. This paper presents a new reaction for binding iodine-125 into a silver core. The fixation percentage was calculated by measuring the activity in an ionization chamber. This methodology will be implemented at the iodine-125 sources manufacture laboratory. Methods: Silver cores are washed with an etching solution (100% sulfuric acid) for 5 minutes with sonication. The cores were then placed in sodium sulfate for at least 3 days. They went from a silver matte to a black color. The reaction was allowed to proceed overnight. Each core was individually measured. Results: The yield was 69.2% 7.1%. Considering the silver attenuation is around 20% the results were consider satisfactory. Conclusion: By maximize the reaction yield, we will be able to generate a less costly product that will be available through our public healthcare.

Como referenciar
SOUZA, C.D. de; ROSTELATO, M.C.M.; CARDOSO, R.M.; ARAKI, K.; MOURA, J. New methodology for binding Iodine-125 onto silver for brachytherapy sources manufacture. Medical Physics, v. 44, n. 6, p. 2828-2828, 2017. DOI: 10.1002/mp.12304. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 Mar 2025.
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